
8A Unit 3 & 4 错题整理 No.____Name___________

I. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. Look. The two kids are shouting ______ each other angrily.

A. to B. at C. with D. for ( ) 2. We have two______. One is Miss Zhang and the other is Mrs Ma.

A. woman teachers B. woman’s teachers C. women teachers D. women’s teachers

( ) 3. My dad went over to a phone, picked it up and ______ the theft to the police.

A. rang B. brought C. called D. reported

( ) 4. After Paul’s dad called the police, he ______ the phone.

A. put on B. put out C. put up D. put down

( ) 5. My parents let me ______ computer games for an hour if I finish my homework at

weekends. A. play B. playing C. to play D. play with

( ) 6. After breakfast, Amy first walked to the nearest bus stop and then ______ a bus to school.

A. got off B. got on C. got up D. got out

( ) 7. Nobody knew what was happening to the women. ______ .

A. Nor did Paul B. So did Paul C. Neither does Paul D. So was Paul

( ) 8. — ___________ ? —Brave and clever.

A. What did Paul’s dad like B. What did Paul’s father do C. How did you like Paul’s dad D. How was Paul’s dad doing

( ) 9. Which of the following intonations is true?

A. What a successful girl Wendy is! ( ↗ ) B. Good morning, Wendy. ( ↘ )

C. Does Wendy play basketball or tennis? ( ↘ ) D. Wendy often plays basketball. ( ↗ )

( ) 10. Of the three thieves, one was caught by the police but ______ ran away.

A. the two other B. the two others C. the other two D. two others

( ) 11. Did you know what your dad ______ before he called the police?

A. is going to do B. was going to do C. will do D. was doing

( ) 12. It was getting darker and darker ______ the sun went down in the west.

A. because B. since C. so D. as

( ) 13. It is reported that the police ______ looking for a missing girl in the forest park.

A. were B. was C. are D. is

( ) 14. The stupid robber wrote his name and address ______ the back of an envelope.

A. in B. on C. at D. under

( ) 15. Kids have different hobbies. Some love sports and ______ love music and dancing.

A. others B. other C. the other D. the others

( ) 16. The kind neighbour looked after our pet dog ______ we were away on holiday.

A. after B. before C. during D. while

( ) 17. Jonathan will write a reply to May ______ he receives her letter.

A. as B. as soon as C. because D. although

( ) 18. The customs officer stopped the lady ______ she was going through safety checks.

A. before B. after C. so D. as

( ) 19. Finally, Ben admitted ______ someone’s homework.

A. copy B. to copy C. copying D. copied

( ) 20. Detective Smith thought that the man ______ a coat, so he arrested the man.

A. stole B. had stolen C. has stolen D. would steal

( ) 21. Which of the following sounds is different from the others in pronunciation?

A. attended B. assisted C. added D. looked ( ) 22. The women believed the man was probably a thief, so ______ decided to follow him.

A. they B. them C. she D. her

( ) 23. We’d better ______ too much junk food because it is an unhealthy diet.

A. not to eat B. not eat C. don’t eat D. eat

( ) 24. Anna remembers ______ a letter to Harry, but he hasn’t received it yet until now.

A. sending B. to send C. send D. sent

( ) 25. —I’m really sorry to be late for class. —______ , but come early next time.

A. That’s right B. Not at all C. Don’t worry D. No problem

( ) 26.Reading English passages aloud is a good way ______ improving our speaking skill.

A. of B. to C. for D. in

( ) 27.Students should do ____ the teacher tells them to in a class activity.

A. when B. so C. as D. if

( ) 28. A few new words makes _____harder for the kids to understand the English passage.

A. this B. that C. them D. it

( ) 29. _____ a smart robot can nearly do anything ,a human has to first program it with


A. When B. Although C. AS D. If

( ) 30. In the lab , our chemistry teacher often says to us ,“Watch me and do ____I am doing. ”

A. if B. as C. so D. how ( ) 31. ----Thanks for your help, Kitty . -----_________.

A. No problem B. No worry C. All right D. That’s right ( ) 32. “5 2/3”is read as ______.

A. five and two three B. fifth and two thirds C. five and two thirds D. five and two third ( ) 33. The big number “3,846” is read as _________.

A. three thousand and eight hundred forty-six B. three thousand eight hundred forty -six C. three thousand eight hundred an forty- six D. three thousand eight hundred forty-six ( ) 34. Boys and girls, ____ noisy in class ,will you ?

