
15.Half the roads in the region are still to be made up.(这地区的路面有一半还没有修好。)

16. Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.(社会是由具有迥然不同的能力的人组成的。)

17.It took Laurence Oliver more than an hour to make up for the part of ―Othello‖.(扮演“奥赛罗”这个角色,劳伦斯奥利维花了一个多小时化装。)

18.We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.(我们不得不加快车速,以弥补在波士顿所耽误的时间。)

二、 词义引伸


1.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.(帝国主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。) 2.Every life has its roses and thorns.(每个人的生活都有甜有苦。)

3.In fact, the Bavarian environment was so charged with Nazi sentiment throughout the 1920s that Hitler‘s storm troops goosestepped into power in Furth in 1930.(事实上,在整个二十年代,纳粹党在巴伐利亚一带已博得公众好感,以至于一九三0年,希特勒的冲锋队员就耀武扬威地夺取了菲尔特镇的权力。)

4. See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct.(在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。) 2.将词义作具体化的引伸

1.As the Politburo gave the go-ahead to Brezhnev, Nixon and Kissinger were meeting in the President‘s Kremlin apartment, prepared to accept a setback on SALT.(在政治局向勃列日涅夫开放绿灯时,尼克松和基辛格正在克里姆林宫的总统下榻处开会,准备承受限制战略武器会谈失败的挫折。) 2.Vietnam was his entrée to the new Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant.(越南战争成了进入新政府的敲门砖。他担任政府的对外政策顾问,那是第三次了。)

3. The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.(我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。) 4.Without his knowledge, the matchmakers were at work.(他自己还不知道,媒人却已为他穿针引线。)

5.More to the point, Theodore Roosevelt feared Russia was trying to ―organize northern China against us‖.(西奥多罗斯福担心俄国企图“在华北活动,以对付我们。”这更是一针见血的话。) 6. What we were offered was a big fat zero.(我们得到的是一个大零蛋。)

7.He was open now to charges of willful blindness.(这时人们指责他装聋作哑。) 3.根据语境引伸

1.There was no provocation for such an angry letter.(写这样一封生气的信简直是毫无道理。)

2. Fatty‘s Restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years.(去发体餐厅就餐,七年来已成了他生活中惯常的事情。)

3.The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books. But his case was a different proposition.(那个箱子又大又笨重,装的都是书;不过他随身带的箱子却是另一回事。)

4.The wedding, which Heyward still remembered with pride, was attended by a Who‘s Who of Boston Society.(参加婚礼的有波士顿社会名流,赫华德想到这次婚礼时,仍然感到非常得意。)

5. The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era-the Industrial Age. Money had become King.(机器的发明使世界进入了一个新纪元即工业时代,金钱成了一切的权威。)

三、 巧用四字词组

1.But there had been too much publicity about my case.(但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知。) 2.The streets were overrun by Hitler‘s bullies.(那时希特勒的暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作。) 3.Target priorities were established there.(目标的轻重缓急,孰先孰后,是在那里决定的。)

4. I had been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing.(我的回答完全是坦坦荡荡,直言无隐。)

5.His children, too, were as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody.(他的那些孩子,也是穿得破破烂烂,粗野不堪,就象没有父母似的。)

6.Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.(欢迎他的只有几下轻轻的、零零落落、冷冷淡淡的掌声。)

7. On this battle rests the fate of our nation. Let every man do his utmost.(民族存亡在此一战。凡我士兵务必全力奋战。)


8.She is cheerful and adaptable, as well as gentle.(她不光是性情温柔,而且爽朗随和。)

9.She quietly and dreamily lowered herself into his arms, and Angel methodically marched off with her.(她伏伏贴贴、悠悠忽忽地靠在他的肩头上,他不慌不忙、不紧不慢地抱着她向前走去。)

10. Izz had ridden sensibly and calmly.(伊茨伏在他身上,规规矩矩,安安静静。)

11.He was a voracious reader, spending much of his days and evenings devouring books.(他读起书来废寝忘食,夜以继日。) 12.Lacking shade or screens, the BEF was exposed to the full fury of the season.(“远征军”一无凉棚,二无帘幕,饱尝酷暑之苦。)

13.That crippled the court reform.(最高法院的改革,就此半途而废。)

14.Sheer boredom nearly drove Eisenhower to the point resigning his commissions.(由于闷极无聊,艾森毫尔几乎想解甲归田。)

