
好好想想!努力想! What attacked you? 是什么攻击了你? -Vicki: A vampire. 一个吸血鬼。

-Damon: Who did this to you? 是谁做的?

-Vicki: You did! 是你!

-Damon: Wrong! 错!

It was Stefan. 是Stefan! -Stefan: Don't. 胡说!

-Damon: Come here. 你过来!

Stefan Salvatore did this to you. 是Stefan Salvatore干的!

-Vicki: Stefan Salvatore did this to me. Stefan Salvatore袭击了我! He's a vampire. 他是一个吸血鬼。

A vicious, murderous monster.

vicious: 恶毒的 murderous: 杀人的 monster: 怪兽 一个凶恶的,危险的怪物!

-Stefan: Please, Damon. Please don't do this. 求你 Damon 求你别这么做!

-Damon: If you couldn't fix it before, fix: 使固定


I don't know what you can do now. 我看你现在怎么办? Your choice of lifestyle lifestyle: 生活方式 你选择的生活方式, has made you weak. 让你变得弱小!

A couple of vampire parlor tricks parlor tricks: 社交才能 那些吸血鬼的商店

is nothing compared to the power that you could have, compare: 与相比

根本没法和你本身拥有的力量相比! that you now need. 也是你需要的!

But you can change that. 但是你可以改变现状!

Human blood gives you that.

人类的血液可以给你那样的力量! -Vicki: No! 不!

-Damon: You have two choices. 你有两个选择!

You can feed and make her forget. 你可以吸血,让她忘记现在的一切!

Or you can let her run, screaming \或者你可以让她逃走 惊叫着 \吸血鬼\穿过城市的广场 -Stefan: That's what this is about? 这就是你的目的?

You want to expose me? expose: 揭发


-Damon: No! I want you to remember who you are! 不! 我想让你记住你是谁!

-Stefan: Why? So what, so I'll feed?

为什么? 那又怎么样?这样我就可以吸血了? So I'll kill?


So I'll remember what it's like to be brothers again? 这样我就可以记住重拾兄弟情谊的美好了? You know what, let her go. 你知道吗?让她走吧!

Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to mystic falls. 让她告诉所有人神秘的吸血鬼重归了! Let them chain me up, chain: 束缚


and let them drive a stake through my heart, stake: 棍子

让他们削尖木桩刺中我的心脏! because at least I'll be free of you. be free of: 远离

因为这样至少我可以摆脱你! -Damon: Come here, sweetheart. 过来!亲爱的! -Vicki: No! 不!

-Damon: It's ok. 没事!

-Vicki: What happened? 发生什么事了? Where am I? 我在哪儿?

Oh, I ripped my stitches open. stitches: 锋线

我把伤口线挣裂开了! -Stefan: You ok? 你还好吗?

-Vicki: I took some pills, man. 我嗑药了!朋友! I'm good. 我没事!

-Damon: It's good to be home.


Think I might stay a while. 我想我会待一段时间!

This town could use a bit of a wake-up call, don't you think? 这座小镇真是让人有点兴奋,你不觉得吗? -Stefan: What are you up to, Damon? 你要干什么去,Damon?

-Damon: That's for me to know and for you to... dot dot dot. dot: 点点点

我要考虑以一下这个问题,而你... Give Elena my best. 替我给Elena问好!

-Matt: She said you found her wandering around. wandering: 闲逛

她说你发现她在周围游荡! -Stefan: Yeah. 是的!

-Matt: So, um, 那么!嗯! thanks. 谢谢!

-Caroline: Uhh, it's just so much drama. drama: 戏剧性的 呃!这也忒凑巧了!

Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores? whores: 卖淫

从没注意到瘾君子还还这么体贴? Yeah. 是的!

-Stefan: Excuse me. Hi. 打扰了!嗨! -Bonnie: Hi. 嗨!

-Stefan: Um, have you guys seen Elena? 嗯,你们看见Elena了吗? -Bonnie: I think she went home. 我想她应该回家了!

I'm going to give you Elena's cell number and her email. 我给你Elena的手机号码和邮箱地址! She is big on texting, 她很喜欢发短信! and you can tell her... 你可以告诉她... I said so. 是我说的。

-Stefan: Thank you. 谢谢! You ok? 你没事吧?

-Bonnie: What happened to you? 你怎么了? That's so rude.

rude: 无礼的 那太不礼貌了!

I'm sorry. Excuse me. 对不起!请原谅!

-Caroline: Yeah, she kind of wigs out. wig out: 激动

是的!她有点激动! It's like her thing. 她的风格吧! -Elena: Jer? Jer?

No, it's me, the hypocrite patrol. hypocrite: 伪善 patrol: 巡逻 不!是我!疯婆子。 What are you doing? 你在干什么?

-Jenna: I've become my worst nightmare. nightmare: 噩梦

我已经成了自己最大的噩梦。 The authority figure

authority figure: 权威人物 专家指出,

Who has to violate a 15-year-old's privacy? violate: 侵犯 privacy: 隐私

谁要去侵犯一个15岁孩子的隐私呢? Jackpot.

jackpot: 头奖 中头奖了。

I see the hiding places haven't gotten any more creative. 我发现这些藏匿地点一点创意都没有! -Elena: What brought this on? 干嘛要这样?

-Jenna: Your ass-hat of a history teacher shamed me good yesterday. shame: 羞辱

昨天你那个狗屁历史老师好好把我羞辱了一番! -Elena: You got Tannered. Been there. Tanner就是这样!我也经历过!

Discover the impossible, Ms. Summers. got it. 你会发现Summers小姐做不到。

Thanks. Like I didn't know I was screwing up. screw up: 弄糟

谢谢!好像我不知道自己有多差劲一样! -Elena: You're not screwing up, Aunt Jenna. 你一点都不差劲,Jenna阿姨。 -Jenna: Yes, I am. You know why? 是!我是很差!你知道为什么吗? Because I'm not her. 因为我不是她!

She made everything look so easy. 她把所有的事情都看的那么简单!

You know, high school, marriage, having you. 你知道吗?高中生活,婚姻,生下你!

I can't do it. 我不能那么做!

I'm going to say or do the wrong thing, 我会说错话,做错事!

And he's going to get worse, and it's going to be my fault. fault: 错误

而他更糟糕,这就会成为我的错! It's impossible. 不可能!

-Elena: This is just the fear talking. 你只是因为害怕才这么说! fear: 害怕

You're a little scared, that's all. scared: 惊吓

总之,你受到点惊吓! We all are. 我们都是!

-Elena: I have to go do something. 我要去办点事情!

But are you going to be ok? 但是你还好吗?

-Damon: Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. 抱歉!不是故意要吓你! No, it's fine. 不!没事!

Um... I was hoping I'd see you again. 嗯... 我希望能再见到你! -Damon: I know. 我知道!

-Caroline: Cocky much? cocky: 自大的 很自信?

-Damon: very much. 非常自信!

-Stefan: would you like to come in? 你想进来吗?

-Elena: the comet's actually this way. 其实从这里可以看到彗星! Sorry for barging in. barge in: 闯入

抱歉,冒失的来了! Especially after earlier.


-Stefan: No, no. I'm glad you're here. 不!不!我很高兴你能来!

The way we left things... I didn't like it. 我们不了了之,我不喜欢那样! -Elena: See, the thing is, 应该这样!

I got home tonight planning on doing what I always do, 我回家做自己往常在做的事。 Write in my diary,

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