Get Smart 教学大纲 1


Syllabus 教学大纲

Get Smart 1 Module Communication Objectives -to greet someone -to introduce oneself and inquire about one’s name -to count (1-10) Cross-curricular Connections Greetings: I’m (Lisa). Music (song, chant) What’s your name? Hi. Hello. Math (counting) My name’s (John). Goodbye. Bye. Language Arts (fiction) Numbers:1-10 Art(finger puppets, drawing, coloring) What color is it? (Blue). Colors: red, blue, yellow, Music (song) What’s this? It’s a (pen). green Math (counting, identifying What’s that? It’s an (apple). Classroom objects: pen, shapes) Is it a (computer)? pencil, eraser, book, ruler, Language Arts (fiction) Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. computer, chair, desk, bag Art (clay objects, drawing, coloring) How are you? Family: mom, dad, brother, Music (song) Fine, thank you. sister, grandpa, grandma, Social studies (family Who’s that? friend, teacher, me album, family tree) It’s my (grandma). Pets: rabbit, bird, fish, Language Arts (fiction) This is my (dog). turtle, cat, dog Art(family album, drawing, Is that your (sister). coloring) Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. How old are you? Numbers:11-15 Music (song) I’m (six). You’re (seven). Adjectives: big, small, Social studies(appearance, Are you (happy)? thin, fat, short, tall, hungry, feelings, helping friends) Yes, I am. No, I’m not. thirsty, happy, sad Math (counting) (He)’s (thin). People: boy, girl Language Arts (fiction) Is (she) (sad))? Science(size) Yes,(she) is. No,(she) isn’t. Art (stick and clay figures, coloring) Structures Vocabulary 1

Phonics a apple b bag c cat d dog Module 1 Hello! Module 2 School -to identify colors -to identify and talk about classroom objects e egg f fish g green h hat i ink Module 3 Family and friends -to identify and talk about family members and friends -to ask and answer about one’s well-being -to identify and talk about pets -to count(11-15) -to ask and answer about somebody’s age -to talk about feelings -to talk about physical appearance j jam k kite l lollipop m mom n nose Module 4 You and me o orange p pen q queen r red s sad t tall GET SMART 1

Module 5 Party time! -to talk about quantity -to identify and talk about party items -to identify and talk about colors Module 6 Toys and games -to give and follow simple instructions -to identify and talk about toys -to talk about possession How many (dolls)? (Two)(dolls). Happy birthday, (Lisa). This is for you. Thank you. What are these? They’re (lollipops). What color are they? They’re (pink). Are they (lollipops)? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. (Stand up). I have a (kite). I don’t have a (ball). Do you have a (car)? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Toys: doll, guitar, teddy bear, yo-yo Party items: present, balloon, cake, lollipop, hat Colors: pink, orange, brown, white, black Music (song) Social studies(birthdays) Math (counting) Language Arts (fiction) Art (birthday card, coloring) u umbrella v van w whale x fox y yo-yo z zoo Actions: come, stand up, sit down, turn around, clap your hands Toys: car, computer game, ball, kite, bike, plane, train, robot Parts of the body: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, teeth, tail Action verbs : touch Adjectives: long Food:bananas, grapes, mangoes, strawberries, oranges, apples, fish, carrots, rice, eggs, beans, pizza, burger, ice cream, pasta 2

Music (song) P.E.(physical activities) Language Arts (fiction) Art (toy poster, drawing, coloring) Module 7 My body -to give and follow simple instructions -to identify and talk about parts of the body -to describe physical appearance Module 8 Food Don’t (touch your nose) (She) has (long) (legs). (He) doesn’t have (big) (feet). Does (it) have (a long tail)? Yes, (it) does. No,(it) doesn’t. -to identify and talk about I like (apples). food I don’t like (beans). -to talk about likes and What’s your favorite food? dislikes (Pizza). -to ask for something politely Two (bananas), please. -to thank Here you are. Thanks. /p/ pen pencil pink /b/ book ball bike Music (song) /t/ tail P.E.(physical activities) toe Science (describing table animals) /d/ desk Language Arts (fiction) doll Art (puppets, drawing) dog Music (song) /k/ kite Health (food pyramid) car Social studies(preferences, cat being polite) /g/guitar Math (counting) girl Language Arts (fiction) gum Art(food plates, food mobile)


Module 9 My house -to identify and talk about rooms in a house -to describe location -to identify furniture -to describe one’s house/bedroom -to identify and talk about clothes -to identify and talk about places in a town -to identify and talk about zoo animals -to count(16-20) Module 10 Places Rooms of the house: kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom Prepositions of place: on, in, under Furniture: bed, closet, table Clothes: shoes, pants, shirt, dress There’s a (toy store). Places: bookstore, toy There are (monkeys) at the store, fast food restaurant, (zoo). pet store, zoo How many (toys) are Animals: bear, crocodile, there? monkey, parrot There are (twenty) (toys). Numbers:16-20 Where’s the (ball)? It’s (in) the (closet). Where are the (shoes)? They’re (under) the table. His (pants are green). Her (dress is yellow). Music (song) Science (position of objects) Social studies(describing one’s bedroom) Language Arts (fiction, poem) Art (bedroom poster) /f/ feet fish fat /v/ van vase violin Music (song) Math (counting, adding, subtracting) Social studies(zoo poster) Language Arts (fiction) Art (zoo poster) /m/ mom mouth monkey /n/ nine nose nurse


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