
Chapter Three Enquiry

Learning Objective:

To master the writing methods of an enquiry; To identify the types of enquiries; To grasp the definition of enquiry and useful expressions. Section One Brief Introduction

In foreign trade, enquiries are usually made by buyers

without engagement to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as price, catalogue, delivery date and other terms.

Enquiries may be either dispatched by mail, cable, telex and fax or handed to the supplies through personal contact. When making an enquiry, a buyer usually begins with a

question or questions he wants to ask. The reader then knows at once what the enquiry is about.

Generally speaking, we should keep our enquiry short and to the point; say what needs to be said and then stop. For instance, if you are an enquirer, you should state clearly in your enquiries to foreign suppliers your exact requirements, inclusive of prices,

discounts, terms of payment and the length of time required for delivery. There is no need for long, over-polite phrases and still less for humbleness. Nowadays, many firms even use a printed enquiry form instead of a letter.

An enquiry must be acknowledged in terms that establish good will if an immediate sale is not possible. If it is from an old customer, say how much you appreciate it; if it is from a new customer, say you are glad to receive it an express the hope of keeping up friendly business relationship.

Furthermore, enquiries should be addressed to the company because, in this way, your letter will receive quick attention. If you address the enquiries to an individual, your letter may have to wait while he is away. Or you may make a mistake and address it to the wrong individual, and this will also mean delay.

To sum up, enquiries should be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable. In return, the answers to enquiries should be prompt, courteous and helpful. In case the goods enquired for are currently out of stock, the supplier should inform the enquirer when they will be available and, by taking this opportunity, introduce some other products as substitutes so as to create a good impression, which hopefully will result in more business.

Section Two Writing Steps


If this is the first time the enquirer asks for product details from the reader, the former should state clearly where he obtained the relevant information of the latter. After that, he can move further to make a brief introduction about himself. By doing so, the

enquirer can help the receiver obtain as much information as possible about the former so as to eliminate the latter’s worry in establishing business relationship with the enquirer.

If this is not the first time, the enquirer would probably express his current situation and interest in the very beginning. Since the enquirer and the receiver have known each other well, this kind of enquiry letter can be more casual than the situation mention above.

Body: In this part, the enquirer should get down to the point and state clearly what details of the product he would like to know. Closing: to express hope of early reply Section Three Specimen Letters Specimen Letter 1 A general enquiry Dear Sirs,

We learn from Brown & Clark Co. Ltd., New York that you are a leading company in exporting cotton piece goods.

At present, we are interested in Printed shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.

Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price CIF Pusan, including our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.

Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.

We trust you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully,


learn from 从……获知

leading company 大公司,主要的公司 cotton piece goods 棉制品 at present 目前

receive from 收到……的来信 regarding 跟……有关的

acquaint ……with 使……熟悉,了解 workmanship 工艺

place a large order with 向……下一笔大数额的订单

Specimen Letter 2 A specific enquiry for iron nails Dear Sirs,

We intend to buy large quantities of Iron Wire Nails of all sizes and should be obliged if you would give us a quotation per metric ton CFR. Lagos, Nigeria.

It would also be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be forwarded to us. We used to purchase this article from other sources, but now prefer to buy from your corporation because we are given to understand you are able to supply large quantities at more attractive prices. Besides, we have confidence in the quality of Chinese products.

We look forward to hearing from you by return. Yours faithfully, Notes

be obliged 不胜感激 metric ton 公吨

be appreciated 不胜感激 brochure 产品说明书

forward 寄送

be given to understand 获悉,听说 hear from 收到来信

by return 立即,收信后立即

Specimen Letter 3 An enquiry for porcelain wares Dear Sirs,

Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in your country we learn that you are one of the leading exporters of porcelain wares of a variety of types. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.

We have been exporters of porcelain wares for many years. Now we are interested in your porcelain tea and coffee cups and saucers of different shapes.

Please inform us of your trade terms and forward samples and product brochures. If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,

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