六年级下册英语教案-Unit8 Our dreams Checkout time |译林版(三起)

英语(六年级下册) Unit 8 My dreams Checkout time

Teaching contents 教学内容 Checkout time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 能正确完成Checkout time中的练习。

2. 对照Ticking time的三个目标客观地进行自我评价。 3. 能复习并巩固本单元所学的单词和句型。 4. 能用丰富的语言谈论梦想。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 能正确完成Checkout time中的练习。

2. 对照Ticking time的三个目标客观地进行自我评价。

3. 能用丰富的语言谈论梦想。 教学难点:能用丰富的语言谈论梦想。

Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Let’s review

T: Today we will continue to learn Unit 8 Our dreams. Do you know the names about jobs well? S: Yes.

T: Now let me check your learning about jobs. Task 1: Read and write. (Ss read and write.)

1. They clean the streets for us. ________ 2. They grow vegetables and rice for us. ________ 3. They are good at playing football. ________ 4. They help people put out a fire. ________ 5. They draw beautiful pictures. ________ 6. They drive us to places we want. ________ 7. They are great. They work in the lab (实验室). ________ 8. They are good at playing the piano. _________ 9. They wear special clothes and fly to the moon. _________

T: Now let’s check our answers. S1/2: …

T: Good job. Now how about your listening? Task 2: Listen and choose. (Ss listen and finish the exercise at Page 86.)

【设计意图:通过设计写的任务,既检测了学生关于职业的理解度,又检测了学生写的能力,通过阅读完成,又给学生提供了更多的阅读素材。而课文Checkout time的第一个内容又很好地检测了学生听的能力。】

Step 2 Review the Cartoon

T: Do you remember Bobby’s and his friends’ dreams? S: Yes.

T: Please choose one and tell us. S1: …

T: Good telling. Who else? S2/3/4: …

T: Well done! You remember the story well. T: What do you think of Bobby and his friends? S1: I think, all of them study hard. T: Why?

S1: They have plans to make their dreams come true. T: Yes, I think so. What else? …


Step 3 Writing

T: Bobby and his friends have plans to make their dreams come true. Last lesson we also talked about our plans. Who will show us your writing at Page 87? (S1 reads his or her writing.)

T: How about his dream and his plans? S1/2: …

T: Who else wants to show your writing? S1/2: …

T: Boys and girls. Do you still remember Miss Li and her students? S: Yes. We do.

T: What do you know about them?

S1: I know Mike wants to be a dentist, because he wants to help children with their teeth.

T: Yes. You remembered well. What else? S1/2/3: …

T: Great. All of you know Miss Li and her students well. Here’s a passage from one of them. Please read and tell us whose passage it is. S1: It’s Nancy’s. T: Do you think so? S: Yes.

(PPT shows Nancy’s composition.)

T: Please read Nancy’s composition and find out the words and patterns you like. S1/2/3: …

T: Good ideas. It’s your turn to write your composition. How to write it better? S1/2/3: …

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