16春西南交《大学英语》在线作业一 答案


A. with B. at C. in D. on


28. ______ yourself in other’s shoes, then you will never do the wrong thing. A. Set B. Make C. Take D. Put

正确答案:D 29. Their cold-blooded killers dragged their ______ bodies upstairs to the bathroom. A. selfless B. lifeless C. helpless D. hopeless 正确答案:B

30. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn’t always ____________ much to do. A. such B. that C. more D. very 正确答案:A

31. We are masters of our own ____________. A. destiny B. destined C. destination D. determination 正确答案:A

32. Though quick-tempered, he is a good man, ______. A. in no way B. in the way C. in this way D. in some way 正确答案:D

33. –What about going shopping together? – _________________ A. It sounds good. B. I prefer go alone. C. I am occupied. D. I have no time. 正确答案:A

34. We’d better focus on the program that caters ______ the needs of children.


A. on B. with C. for D. in


35. –I can’t sleep well recently. – _________________ A. Me, too.

B. You work too hard.

C. Why don’t you talk to your doctor? D. Why bother? 正确答案:C

36. Why! I have nothing to confess. ____________ you want me to say? A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that 正确答案:A

37. – Will they go for a picnic today? – _________________ A. Yes, perfectly. B. Yes, it is.

C. Well, it depends. D. Not at all. 正确答案:C

38. ____________ the way we had come, we could see the whole valley spread out behind us.

A. Looking back

B. Having looked back C. To look back

D. Being looked back 正确答案:A

39. We always ______ all sorts of warning signals about our health, leaving regrets in the end. A. overlooked B. overtook C. overacted

D. overemphasized 正确答案:A

40. The children like most his ______ way of writing. A. descriptive B. describing C. describe D. described 正确答案:A


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