M3 Unit3 Back to the past Reading ( 3)


年级 组别 主备人 课 题 课标 要求 高一英语备课组 审阅 (备课组长) (学科校长) 审阅 使用人 M3 Unit3 Reading ( 3) 第 32 课时 掌握本节课所学语言点并能熟练运用 授课时间 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 知识与能力 1. Enable the students to master the main language points freely. 2. Enable the students to apply the language points into practical exercises. 3. Enable the students to understand the article better. Self-study, comparative analytical method, inductive method and cooperative learning are adopted in teaching process. To improve students’ ability to work in groups and to learn the language points on their own. 过程与方法 情感、态度与价值观 教学 重点 教学 难点 教学 方法 1 Enable the students to master the main language points freely. 2 Enable the students to master the useful phrases and words. Enable the students to apply the language points into practical exercises. Self-study, cooperative study, inductive method and comparative analytical method 教学程序设计 教 学 过 程 及 方 法

环节一 明标自学 过程设计 Teaching objectives: 1. Enable the students to master the main language points freely. 2. Enable the students to apply the language points into practical exercises. 3. Enable the students to understand the article better. Step 1 Expressions and phrases Self-study guidance 1 Refer to the English book and find out the following useful expressions. 1

二次备课 1. 原来是 2. 没能做… 3.逃离这座城市 4. 烧化,毁坏 5. 逼真的 6. 繁华的 7. 一个停靠点,歇脚点 8. 丝绸之路 9. 东西方 10. 盖住某物 11.文化研究所 12. 楼兰王国废墟 13. 建筑物遗迹 14. 在沙子下面 15. 又, 连同 16. 发现这废墟非常有趣 17. 流经,贯穿 18. 砍到 19. 导致 Step 2 Key words & Phrases Self-study guidance 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese and refer to the English paper or dictionary then notice the usage of the underlined words. 1. saw several houses which were decorated with wall painting. 2. It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, …completely broke down and disappeared. 3. It’s hard to imagine how this peaceful volcano destroyed the whole city. 4. We found the ruins most interesting. 5. It’s believed to have been gradually covered over by sandstorm 6. Sven found the remains of …together with a lot of treasures, including coins, painted pots. 环节二 合作释疑 环节三 点拨拓展 教 (备注:合作释疑和点拨拓展可以按照顺序先后进行,也可以根据教学设计交叉进行设计) 过程设计 学 Step 3: Cooperation and discussion 1. I saw several houses which were decorated with wall painting. decorate v. 装饰,装潢,授予 decorate A with sth. 用某物装饰A decorate A for sth. 为某事装饰A decorate sb. for sth. 因…而授予奖章 They decorated the room with flowers and balloons for her birthday party. 为了她的生日聚会, 他们用花和气球装饰了房间。 Several soldiers were decorated for bravery. 几名士兵因英勇而受奖章。 单词积累 decoration n. 装饰,装饰品 decorative adj. 装饰性的 decorator n. 装潢工人,油漆匠 2. It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, …completely broke down and disappeared. 2

过 程 二次备课 及 方 法

句法分析: it 是____, that引导的是_____. After引导的是___, 这中又包含who 引导的____, 修饰people. Leaving empty spaces in the ash充当_____. turn out 1. 结果是,证明是 turn out to be adj. / n. turn out that … 1) The party turned out to be successful. 2) The party turned to be a success. 3) It turns out that she had known him when they were children. 2. 进行 How did your party turn out? 3. 生产,制造 The publishing house is ready to turn out a new book. break down 打破,毁掉,垮掉,失败,出故障 1. Break down a door . 2. She broke down completely and had to stay in hospital. 3. Talks with business leaders broke down last night. 4. Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road. 链接: break up 分手,拆开,破裂,解散 break away 逃跑,挣脱,脱离,决裂 break out 突然发生,爆发,逃出,越狱 break in 闯入,插嘴, 破门而入 break off 突然停止, 终止,绝交,断开 3. It’s hard to imagine how this peaceful volcano destroyed the whole city. 句法分析:it 是_______, 真正的主语是____,how引导的是_____. destroy vt. 毁灭,破坏 Their traditional way of life has been destroyed. 单词积累: destruction n. 破坏 destroyer n. 破坏者 destructive adj. 毁灭性的,造成破坏的 4. We found the ruins most interesting. ruin The old mill is now little more than a ruin. Cn. 废墟, 残垣断壁 A large number of churches fell into ruin after the revolution. Un. 毁坏,破坏 The divorce led to his ruin. Un. 破产,一无所有,失去工作(地位等) 短语: be in ruins 成为废墟 bring… to ruin 使…毁灭,使…没落 ruin vt.破坏,毁灭,使破产(或失去地位等), The bad weather ruined our trip. 恶劣天气破坏了我们的旅行。


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