The confessional school
The school derives from M.L.Rosenthal’s review of Robert Lowell’s life studies entitled “poetry as confession” in 1959. Definition: one distinct group of poets in the postwar period is the confessional school. It’s a style of poetry that emerged in the United States during the 1950s. It has been described as poetry \the personal,\focusing on extreme moments of individual experience, the psyche, and personal trauma, including previously taboo matter such as mental illness, sexuality, and suicide, often set in relation to broader social themes. It is sometimes also classified as Postmodernism. Feathers:
A ruthless, tormenting self-analysis of one’s background an heritage, one’s own most private desires and fantasies, and the urgent “i’will tell it all to you” impulse. Representatives:
1). Robert Lowell. he was the famous poet of the confessional school, whose works include”Lord Weary’s Castle”, “Life Studies”, “The Dolphin”.
2). Sylvia Plath,whose works include “The Bell Jar” “Ariel”
3). Anne Sexton. She poetry is autobiographical, whose works include”Live or Die”, “To Bedlam and Part Way Back”
4).J ohn Berryman, whose works include “Delusions”, “Berryman's Sonnets”,” We Dream of Honour”