15.Their hands met and---like mist---fell through each other.(两手相交,如烟如幻,交而不接。)

16. His face was neither bright nor dark, neither alive nor dead, neither ready nor resigned.(他的模样,既非精神焕发,亦非忧郁不堪;既非生气勃勃,亦非死气沉沉;既非敢想敢做,亦非逆来顺受。)

17.The picture of the well-dressed, pinkcheeked doctor losing his heart to Ethel in this environment was hard to take seriously.(这种环境总不会叫人相信,这位衣冠楚楚、脸色红润的医生,竟会被埃蒂尔勾魂摄魄吧。)

18.When we were tired, we were unreasonable, cross, and the victims of transcendent depressions.(当我们十分疲劳时,我们会变得蛮不讲理,爱发脾气,消极颓唐。)

19.She worked for a vulgar and badly educated family.(她给一个品格低下、缺乏教养的家庭帮工。)

20. Harry bullied that old, old lady into believing that she was a sweet, pregnant girl married to a sexy gorilla who was going to beat her brains out.(哈里连骗带吓,哄得这垂暮之年的老太太真以为自己是那个妩媚娇美、有孕在身、委身于一个准备把自己打得灵魂出窍的性感恶汉的姑娘。)

21.Before you came I did nothing but idle and drift into anything that offered itself.(你来之前,我无所事事,只是游手好闲,逢场作戏。)

22. Men and women hurried by in long, shifting lines.(男男女女,熙熙攘攘,落绎不绝。)

23. But the Vichy men are a loathsome form of life---crawling, sycophantic, pretentious, lying, self-righteous, anti-Semitic, reactionary, feebly militaristic and altogether base and unworthy of French culture.(但是维希政权的这些人属于人类生命中令人齿寒的那一类型。他们卑躬屈节,趋炎附势,自命不凡,狡诈多变,虚伪骄饰;他们反对保守,歧视犹太民族;他们既逞强好战,又软弱无能。他们卑鄙之甚实在有法兰西文化。)

24.These American staples are beautiful to our eyes, exquisite to our palates, reviving to our fading physiques.(这些美国日常食品看起来赏心悦目,吃起来美味可口,对于我们的苟延残喘的体质有起死回生的功效。)

25.One of Major Eisenhower‘s friends was Brigadier George Moseley, whom Eisenhower later described as ―a brilliant‖ and ―dynamic‖ officer ―always delving into new ideas‖.(陆军准将乔治莫利是艾森豪尔少校的朋友。艾森豪尔后来说他是个“才气横溢”、“生气勃勃”、“富于创见”的人。)

26. He was canny, openhanded, brisk, candid, and modest.(他为人聪明大方,生气勃勃,忠厚耿直,谦虚谨慎。)

27. I repair to the enchanted house, where there are lights, chattering, music, flowers, officers and the eldest Miss Larkins, a blaze of beauty.(我现在朝着那家仙宫神宇走去,那儿灯火辉煌、人语嘈杂、音乐悠扬、花草缤纷、军官纷来,还有拉钦斯大小姐,真是仪态万千。)

28. There were a few middle-aged and even elderly women in the train, their silver-wiry hair and wrinkled faces, scourged by time and trouble, having almost a grotesque, certainly a pathetic, appearance in such a jaunty situation.(游行队伍里的妇女,有几位中年的,甚至还有几位上了年纪的;她们都饱经风霜,受尽磨难,一头白发,满脸皱纹,却也夹在这种轻快活泼的队伍里,让人觉得几乎不伦不类,毫无疑问十分可怜可叹。)

29. Drew Pearson, a thirty-four-year-old reporter, described them as ―ragged, weary, and apathetic,‖ with ―no hope on their faces‖.(有一位三十四岁的记者,名叫德鲁皮尔逊,他描写那些退伍军人,说是“衣衫褴褛,筋疲力尽,神情木然,满脸愁容”。)

30. Louisa (a peasant girl): As you have come to my home, I feel greatly honoured.(大架光临,不胜容幸。)

31.The mayor of Toledo said in 1932, ―I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation.(托莱多市长在1932年说过:“我见到成千上万的山穷水尽、灰心绝望的男男女女前来请求救济。他们低声下气,苦苦哀求。此情此景,真是丢了美国人