A. don’t be B. don’t C. be not D. not to be

( ) 35. ---Thank you for teaching so much about numbers in English ,sir . ---_______.

A. That would be fine B. That sounds great C. You’re welcome D. That’s right ( ) 36. Usually ,a computer can find ______answer more quickly than a human brain.

A. a B. an C. the D./ ( ) 37. The Yangtze River is _______river in the world.

A. the third longest B. third longest C. the second longest D. the longest

( ) 38.Which of the following underlined parts in different from the others in pronunciation?

A. complete B. computer C. welcome D. company ( ) 39. Anna expects ______ a Chinese penfriend so that she can learn Chinese from him/her.

A. make B. to make C. making D. made II. Complete the sentence with the given word in its proper form. 1. A customer(顾客)had an ________________ with the waiter. (argue)

2. If we see a robbery, we should call the police as ___________________ as possible. (quick) 3. The British teacher teaches ______________________ spoken English. (they) 4. Finally, the police caught the three men and solved the __________________ . (thief) 5. Anna came to Shanghai again. It was her ________________ visit to Shanghai. (two) 6. To tell the ______________ , it was clever of Paul’s father to call the police. (true) 7. Mr Ding reported to the police: several _______________ had broken into his office. (thief) 8. Doctor Li has moved to a new flat on _______________ Street, Manhattan, New York. (five) 9. International Women’s Day is on the ___________________ of March. (eight) 10. Story B sounds much ____________________ than Story A, doesn’t it? (funny) 11. Later, Mr Smith ____________________ that they arrested the man by mistake. (real) 12. “5/9”is read as “five _______________”in English .(nine )

13. It’s hot in Shanghai, __________________in July and August.( special ) 14. China is trying to _________________the problem of pollution .( solution )

15. A super computer can do a _____________________like lightening. ( calculate ) 16. There are three __________________in the thousand (1,000) . ( zero )

17. I have a younger brother, so I’ll take care of ________________when I’m free. ( his ) 18. An ____________________ calculator can add, subtract , multiply and divide .(electron) 19. My grandma started learning how to use WeChat in her __________________.(sixty ) 20. _________________, I’d like to thank all the teachers for your teaching and care .(last)

21. Before you make a final __________________, you should think it over and over again .(decide)

22. Fudan University celebrated its one ___________________birthday in 2005.(hundred) 23. Do you know who _____________________the computer ?(invention)

24. Now students can use their ______________________in Maths exams. (calculate ) III. Rewrite the sentences as required.

1. No one knew what was happening over there, __________ __________ ? (补全反意疑问句) 2. The policeman in plain clothes followed a thief and caught him finally. (保持原句意思) The policeman in plain clothes __________ __________ a thief and caught him finally. 3. Those women followed the man, __________ __________ ? (补全反意疑问句) 4. People used to cross the Huangpu River on a ferry. (保持原句意思) People used to __________ __________ the Huangpu River on a ferry.

5. Nobody stopped the robbers from leaving the bookshop. (改为一般疑问句) ____________ _______________ stop the robbers from leaving the bookshop? 6. Paul was quite worried about his dad’s safety. (改为感叹句) ____________ ______________ Paul was about his dad’s safety! 7. The man hid a yellow sweater inside his coat. (改为一般疑问句) __________ the man __________ a yellow sweater inside his coat?

8. The shy girl rarely speaks in class, __________ __________ ? (补全反意疑问句) 9. At the end, the police released the man. (保持原句意思) At the end, the police ____________ the man ____________ .

10. People mustn’t smuggle any rare animals from one country to another. (保持原句意思) People __________ __________ to smuggle any rara animals from one country to another. 11. No one had to program the Indian girl,_________ _________?(补全反义疑问句) 12. One plus one is two .(对划线部分提问) _________ __________ is one plus one ? 13. The number of the accidents rose to 3,750 in 2002.(改为一般疑问句) ____________ the number of the accidents ____________ to 3,750 in 2002 ?

14. May copied a wrong homework problem ,__________ ________?(补全反义疑问句) 15. How many people are there in China now ?(保持原句意思) ____________ the _________________ of China now ?

16. Don’t talk noisily in class ,___________ ___________?(补全附加问句)

17. A super computer can calculate billions of times in a second.(对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ can a super computer calculate billions of times ? 18. Helen seldom shops online ,_________ _________?(补全反义疑问句) 19. May always does her homework alone .(保持原句意思)

May always does her homework __________ her ___________.

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