

第一部分 听力(略)

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



We are about to start into the second year of the ISF Youth Book Club.Just like last year,we will feature a book for teens,a book for youth,and two books for our youngest readers.This year,we want you to use your creativity to recreate the cover of the book you read to take your reading to the next level.

Our spring teen selection is The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen.After a teenage track star loses the lower part of one of her legs in an accident,she struggles with how to continue with her life.Through the support of those around her,Jessica learns that there are many paths that she has yet to explore.

The youth book for this quarter is Out of My Mind by Sharon M.Draper.A young girl who cannot speak or walk has a brilliant mind but those around her,including those closest to her,do not realize just how much is going on inside her.This eye-opening tale shows a brave heroine who helps the readers to see those with disabilities in a new light.

Our first spring young reader selection is I Am Jane Goodall by Brad Meltzer.This is a great picture book biography of Jane Goodall,who is world-famous for her work with chimpanzees(黑猩猩).

Our second young reader selection is Good Night,Little Sea Otter(水獭) by Janet Halfmann.This sweet bedtime story follows a baby otter as he says goodnight to all his friends throughout the ocean.It has beautiful pictures and is a great introduction to the many creatures of the sea.

语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,简单介绍了ISF Youth Book Club向青少年和儿童推荐的四本图书。

1.Which book describes its leading character’s growth with others’ help? A.The Running Dream. B.Out of My Mind. C.I Am Jane Goodall.

D.Good Night,Little Sea Otter. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句可知,Jessica是一位田径明星,在一次事故中失去了一条小腿,但是在周围人的帮助下,她找到了另外的人生道路,这体现出了她的成长,故选A。

2.What does the underlined part “this quarter” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A.The ISF Youth Book Club. B.The spring.

C.Recreating the book cover. D.Inspiring readers’creativity. 答案 B

解析 名词指代题。从第二、四段首句中的“Our spring teen selection”“Our first spring young reader selection”可以推知,this quarter在文中指的应是“这个春季”。 3.What do the last two books have in common? A.They are targeted at grown-ups. B.They mainly talk about friendship. C.They are biographies. D.They use pictures. 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“This is a great picture book biography of Jane Goodall”和第五段中的“It has beautiful pictures”可知,这两本书都使用了图画,故选D。


Since the sex of a sea turtle(海龟) is determined by the heat of sand hatching the eggs,scientists had suspected they might see slightly more females.Climate change,after all,has driven sea temperatures higher,which,in these creatures,favors female children.They found female sea turtles from Raine Island,the Pacific Ocean’s largest and most important green sea turtle living area,now outnumber males by at least 116 to 1.“This is extreme,” says turtle scientist Camryn Allen.

Biologist Michael Jensen wanted to know if climate change had already changed turtles’ sexes.By using genetic(基因的) tests,he’d figured out that he could follow turtles of all ages.Still,his research data would lack an important detail:sex.Only after a turtle matures is it possible to tell its sex from the outside—mature males have slightly longer tails.By then turtles can be decades old,so scientists often use laparoscopy(腹腔镜检查),sending a thin tube into each animal,but that’s not so practical if you’re hoping to examine hundreds of

creatures.Fortunately,at a turtle conference,he met Allen,and all she needed was a little blood.

They compared their results with temperature data for nesting beaches.What worries them is that Raine Island has been producing almost female turtles for at least 20 years.This is no small thing.More than 200,000 turtles come to nest there.During high season,18,000 turtles may settle in at once.“But what happens in 20 years when there are no more males coming up as adults?Are there enough to maintain the population?”says Allen.They also found cooler beaches in the south are still producing males,but that in the north,it’s almost entirely females hatching.These findings clearly point to the fact that climate change is changing many aspects of wildlife biology.

But how widespread is this phenomenon—and what is the consequence?

语篇解读 本文属于科普类说明文。科学家在研究中发现,太平洋中雌海龟的数量远远超过了雄海龟,这是全球气候变暖所导致的结果。

4.How might the scientists feel if there were slightly more female turtles? A.It’s unique. C.It’s extreme. 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据第一段前两句可知,海龟的性别由孵化它们的海滩沙子的温度决定;气候变暖,沙滩的温度上升了,而温度上升有利于孵化出雌海龟,故可推知,如果(因为气候变暖)雌海龟数量稍微多一点,科学家们可能会觉得是正常的。故选B。 5.What is a scientist’s conventional way to identify a turtle’s sex? A.Using laparoscopy. C.Testing its blood. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。第二段中的“scientists often use laparoscopy(腹腔镜检查),sending a thin tube into each animal”表明,科学家们通常用腹腔镜检查来识别海龟的性别。因此选A。 6.Why do the findings worry Jensen and Allen? A.Too many females gather near Raine Island. B.Female turtles cause temperatures to rise. C.Turtle populations are in decline. D.Sea turtles may end up dying out. 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“But what happens in 20 years when there are no more males coming up as adults?Are there enough to maintain the population?”可知,他们担心如果

B.Doing genetic tests. D.Watching its tail. B.It’s normal. D.It’s doubtful.

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