

1.Maybe you have a habit is driving your family crazy.

2.The Science Museum,__________ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London's tourist attractions.

3.He wrote many children’s books,nearly half of__________were published in the 1990s.

4.Felicity Killer, a 32-year-old British woman, __________ has a Chinese husband, still remembers the excitement when she first learnt to use the “Red Packet” function on WeChat in 2015.

5.We shouldn’t spend our money testing so many people, most of__________are healthy.

6.In most cases, college graduates don't mind what job they will do so long as it is one__________ they can earn money to support themselves.

7.Do you still remember those occasions__________we walked and talked in the park?

8.Whatever is left may be put into the refrigerator,_________it can keep for two or three weeks.

9.__________is known to us all,he has a gift for music.

10.My eldest son, __________work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.

11.The old man remembered the very day__________he met the country’s president. 12.The books on the desk,__________covers are shiny, are prizes for us.

13.He met my brother, from __________he got the news of my marriage. 14.I can still recall the day__________ I sat on the stairs of a temple in Nepal. The square in front of the temple became very muddy as a result of the rain.

15.No one had tried to understand what the real problem was except the headmaster,__________ helped me out simply by listening and hugging.

16.Everything__________ is about a person can help us to know him,from his appearance to the kind of food he eats.

17.Mencius believed that the reason__________man is different from animals is that man is good.

18.The humans are destroying nature day by day,__________, of course, will cause severe punishment from it sooner or later.

19.Many young people, most of__________ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.

20.He wrote a lot of novels, many of__________were translated into foreign languages.

21.The thought of going back home was all__________kept him happy while he was working abroad.

22.Although he had little formal education, Carnegie grew up in a family__________ members believed in the importance of learning.

23.He is now reading a book about a scientist,__________he dreams to be. 24.Las Vegas has many wonderful restaurants__________ you can enjoy many different kinds of food.

25.If we are not careful,then,we could face a kind of global chess match

against very determined,super intelligent machines__________objectives conflict with our own,with the real world as the chessboard.

26.All the neighbors admire this family,__________ the parents are treating their child like a friend.

27.She is very patient,__________is shown in her work.

28The old temple roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.

29.She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her

students allows them to communicate freely with each other.


答案: that/which

解析: 句意:可能你有一个令你的家人发疯的习惯。habit后是一个定语从句,所填词引导该从句,且作主语,修饰名词habit,故用that或which。 2.答案:which

解析:句意:我们最近一次去英国旅行时参观过的那个科学博物馆是伦敦的一个旅游景点。两个逗号中间是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The Science Museum,关系词在从句中充当visited的宾语,所以要用关系代词which。 3.答案:which

解析:句意:他写了许多儿童读物,几乎一半是在20世纪90年代出版的。分析句子结构可知,该题是非限制性定语从句,先行词是books,所以填which。 4.答案:who

解析:句意:32岁的英国妇女Felicity Killer有一个中国老公,她仍记得在2015年当她第一次学着使用微信中的\红包”功能时的那份激动。设空处引导的是非限制性定语从句,该从句中缺少主语且关系词指“人”,应该用关系代词who。 5.答案:whom 解析:


解析:句意:在大多数情况下,大学毕业生不在乎他们将做什么工作,只要是一个能挣钱养活自己的工作就行。“ they can eammoney to support themselves”为定语从句,先行词为one,即a job。将先行词代入定语从句后为they can earn money to support themselves in the job,由此可见关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where。 7.答案:when 解析:


解析:句意:任何剩下的东西都可以放入冰箱,在那里可以保存两三周设空处引导的定语从句修饰先行同the refrigerator,关系词在定语从句中充当地点状语,所以要用关系副词where。 9.答案:As 解析:


解析:句意:我最大的儿子现在在纽约,他的工作让他走遍世界各地,设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词son,设空处在从句中作定语修饰work,所以要用关系代词whose。 11.答案:when 解析:


解析:考査定语从句。句意:桌上的书是给我们的奖励,那些书的封面闪闪发光。本题考查非限制性定语从句的关系词,先行词为the books,和covers之间是所属关系,故用whose。 13.答案:whom 解析:


解析:句意:我还能回忆起那天我坐在尼泊尔一座寺庙的台阶上,因为下雨寺庙前的广场变得很泥泞设空处引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词the day,该从句中缺少表示时间的状语,所以要用关系副词when. 15.答案:who

解析:句意:除了校长外,没有人去努力弄明白真正的问题是什么,她只是通过倾听和拥抱就帮我从闲境中解脱出来。设空处引导的非限制性定语从句修饰先行词the headmaster.关系词在从句中充当主语,所以要用关系代词who。 16.答案:that

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