
Quality education in English teaching

English as the basic subjects of basic education stage, it'll be the first to bear \improve the ideological and moral qualities of the Chinese nation cultural and scientific qualities and physical psychological quality,\country's middle school English teaching as well as other disciplines under the influence of \education\single teaching goal, teaching method is relatively rigid, teaching content is old, the examination is given priority to with grammar knowledge. Seriously exist in teaching %use the language more bad. Most of the students after learning English for years, still disappointed to find that they don't listen to understand, really can't say, read, write. It seems that the traditional English teaching mode is difficult to finish the task of quality education. To change the status quo and the implementation of quality education, must get rid of the fetters of the traditional teaching, improving teaching methods, achieve the goal of language knowledge into language skills, language skills, then converted into for the purpose of the ability to use the language.

So to optimize the classroom teaching mode, improving teaching methods, is implements the education for all-around development the main channel. The implementation of English quality education, optimize the classroom teaching mode is the key. To optimize the classroom teaching, however, this requires that we teachers should optimize the teaching goal, the optimization design of classroom teaching and optimizing the combination of teaching methods, etc. By optimizing the classroom teaching mode, in order to achieve the purpose of the implementation of quality education.

A, optimizing classroom teaching mode is the key to the implementation of English quality education

The teaching of English quality education, optimizing classroom teaching mode is a key, is also a main channel of implementing quality-oriented education. To realize optimization of classroom teaching, however, this requires that we should optimize the design of the classroom teaching, optimize the combination of teaching methods, etc., through optimizing the classroom teaching mode, in order to achieve the purpose of the implementation of quality education.

1, the optimization of classroom teaching design

Classroom teaching should make efforts to guide students from passive to accept knowledge into active search for knowledge, and \in training students' interest in learning and brain, saying, get to work, let them take the initiative to participate in teaching activities, to arouse their learning enthusiasm and subjective initiative. Form students' thinking as the core, ability as the goal, the quality of education for the purpose of education teaching mode.

Can be used in optimization design of classroom teaching, \type\make the finishing point, nailed, play a guiding role, in order to achieve the goal of \on the key. Secondly, preparation before class, the students difficult to draw, listen to the teacher with questions, or students encountered difficulties in the self-study, urgently needs the teacher out the answer, the teacher should guide in time, grasp the key moment, just right, then students' concentration, concentration, listening, can get the best result. ,

of course, to avoid teacher \the teaching focus from \active, truly become the main body of teaching activity. This is helpful to cultivate the students find their own laws, their conclusions, through independent thinking, discover problems, analyze and solve problems, true to the identity of the \actively participate in teaching activities.

The combination of 2, optimization of teaching methods

With the renewal of the teaching idea, the method of teaching English to also want to change, which requires the further optimization of the combination of teaching methods. What teachers adopt teaching methods in class, students are often adopt the corresponding learning methods, it directly affects the student's learning effect. Therefore, teachers in the classroom teaching should try to have a flexible and varied teaching methods, carefully designed each link in the process of teaching, around the development of the students' ability to quality teaching. Can use \skills, ability to learn, learning attitude\to promote the comprehensive development of learning ability quality service.

To strengthen the teaching ideas, fully tap the teaching material content, education in teaching. And some students speak empty theory, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of carry on the ideological education. Therefore, in English teaching should pay attention to teaching art. Closely, appropriate supplementary teaching materials, reasonable play to make English teaching creative, innovative, passionate, to implement quality education, the development of the education teaching function fully. Each lesson of English teaching content is rich and colorful, is mostly composed of one or two instances which leads to the point of view and make sense. Teachers can guide students to layers of analysis as an example, which leads to the point of view, through the analysis of the surface characteristics of things, and to explore its background, analyze the thought character motivation. English has a lot of truth in the textbooks must be repeated, but \in teaching. To this end, we try to from a new Angle to the old topic, it is not only a new teaching method, and educational stronger.

Second, the great importance to the development of non-intelligence factors is the motive force of the implementation of English quality education

Non-intelligence factor is the source to promote students' motivation to learn English, it's fit and unfit quality directly decides the level of students' English. According to the principle of psychology, develop the students' non-intelligence factors, is one of the effective means of improving English teaching. We can obtain from the following several aspects:

1, enhance students understanding of the world culture, cultivate cross-cultural communication consciousness. Through English teaching, make students understand the cultural and social customs of english-speaking countries, can not only help them learn English well, to expand their horizons, also helps them to understand the national culture. Therefore, in the routine teaching, we should correctly handle the relationship between language and culture. In recent years, language educators and scholars has repeatedly called for: teachers should in teaching to help students to understand and respect other countries culture, guide students to love and carry forward the culture of the motherland.

The development and utilization of the existing teaching material, make full use of classroom teaching time, simultaneous implementation language and culture. Selection of extracurricular reading, in addition to the teaching material, we can also add some extracurricular reading material. A week in English newspapers or magazines carefully selected three articles, for students to read. The use of advanced English audio and video electron reading room. In this way, students can face-to-face direct experience of Chinese and western cultural differences, overcome the barriers in cross-cultural communication. To point with surface to enhance students' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2, develop the students' interest in learning. Interest is the best teacher. Once students interested in English, you can consciously to participate in various English learning activities, and fun. As long as those who have strong interest in foreign language learning, learning a foreign language as their own desires and needs, to make their own the whole understanding activity activates

3, set up the students self-confidence. For the student the intravenous drip progress, the teacher should give timely and fully affirmation and encouragement, this is very beneficial to cultivate the students' confidence, form directly promote the inner power of students' learning, and to cultivate students' self-consciousness and self-control, through persistent efforts, cultivate students' strong will. Which would be helpful to the development of students' healthy personality.

Third , Pay attention to the development of language communicative competence is a reflection of the implementation of English quality education.

Language communication is the core of English quality education. Students English quality is actually refers to the ability to use English communication. As a teacher, but also from the following several aspects:

1, adhere to the situational teaching. Adhere to the situational teaching in the teaching, is helpful to active classroom atmosphere, enhance classroom interesting, more can develop the students' ability of language communication. When the situational teaching form should also be varied as much as possible. Can be a slide show, TV, also can be using multimedia teaching. So, no doubt, the classroom into a small stage, making students exercise and practice constantly, so that they achieve the goal of communicative English, at the same time, learning is also in relaxed, entertainment environment, so that their interest in learning more strong.

2, to develop a variety of colorful extracurricular activities, training students' self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to the individual to perform a behavior before of in what level they can perform the activities of the faith, judgment or self grasp and experience, it can affect people's thinking mode and human emotional responses. Therefore, the cultivation of the self-efficacy should be an important content of foreign language teaching, but on pure classroom 45 minutes is difficult to receive a satisfactory effect and must be combined in outside class, complement each other, promote each other. We should actively open up the second classroom in English teaching, often design the following extracurricular activity, good results have been achieved. For example, lets the student oneself English radio, blackboard, according to the text content editing the English short play. Can also let the students take part in the English corner activity. And organizing all

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