最新-广东省深圳市2018年中考英语命题比赛试题1 精品



i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5小题,每小题1分)

1.Dirty water was pouring into the river many years ago. A. flowing B. boiling C. cooling D. appearing 2. The thief escaped by breaking the window.

A. got into B. got away C. got up D. got to 3. Ten years ago we hardly ever imagined something like Ipad.

A. hard never B. almost ever C. nearly ever D. almost never 4. I have kept in touch with the net-friend for many years.

A. travelled B. played games C. communicated D. visited 5. I’m sure he can make it if he really wants to.

A. do it B. succeed C. make of it D. make from it

ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1分)

6. – Mr. White, I’m afraid we can’t get there ______ time by bus. -- You mean it’s ______ for us to take a taxi?

A. in; possible B. on; necessary C. in; difficult D. for; impossible 7. – Could you tell me how long ______ the book? -- Fifteen days.

A. can I borrow B. can I keep C. I can borrow D. I can keep 8. – Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? -- ______ is OK. I really don’t mind.

A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither 9.—I’m _______. I must go out to buy some bread.

-- Please buy some for me. There’s ______ bread in my fridge.

A. thirsty; few B. thirsty; little C. hungry; few D. hungry; little 10.—What would you like to drink? -- ______, please.

A. Two glasses of oranges B. Two glasses of orange C. Two glass of oranges D. Two glass of orange

11. – Will your mother ______ you if ______ the exam tomorrow? -- Maybe. She is very strict with me, you know.

A. be angry with; don’t pass B. be angry with; won’t pass C. be angry at; don’t pass B. be angry at; won’t pass 12.-- ______ do you practise ______ basketball? -- An hour every day.

A. How often; to play B. How soon; to play C. How often; playing B. How soon; playing 13. -- How many students are there in your class?

-- ______ the students is fifty-one. ______ of them are girls. A. A number of; Two-third B. A number of; Two-thirds

C. The number of; Two-third D. The number of; Two-thirds 14. –How long have you ______ the car? -- For about two months.

A. bought B. had C. borrowed D. lent

15. – Don’t talk so loudly, kids. You father ______ in the next room. -- ______, mum.

A. sleeps; OK, we will B. sleeps; Sorry, we won’t

C. is sleeping; OK, we will D. is sleeping; Sorry, we won’t

16. –Susan, you’ll be late for the meeting. You’d better ______ there by taxi. -- Sorry, but I ______ the exact time of the meeting.

A. to go; didn’t tell B. go; told C. go; wasn’t told D. to go; haven’t told

17. – Where is Mr. Smith? I can’t ______ him every where. -- I’m not sure. He ______ in the library. A. look for; may be B. look for; maybe C. find; may be D. find; maybe

18. – Mike forgot ______his exercise book and Mr. White made him ______back home to get it.

-- Oh, poor Mike.

A. bringing; to go B. to bring; to go C. bringing; go D. to bring; go

19. – How about ______ with us this weekend?

-- I’d love to, ______ I have too much homework to finish.

A. shop; and B. shopping; but C. shopping; and D. shop; but 20. – Could you tell me ________? -- About two hours.

A. how long it takes to fly to Shanghai B. how long it took to fly to Shanghai

C. how long does it take to fly to Shanghai D. how long did it take to fly to Shanghai Ⅱ.完形填空(10分)


My name is Steve. I’ll never forget the day I was 21 to walk to Central Street with my best friend, Carl. My family and I lived about three blocks from Central Street. It was the best 22 in town. I had walked there 23 once a week with my mom or my dad from the time I was four. But it wasn’t until the summer I turned ten, that I was finally allowed to go there with 24 my own age.

Turning ten wasn’t the only 25 that I was allowed to go to the Central Street without my parents. I think that it was time for me to start 26 well when my parents weren’t 27 me. I’ll always remember the movie that Carl and I watched that summer day. It was some silly kid’s movie, but that wasn’t the point. What was the most 28 to me was that I was allowed to go to the Central Street without my parents that day. It felt good to be 29 . It was the first time in my life

that I actually felt like I was 30 .

21. A. put B. allowed C. finished D. hid

22. A. place B. school C. hospital D. swimming pool 23. A. at last B. at all C. at least D. at home 24. A. someday B. somewhere C. nobody D. someone 25. A. result B. reason C. name D. surprise 26. A. behaving B. behaviour C. speaking D. talking 27. A. in B. out C.round D. around

28. A. possible B. impossible C. important D. interested 29 A. cheated B. scared C. trusted D. found

30.A. throwing away B. growing up C. running away D. picking up


i.阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共25小题,每小题1分) ( A )

Many believe that life has smiled on Yang Mi(杨幂): at the age of 4, she got her first TV drama role; at 16, she became a model for a fashion magazine; at 18, she went to her dream college — Beijing Film Academy (北京电影学院). The 24-year-old actress played bad girl Luo Qingchuan in the time-traveling TV drama, Palace (《宫锁心玉》). The drama became a big success and made Yang very famous. The number of her micro blog followers increased from several thousand to more than 3 million overnight.

