部编本人教版五年级上册英语专项 句型 (二)



一、判断下列句子与图片内容是否相符,相符的用字母“Y”表示, 不

________号学 线 _ __ __ __ __ __ _名 姓 __订__ __ __ __ 级 班 __ __ __ __装__________校学相符的用字母“N”表示。

( )1. There is a river in front of the house.

( )2. The girl can sing very well.

( )3. I can do some kung fu.

( )4. There is a clock in my room.

二、将下列肯定句变为否定句。 1. I can clean the classroom.

2. Sarah can play the pipa.

3. There is a dog behind the door. 4. There are so many plants in my living room. 三、看图回答问题。




1. —What can you do?

2. —Can you play ping-pong?

3. —What's in the living room?

4. —Where is the mouse?

5. —Is there a park?


a mountain the park? 2. 自然公园里有许多树。

There so many in the nature park. 3. 我在你的前面。



四、根据中文意思补全句子。1. 全国各地优质试卷

I'm you. 4. 张鹏不会踢足球。

Zhang Peng play 5. 你会洗你的衣服吗?

you your clothes? 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. There (be)a duck on the lake. 2. Jack can (sing) Chinese songs. 3. We can help (he).

4. Are there any tall (building) in your village? 六、按要求完成下列句子o

1. I can make a robot.(对画线部分提问)

2. There is an egg in the box.(改为复数句子) 3. There are some books on the desk.(改为否定句) 4. Chen Jie can speak English.(改为一般疑问句) 5. Can you play football with me?(作否定回答)

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