

齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学


题 目 基于c#的图书管理系统的实现与设计

学 院 理 学 院

专业班级 信 科 091


摘 要





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关键词:图书管理; 数据库 ;UML


Books was a crystallization of the being, it is a priceless treasure by the smart people. Library was the place for collection it, faced with a lot of book information and user information, we wishing . More fast solve the problem that the traditional lending way. From the computer birth to now on, rolls.

One of the benefits is it can management information, use it to control information, not only improve the work efficiency but also books faster. Realize more effective control all it. To the data retrieval, tracking and description, position more convenience and accuracy. Based on this reason, I wish and accurate.

Keywords: library management ;database ; UML

目 录

摘要 .......................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. II

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