

C. reply to them at once D. keep them as your secrets

解析:由“ What can you do?”部分的第二段可知,但你收到坏信息时,你应该把它们给老 师、家长或警察。

57. If you are not kind to someone, you should ____. A. say sorry to him

C. ask your parents to say sorry

B. talk about it in public D. feel sad and keep quiet

解析: 由“What can you do?”部分的倒数第二段第一句可知,当你对某人不好时,你应该 道歉。

58. This passage is mainly written for ____. A. teachers

B. parents

C. child

D. the police

解析: 通读全文尤其是 “What can you do?”部分的第二段可推知, 本文主要是写给孩子的。


In our daily life, robots are often found to do work that is too dangerous, boring, difficult, or dirty. And we often see kids play with toy robots.

But what exactly is a robot? There are some important characteristics( 特征 ) that a robot must have. These characteristics might help you to decide what is and what is not a robot. It will also help you to decide what you will need to build into a machine before robot. A robot has these important characteristics.

SensingFirst of all, your robot would have to be able to sense the environment around it. Give your robot sensors ( 传感器 ):light sensors( eyes ), touch sensors (hands), chemical sensors(nose), hearing sensors(ears) and taste sensors (tongue).

Movement A robot needs to be able to move around its environment.

It can move on wheels, it can be considered as a

walk on legs or be driven by small engines( 发动机 ). A robot can move either the whole body or just parts of it.

Energy A robot needs to be able to power itself. Some robots might power itself with sunlig ht,some might with electricity, while others with the battery( 电池). The way your robot gets its energy will depend on what your robot needs to do.

Intelligence A robot needs some kind of \

A programmer is the person who gives



the robot its \knows what it is to do. 答案: 61—65 CDBCA

59. The underlined word \A. the toy

B the characteristic

C. the machine

D. the engine

解析:结合画线词前后的内容可推知, it 在此是关于 the machine 的。此处指“在机器被认

为是机器人之前,决定把什么放入机器中”。 60. The chemical sensors may help a robot to ____. A. see

B. catch

C. hear

D. smell

解析: 由第三段中的 “chemical sensors(nose)”可推知,the chemical 能帮助机器人去 “闻” 。 61. In how many ways can a robot power itself according to the passage? A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

解析:由倒数第二段中的“ Some robots might power itself with sunlight,some might with

electricity, while others with the battery( 电池).”可知,一个机器人有三种通过自身获得能量 的方式。

62. The Chinese meaning of \A. 能源

B. 勤奋

C. 智能

D. 外观

解析:由最后一段内容可推知, intelligence 在此表示“智能”。

63. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To help people understand what a robot is. B. To tell what a robot can do in our life. C. To describe the movement of a robot. D. To introduce the history of robots.





配对阅读。左栏是五位学生打算成立俱乐部时所遇到的问题 每位学生选择一个合适的建议

, 右栏是相应的建议 , 请为左栏的

, 并将题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

A. Setting up an English club is one of the things we are going to do this term. So do it right now. Let's see how many people will

join and then decide where and when to meet B. You must know that pools are expensive to

64. Jack plans to create a cooking club at school. He wants to know how much it will cost. 65. Sam cares about the environment very much. But he doesn't know

how to start an Environmental club in school.

66. Creating a swimming club is Mike ’s



However, he isn't sure whether swimmers to a nearby pool. his school can help to build a pool.

67. Sue is thinking of starting an English club. 68.

But she worries about theme and the place they

can meet.

69. Lucy expects to start a club about poetry because she knows that lots of kids love poetry. But she is wondering how to get people to join.



C. Reading poems can be very fun. You can

first ask your classmates to join, and then they will invite their own friends to join it. D. Your plan sounds like a good one. As for the cost, you can ask your mother for some advice. She must know a lot about cooking. E. First you should think about your interest. If you like playing games, a gaming club will be a good idea. If you are a swimming fan, it is great to start a swimming club.

F. I think it is a good idea to set up a club like that! You can first give speeches about


protecting the environment at school. G. A club can influence people a lot even if it has only a few members, so I wouldn too much about it being small.

’t worry

答案: 66—70 DFBAC 解析:

3. 第 66 题中的内容“ how much it will cost the cost”“a lot about cooking ”是相对应的。


”“a cooking club ”与 D 项中的内容“As for

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