Yang doesn’t think luck had anything to do with her success. She paved (铺路) her way all by herself. “Every chance is gained from the efforts I’ve made,” said Yang. People now think she’s very hard-working.

She still recalls the time when people gave her the cold shoulder. Some treated her with little respect. They didn’t want to help her in her time of need. “I have to thank them because they gave me the drive (动力) to prove myself,” she said. That’s why she is eager to help others when they are in need. 31. Yang Mi became very famous at her age of ________. A. 4 B. 16 C. 18 D. 24

32. The underlined word “efforts” means ________. A. luck B. hard work C. help B. success

33. Yang Mi helps others when they are in need because ________. A. she is very lucky.

B. she was once treated with little respect. C. she is richer.

D. she wants to be more successful. 34. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The dramma Palace made Yang Mi very famous.

B. The number of Yang’s micro blog followers increased overnight. C. Yang proved herself when people gave her the cold shoulder. D. Yang succeeded because of her luck.

35. From the passage we know _______. A. Yang Mi is hard working.

B. Yang Mi got much help all the time. C. Yang Mi seldom helps others.

D. Yang Mi got her first dramma role when she was 16. ( B ) Beijing announced that more schools in the city will try new classes in sex education later this year. For junior high school students, the program will teach them how to communicate with the opposite gender.

Mao Xinyi of Dalian welcomes the idea. The 13-year-old girl thinks it is important to get along well with boys. “You may feel that it’s not necessary to talk to boys in school. But, in the future when we grow up, men and women will work together and build families. How can you make things right if you never want to understand them?” she said. Mao shared her impressions (印象) of boys: they cherish (珍惜) brotherhood; they don’t care about small things; they usually look at the bigger picture. As a boy, Liu Zhao thinks girls are “careful and patient ”. And, through talking to girls, the 13-year-old from Anhui said he could get some “fresh and interesting ideas”. Liu suggests that boys should be natural while talking to girls. “Don’t be shy or try to be cool. Just relax,” he said. How about girls talking to boys? Yin Donghui, 13, of Beijing has some advice – choose the topics that boys like. “Computer games such as Plants VS Zombies (《植物大战僵尸》) work best. Boys are also crazy for sports,” she said. 36. Where can we probably find this passage? A. In a magazine. B. In an advertisement. C. In a history book. D. In a poster. 37. From Mao Xinyi we know that ________. A. it’s not necessary to talk to boys B. girls never understand boys

C. it’s important to understand boys D. boys like bigger pictures

38. According to the passage, Liu Zhao is a boy from ________. A. Beijing B. Anhui C. Dalian D. Jiangsu 39. Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage? A. Computer games and sports are topics boys like. B. Boys cherish brotherhood.

C. Girls are shy or cool while talking to boys. D. Beijing will try new classes in sex education. 40. What is the best title of the passage?

A. What boys like B. How to talk to girls

C. Impressions of boys D. Communication with the opposite gender ( C )

High school students can face many problems that put heavy pressure on their lives inside and outside of school.

High school students often are busy and tired. First of all, they have too much

homework to do after class, so they have less leisure time. Secondly, students have to take too many tests. In addition, resulting bad moods and poor friendships can be troubling. To put it simply, it’s often beyond their strength to balance study and free time. It’s commonly known that pressure has a negative impact on students’ mental health and school performance. For example, sometimes students feel too stressed to fall asleep, so it’s easy to feel tired the next day. How to solve this problem? One way could be to turn to friends for help. In addition, playing sports and listening to music are good ways to release tension and relax. Finally, if students could strive to become more optimistic and confident, they could get rid of pressure very quickly. It is said that pressure can be turned into motivation. In other words, pressure not only brings pain and fatigue(疲劳) but also pushes people forward. Thus, students should be optimistic when facing pressure.

41. High school students are busy and tired because ________. A. too much homework B. too many tests C. bad moods and poor friendship D. all of above

42. How many ways in paragraph 3 are mentioned to solve the problem? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

43. What does the underlined word “motivation” mean in Chinese? A. 运动 B.动力 C.动作 D.手势

44. The passage is mainly about ________ of high school students. A. heavy pressure B. friendship C. moods D. confidence 45. What can we learn from the passage?

A. High school students shouldn’t do homework after school. B. Playing sports and listening to music can release tension. C. Pressure is nothing but pain.

D. High school students couldn't face pressure. ( D )

Migrant students in Shenzhen feel more depressed than their peers who have Shenzhen hukou(户口), according to a survey carried out by the city's women and children's psychological consultation(咨询)center.

The children of migrant families are also more likely to feel they are treated unfairly. About 1,500 non-hukou students ages from 8 to 17 participated in the survey, and the findings revealed that most of them felt inferior, lonely, depressed and troubled in relationships, the survey said.

More than 80 percent had transferred schools at least two times, which hurt their studies.\the students because they need more time to adapt to the new environment,\said Zhang Xiaoli, vice director of the center. \(厌倦) of studying, and this is why most of these students don't do well in school.\

Zhang found during research that the main reason they lack motivation to study was because of unstable family situations, such as their parents changing jobs or the family moving frequently.

\of these students' parents live in a very unstable environment,\Zhang said.

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