9. data declaration 数据声明 10. SQL 结构化查询语言
11. 可执行程序 executable program 12. 程序模块 program module 13. 条件语句 conditional statement 14. 赋值语句 assignment statement 15. 逻辑语言 logic language 16. 机器语言 machine language 17. 函数式语言 functional language
18. 程序设计语言 programming language 19. 运行计算机程序 run a computer program 20. 计算机程序员 computer programmer
III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:
A programming language is a language used to write instructions for the computer. It lets the programmer express data processing in a symbolic manner without regard to machine-specific details.
The difficulty of writing programs in the machine language of 0s and 1s led first to the
development of assembly language, which allows programmers to use mnemonics (助记符) for instructions and symbols for variables. Such programs are then translated by a program known as an assembler into the binary encoding used by the computer. Other pieces of system software known as linking loaders (连接装入程序) combine pieces of assembled code and load them into the machine’s main memory unit, where they are then ready for execution. The concept of linking separate pieces of code was important, since it allowed “libraries” of programs to be built up to carry out common tasks—a first step toward the increasingly emphasized notion of software reuse. Assembly language was found to be sufficiently inconvenient that higher-level languages (closer to natural languages) were invented in the 1950s for easier, faster programming; along with them came the need for compilers, programs that translate high-level language programs into machine code. As programming languages became more powerful and abstract, building efficient com