32. Eisenhower later recalled, when MacArthur felt slighted he was capable of expressing himself in ―an explosive denunciation of politics, bad manners, bad judgement, broken promise, arrogance, unconstitutionality, insensitivity, and the way the world had gone to hell.‖(艾森豪尔后来回忆往事时说,只要麦克阿瑟感到有人对他不够尊重,就“发起脾气来,破口大骂人家好耍权术,不懂礼貌,乱出主意,出尔反尔,狂妄自大,违反宪法,神经迟钝,麻木不仁,如今世道真是见鬼,等等。”) 33. Wartime Marseilles was such a bubbling stew of political double-dealing, financial corruption, racial and nationalist crisscrossings, refugee agonies, and tragedies, and Mediterranean finagling dating back to Phoenician times, that compared to Gaither‘s daily grind, melodramas and spy yarns paled.(战争年头的马赛本来就已成为一锅上下翻腾的大杂烩:政治上狗苟蝇营,钱财上的巧取豪夺,种族和国籍的混淆纠缠,离乡背井的难民和悲剧,以及从腓尼基人时代以来就已盛行在地中沿岸的尔虞我诈、勾心斗角,所以和盖瑟的例行公事相比起来,什么离奇曲折的剧情和阴险诡谲的故事都要黯然失色。)

34.It was a bright September afternoon, and the streets of New York were brilliant with moving men.(这是九月的一个晴朗的下午,纽约的大街上,人来人往,五光十色。)

35. Whatever initial worries we had about the plane soon vanished.(不管开始时我们对飞机有什么不放心,这种顾虑不久就烟消云散了。)

36. If this was a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few.(多数人兴高采烈之日,却是少数人伤心失意之时。)

37. He sat there and watched them, so changelessly changing, so bright and dark, so grave and gay.(他坐在那儿注视着,觉得眼前的景象,既是始终如一,又是变化多端,既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗,既是庄严肃穆,又是轻松愉快。) 38. He showed himself calm in an emergency situation.(他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。)

39. The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.(这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌,哑口无言。)

40. Instead we continued to embellish the cover story, walking blindly into his trap.(而事实不然,我们却仍然对那个掩盖真相的假情况添油加醋,大肆喧染,从而盲人骑瞎马地陷入了他布置的圈套。)

41. With what seemed my last hope frustrated, I slipped into a deep lethargy.(随着最后一线希望的破灭,我不知不觉地掉进了一种懒怠冷漠、意气消沉的状态。)

42. The toasts were flat.(祝酒辞是平平淡淡的。)

43. I wasn‘t evasive in my replay.(我的回答并不躲躲闪闪。)

44. A slanting sunlight dappled the grass.(斜阳把草地照得斑斑驳驳。)

45. The farm buildings and the wheel-house were all dim and bluish.(农场房屋和水车护架都模模糊糊,呈现着浅蓝色。) 46. The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair.(据他看来,这次审判是绝对公平合理的。) 47. She is an awful fool of a woman.(她是一个非常愚昧无知的女人。) 48. She told him of Johnsy‘s fancy.(苏把琼西的胡思乱想告诉了他。)

49. But at that time, she was the only woman there.(但是当时她是那里独一无二的女人。)

四、 活用词典

1.I have read with much satisfaction the phrase which you quote concerning the number of strong-holds. Yes, there must be few of them, but good ones.(我读了你所引用的关于要塞数量的话,十分满意。你说得对,要塞不宜过多,但要精工修造。) 2. When Smith pointed out that he had spread the rumor, he vehemently retorted, ―No, no.‖(当史密斯指出他散布了谣言时,他激烈地反驳说:“没有拿事,没有拿事。”

3.he had been anxiously looking round him for an aristocratic face, in order that he might tell him what he thought, but could not recognize lord this or duke that. No. No.(他向周围殷切地张望,想找到一位贵族的面孔,以便向这个贵族谈谈他的看法,但是他认不出这位勋爵或那位公爵。认不出。认不出。)

3 Then, his triumph was complete.(到了这时,他已取得了完全的胜利。)

4. On the surface, then, all was well that ends well.(事情做到这一步,表面上算是皆大欢喜了。)

5.Throughout the year, then, he continued to have stormy relations not only with his allies, but also with his followers.(就这样,在整个这一年中,他不仅和他的盟友,也和他的追随者发生了一场又一场的风波。)

6. I think we were all mad, more or less, at that time. I only want to show that there was method in my madness.(我认为当时我



7.But presently came the anti-climax. One in the back of the hall got up to ask a question.(就在这时,忽然来了一个大煞风景。大厅后排一位听众站起来提出了一个问题。)

