
Chapter 3

Three Major Processes of Word-formation (55 %) 1. Compounding or composition (about 27 %): space craft; job-finding 2. Derivation or affixation (about 17.5 %): ex-wife; greenish 3. Conversion (about 10.5 %): bus (v.); buy (n.),

Eight Minor Processes of Word-formation (26.5 %) 1. Initialisms and acronyms (about 9 %): U.N.; TV; UNESCO 2. Blending (about 6 %): brunch; boatel 3. Clipping (about 2 %): phone; lab 4. Words from proper names (about 2 %): an Uncl Tom; xerox 5. Back formation (about 1 %): gangle (from gangly (a.)); vacuumclean 6. Reduplication (about 0.5 %): walkie-talkie;

go-go 7. Neo-classical formations (about 4 %): psychodelic; neurolinguistic 8. Others (about 3 %): pizzazz; gazump

(borrowing (18.5 %))

Plant structure:

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