北师大版高中英语选修六习题:unit 17 laughter 17.4含答案




1He had not realised the (深度)of their feelings for each other. 答案depth 2A dog rushed out of its house and (惊吓)me. 答案scared 3Each of the (成分)in the units is useful in its degree. 答案components 4Today’s work can’t be (完成) until tomorrow. 答案accomplished 5Living in (艰难的)conditions will help you a lot. 答案tough 二、用方框中短语的适当形式填空

thanks to come up fall asleep no wonder get loose as far as 1A number of interesting points at today’s meeting. 答案came up 2The film is so boring.It’s the children are bored. 答案no wonder 3He was so exhausted that he at his desk. 答案fell asleep 4 our teacher’s timely help,we finished the work on time.

答案Thanks to 5She had got to the museum before he found her. 答案as far as 6The woman managed to from her attacker and run for help.

答案get loose 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空

1①That (scare) film we saw last night (scare) the living daylight out of me.

②She moved quietly to avoid (scare) the birds away. 答案①scaring;scared ②scaring

2①After three days without food,the men were close to (starve).

②The lonely student is (starve) for friendship. 答案①starvation ②starving

3①He made a (deep) impression on me and I was (deep)moved by his speech.

②This is a new subject and needs to be explored in (deep). 答案①deep;deeply ②depth

4①It is a (tough) task for the girls but they can finish it.

②These boots are very (tough)made. 答案①tough ②toughly

5①The students (accomplish) the task in less than ten minutes.

②Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest (accomplish).

答案①accomplished ②accomplishment 四、阅读理解 A

Books have great power.Between their pages,readers can be transported to anywhere imaginable and become just about anyone...or

anything.Unfortunately,many children all over the world don’t have access to books!

For several years till now,Maria Keller,a 14-year-old girl from

Minneapolis,Minnesota,has been changing that fact.When she was 8 years old,Maria already loved reading.She also noticed that some of her classmates didn’t read as much as she did.When she asked her mother why that could be,her mother said that they might not be able to afford books.Maria had never thought of this.She could not believe that some children might not have bedtime stories read to them.She became determined to change this.

With her mother’s help,Maria created Read Indeed.Read Indeed is a non-profit organization aiming to collect and distribute books to children in

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