8.He sought the distraction of distance.(他想远走高飞,免得心烦。)

9. For me personally, it was a blessing in disguise.(这对于我个人来说,是祸中得福。) 10. At the first meeting there was a storm.(他显得很不自然,脸色发青。) 11. His fury was exaggerated.(他大发雷霆,未免小题大做。)

第三节 逻辑分析: 一、否定句:在英语否定句里,其否定对象比较灵活多变,表里不一。通过逻辑分析可以判明其否定对象。如: 1.The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished。发动机不是因为燃料用完而停止的。(只是否定状语从句,因为否定谓语不符合逻辑。) 2.They do not consider that pure science is more important than applied science.他们认为理论科学并不比应用科学重要。(not的否定重点为more important,而不是consider。) 3.They have not sponsored the syposium to compare notes on the controversy。他们主办这次专题讨论会,不是为了对那项争议交换意见。(not否定的重点不是sposored,而to compare引起的目的状语。) 4.The experiment on the transformation of energy shows that no energy can be created and none destroyed.能量转换的试验说明了能量既不能创造,也不能消灭。(由否定主语转化为否定谓语。) 二、定语从句:英语的定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。无论是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句,在大多数情况下,其作用已超出了修饰的范围,而与主句有原因、结果、目的、条件、让步等关系。定语从句也相应地译为汉语的偏正复句,即汉语的原因、结果、目的、条件、让步等复句。定语从句与主句存在何种逻辑关系,只有通过逻辑分析才能判明。如: 1.A similar problem is encountered in some hydraulic pumps that require considerable mechanical effort to contro1 themselves. 一些液压泵因为需要相当大的机械力去控制,所以也遇上了同样的问题。(表原因) 2.The diode chip is coated with a thin layer of hard glass which eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed package. 二极管片涂上一薄层硬玻璃,所以无须再用密封的管壳。(表结果) 3.A1loys which contain a magetic substance generally also have magetic properties.合金如果含有磁性的物质,那么,一般也就会具有磁性。(表条件) 4.In pratice,we consider a current as flowing from the positive terminal to the negative terminal in the external circuit,which is contrary to the flow of electron stream. 在实际中,我们把电流看成是在外电路中从正端流向负端,尽管这种情况与电子流的方向相反。(表让步) 5. E1ectromotive force results in electric pressure,which may be compared to water pressure。 电动势产生电压,电压好比水压。(从句与主句是并列关系) 三、状语从句:英语中,状语从句是一个比较复杂的语言现象。尽管引导状语从句的连词在汉语中基本上可以找到相应的词,但是,由连词引导的状语从句与主句之间的逻辑关系,却不能从字面去理解,只有逻辑分析才能判明[2]。1. Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine。如果机器发生故障,就把电闸断开。(when引导时间状语从句,在此表条件关系。) 2.When winds blow sand particles against a large rock for a longtime,the softer layers of the rock are sowly worn away. 由于风把砂粒刮起来,碰撞大岩石,久而久之,较松软的岩石层就被慢慢地磨损。(when表原因。) 3.Where internal corrosion is known to exist,the fo1lowing practices can be employed。如果发现有内腐蚀存在,可采用以下措施。(引导地点状语的where在这表示条件关系。) 4. A11 gases at 0℃ are found to gain l part in 273 of their vo1ume when heated to 1℃,so 1ong as the pressure is maintained constant. 当压力保持不变时,所有气体从0℃加热到1℃,其体积都会增大1/273。(as long as原来表条件,在此表时间。)

5.Petroleum as it is found in the earth is a combination of several fractions。 地下发现的石油是几种馏分的组合物。(状语形式,定语意义。) 四、分裂结构: 在英语中,为使句子结构平衡或突出定语所表达的内容,中心词及其后置定语之间可能出现句子的其他成分(如谓语、状语等),致使中心词与后置定语不连在一起。这就是中心词与定语的割裂现象,语法上称之为“分裂结构”(split structure或disconjuncture)。被割裂的定语,其修饰对象只有逻辑分析才能判明 1.Those forces acting on a given body which are exerted by other bodies are referred to as external forces.其他物体所施加的作用于一定物体上的力,称为外力。(which引导的定语从句有可能修饰forces,


