
E. What do you often do on Sundays? F. What kind of movies do you like? Rick: Hello, Jim. (56) _____________ Jim: I often go to the movies with my mother. Rick: (57) _____________ Jim: I like action movies.

Rick: Does your mother like action movies too?

Jim: (58) ____________ What about you, Rick? Do you often go to the movies on Sundays?

Rick: (59) _____________

Jim: Oh, my sister Sally also likes singing. She can sing English songs. Rick: Oh. (60) ____________

Jim: Ha, she is only five years old. She doesn't go to school.

VI. 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分) 61. My teacher is always ________ (friend) to us.

62. She is not only good at speaking English, but also good at speaking __________ (Germany).

63. Boys and girls, help __________ (you) to some fish. 64. Listen ________ (care) when I read the text.

65. The students are studying __________ (Japan) in the classroom.

VII. 句子: 根据汉语提示, 补全句子。每空一词。(共5小题,每小题1分) 66.我希望不久能收到你的来信。 I hope to_______ ________ you soon. 67.她喜欢与各种各样的人交朋友。

She likes ________ ________ _______all kinds of people. 68. 我每天都坐公交车上学。

I________ ________by bus every day. 69. 她和父母一起住在乡村里。

She _______ _________ her parents in the village. 70.你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?

What do you like to do_______ ________ _______ ______? VIII. 书面表达。(共10分)

假如你叫Kate, 想和Jane交笔友, 请根据下列提示, 写一封电子邮件向Jane介绍你自己。60词左右, 可以适当发挥。 提示:

1. 是一名活泼( lively)快乐的中学生, 喜欢交朋友;

2. 擅长画画, 最喜欢的运动是踢足球和打排球, 课后常参加各种各样的活动(activity);

3. 最喜欢的科目是英语和数学, 梦想成为一名英语老师, 因此学习很努力; 4. 询问Jane的兴趣爱好。 Dear Jane, My












_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes, Kate

笔试部分 I. 1-5AABBC

II. 6. Japan 7. grammar 8. age 9. engineer 10. country III. 11-15 BABCD 16-20 BADAA 21-25 BCCCA IV. 26-30 ABCCD 31-35CBCBA

V. 36-40 BACBB 41-45 ACDCD 46-50 CDDCD 51-55 CFDEA 56-60 EFBDA

VI. 61. friendly 62. German 63. yourselves 64. carefully 65. Japanese VII. 66. hear from 67. making friends with 68. go to school 69. lives with 70. in your free time VIII. Dear Jane,

My name is Kate and I want to be your pen friend. I am a lively and happy middle school student. I like making friends with others. My favorite sports are football and volleyball. I am good at drawing. I often take part in all kinds of activities after class. I like English and Maths best. My dream is to be an English teacher, so I study hard. How about you? What are your hobbies? Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Kate


本次书面表达要求写一封介绍自己的电子邮件。写作时要注意以下几点: 1. 确定时态, 应使用一般现在时进行写作;

2. 根据提示内容逐一介绍, 并注意电子邮件的格式;

3. 邮件完成之后, 要通读邮件, 检查语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。

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