


总分:110分 及格:66分 考试时间:140分

Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part A


{MP3:http://www.examda.com/NewsFiles/2011-9/4/0/pets502.mp3}根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}John was in a nursery school for one year.

(2)The work in the. kindergarten includes story retelling, drawing, singing and studying.

(3)John went to Junior School at the age of five.

(4)Some children may still have to take an exam called “eleven-plus” nowadays.

(5)In Britain, secondary schools consist of grammar schools, technical schools, comprehensive schools and academic schools.

(6)Most children go to a grammar school.

(7)Comprehensive schools can satisfy all levels of academic abilities.

(8)A private school was called a public school in Britain.

(9)According to Martin, the riches have the priority choosing. the best schools for their children.

(10)John thinks that if people give up some traditional ideas, every child will have a chance to go to college.

Part B

(1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}Where is population growth happening? A. In all countries in the worl B. In only a few countrie

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C. In most countrie

D. Mainly in developed countrie

(2)Which of the following is true according to the talk?

A. There has been a slower population growth in the past ten year B. The world's birth rate is higher than ten years ag C. Families are as large as befor

D. Birth control has been carried out well all over the worl

(3)Why may it happen in the future that people working in Europe will have to pay much higher taxes?

A. Because more and more children will be given birt B. Because they will earn more mone

C. Because they will have higher living standard

D. Because the number of retired people will become even large

(4)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}Which of the following statements about the telephone of the future is NOT true?

A. It will be much more complex than the telephone we use toda B. It will be more convenient to use than today's telephon C. You will be able to dial great distance D. There will be no busy line

(5)The screens of televisions of the future will _______. A. become screens of movie theaters B. become as large as walls in home C. have no change D. become smaller

(6)What will happen to the programs of televisions of the future?

A. All TV sets can receive some programs without paying money in a certain are B. You may pay for some special programs if you lik

C. If you are interested in a certain subject, you may borrow some video tapes about i D. All of the abov

(7)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}What does George Orwell do? A. A literary criti

B. A war .corresponden

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C. A volunteer in the Spanish Civil Wa D. A novelis

(8)Where was George Orwell born? A. Spai B. Americ C. Burma D. India

(9)What is most important in Orwell's life?

A. Although English, he was actually not born in Englan B. He was a student of the famous English public school, Eto C. He tried to enlighten and change society through his work D. He worked as a policeman in Burma for five year

(10)What are the listeners going to do after the presentation? A. To ask the speaker question B. To discuss Animal Far

C. To write essays on Orwell's lif D. To read the book 1984.

Part C



(2)Which planet do people think is the most important one?

(3)From which field of science do we learn a lot about the planets?

(4)How long have astronomers studied the planets and other objects in space?

(5)What kind of new technology helped us a lot to study the planets?

(6)Which planet is the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus or Jupiter?

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