也有可能修饰body。但从逻辑上考虑只能修饰forces。) 2.Large numbers of warships,principally submarines, are at sea with nuclear propulsion.许多以核能为动力的军舰,主要是潜艇,已在海上航行。(介词短语with nulear propulsion只能修饰warships。) 3.The time will certainly come when we shall need a great increase in transoceanic electronic communication.对跨洋电子通讯的需要大大增加的时刻必然会到来。(when引导的从句常常会被误认为是时间状语从句,但实质上它是time的定语从句,起着进一步说明的作用。) 五、介词短语: 位于句子末尾的介词短语可能是定语、状语或宾语补语。作何种成分,可通过逻辑分析加以判明。 1.The milling machine cuts various shapes with rotary cutters.铣床用旋转的刀具切削出各种形状。(介词短语作状语,故译在谓语之前。) 2.Oil and lubricants are used to lessen friction in machinery.油和润滑剂用来减少机器的摩擦。(是“在机器中减少摩擦”还是“减少机器中的摩擦”?后者更符合逻辑。) 3.A force may set the ball in motion.力可使球运动。(介词短语作宾语补语,故译在宾语之后。) 六、有修饰语的并列成分 :当句中并列成分修饰另一个词或被另一个词所修饰时,就要仔细判断:这种修饰或说明的关系涉及整个并列成分还是只涉及到并列成分中的某一成分。1.Gas,oil and electric furnaces are most commonly used for heat treating metal. 金属热处理最常用的是煤气炉、油炉和电炉。(gas和oil在语法上可与electric furnaces并列,也可与electric并列,逻辑分析只能是后者。) 2. Hard rubber and glass are good insulators because they are poor conductors. 硬橡皮和玻璃是很好的绝缘体,因为它们是导电率极小的导体。(形容词只修饰并列的名词中的前一个。) 3.This arrangement holds for both silicon and germanium crystals.这种排列适合于硅晶体和锗晶体。(并列的两个名词都是最后那个名词“crystals”的定语。) 九、无生命事物的主语结构:科技英语里用无生命事物作主语的句子应用比较普遍,因为这样的句子简洁、客观。无生命事物作主语,在句中往往与其他成分存在着某种内在的逻辑关系。1.The wrong power-line connections will damage the motor.如果把电源线接错,就会损坏电动机。(主语表条件) 2.The much lower capacity of direct reduction process makes them impossible to compete with the blast furnace process.因为各种直接还原法的生产能力低得多,所以它们不能和高炉炼铁法相竞争。(主语表原因) 3.His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machine。因为他不遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。(主语表原因) 八、某些连词:英语中的连词都有相应的汉语词语,翻译时可对号入座。但某些连词却不能从字面理解,其连接的前、后句或前、后词的关系只有通过逻辑分析才能判明。 1.We gear the crunkshaft to the car engine by gears of toothed wheels.我们通过齿轮把曲轴与汽车发动机连接起来。(toothed wheels与gears属于同一概念,只译其一。) 2. The heaviest material in the petroleum,and the one with the highest point,is further processed to produce coke and asphalt. 石油中最重物质,也就是具有最高沸点的物质,可进一步加工来生产焦炭和沥青。(前一个and引导的是同位语,译“即”。) 九、名词或代词+非限定性动词短语

在名词或代词+非限定性动词短语结构中,非限定性动词与其所修饰的对象在句法上存在着主谓关系、动宾关系等,判断其属于何种关系,只有通过逻辑分析才能解决。1.The velocity of gas passing over the object to be cooled determines the rate of heat transferred to the object.气体通过被冷却物体的速度决定热传递的速度。(分词短语与修饰对象的关系只能是主谓关系,因为我们只说物体运动的速度,而不说运动的物体的速度。) 2.When a piece of metal is rubbed with wool,the electricity produced moves freely through the metal.

用呢绒摩擦一块金属时,所产生的电可从该金属中自由地流动过去。(过去分词与修饰对象存在动宾关系。) 十、短语或从句的限定范围: 确定短语或从句的限定范围,需要逻辑分析。 l. Kinetic energy is the kind of energy matter has because of its motion.动能就是物质运动时所具有的能量。(定语从句后的介词短语在从句范围内。) 2.We usually call the water vapour that comes from boiling water by another name steam.我们通常对来自沸水的水蒸气另外取名叫蒸汽。(定语从句后的介词短语“by?steam”在主句范围内。) 3.We can tell if we are sick by measuring the hotness of our bodies.我们可以通过测量体温来判断是否病了。(宾语从句后的介词短语“by?bodies”在主句范围内。)

第四节 词类转译


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