
马云ipo上市路演英文演讲稿 |hello, im jack ma, founder and chairman of alibaba group. at alibaba, we fight for the little guy,the small businessmen and women and their customers. our role is simple, through our ecosystem,we help merchants and customers find each other and conduct business on their terms and in ways that best serve their unique needs. we help merchants to grow, create jobs and open new markets, in ways

that were nervier before possible. you will hear details from our business later. but first let me take you on a journey around china, to see some of the real people,real stories that alibaba has

impact on them. i am proud to share with you these stories that show the heart and sprite of

alibaba. i’m proud that we ignite innovation,create jobs benefit customers and help

entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams. today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult ,but the day aftertomorrow is

beautiful.篇二:马云ipo上市英语演讲稿(中英对照) 马云ipo上市英语演讲稿 hello! everyone, i’m ma yun . the virgo who change the world. today is september

19th.this evening alibaba wlii land the new york stock exchange after the delisting. we’ve got the integration of listed for $68 per share total $218 billion.what a sign of that? we are the third global financing scale. dear,$1748 billion. how much

time we need to spend that money ? when i was in trouble i went to usa and eager finance 2 million dollars. however,i

was rejected by 300 vc. that day, i felt i’m really a short poor ugly guy. but today what i want is 2 hurndred billion . as a result, the participants of the investors lined upon the same floor where i live in the 90th floor like thousands

of people waiting for ipone 6 in front of an apple store. behind my valiant record there is also a time when i make a mistake. that was yahoo! only spent 10 billion bought our 40% shares. bartz later refused to cooperate

wihe me. i really want marry her and dumped her. so our equity situation is 34.4% share hold by softbank. 22.6% share hold by yahoo. as chairman of board. i only hold 8.9%. luzhaoxi holds 1%. others hold 29.6% share.

bright spot is the other, as this roadshow process. i repeated the ecological energy of aligroup. now we have a very awesome alipay, taobao, tmall business group and those about to enter the ktv, the pharmacy and usury industry. the next step, we will bet on logistics

and intelligent hardware field. last year we set up food logistics. this year we will enter the domestic mobile phone industry. when zte-huawei-coopad-lenovo association is dying. i think that meizu, oppo still have

sense of b. even translation 大家好,我是马云,改变世界的处女座。今天是9月19日,今天晚上阿里巴巴在退市之后将在纽交所上市交易。我们整合上市每股¥68美元,总额为$218亿。这代表什么?我们的

融资规模是全球第三大的。 亲爱的,1748亿,这些钱我们要花多久啊?


我记录下这个场景。现在我想说今天你对我爱答不理,明天我让你高攀不起。 当我处于困境,我去美国融资2百万美金,然而被300位风投拒绝。那时,我真的觉得自己是一个矮、穷、丑的人。但是今天我要的是200亿。结果投资者在我住的酒店90楼排起

长队,就像上千人在苹果专卖店门前等iphone6. 在我英雄记录的背后也犯过一些错误.那就是雅虎只花了10亿就买下了我们40%的股权。之后贝茨拒绝跟我合作。我真想先娶了她然后再甩了她。我们现在的股权情况是软银掌握34.4%的股权,雅虎掌握22.6%,作为懂事局主席我只掌握8.9%,陆兆禧掌握1%,其他人掌握29.6%,两点是其他。 我真的不知道再说些什么,我知道今晚过后阿里巴巴将被外国人看做是一家大公司。但是没人知道“阿里巴巴”的商标以前不是我们的。感谢党和国家帮我

们打赢官司,否则今天“阿里巴巴”将成为香油的品牌。 在这次路演中我反复强调阿里巴巴的生态力量。现在我们有非常伟大的支付宝,淘宝,天猫等商业集团他们将涉足ktv,药房和高利贷等行业。下一步,我们将投入到物流和智能硬件领域。去年我们建立了食品物流,今年我们将进入国产手机行业。当zte-华为-酷派-联想这些公司在垂死挣扎的时候,我认为魅族和oppo很有b格。老罗和乐视甚至也开始做smart phone . 我还能做什么?所以阿里巴巴马上收购了魅族形成了下一个增长点。中国有一句老

话,富不过三代。 我们的愿景是让阿里巴巴变成一家可持续发展超过3代的企业。我相信阿里巴巴退市再上市的时候,我们将成为一家万亿的企业。最后,我决定给每一位支付宝用户919元人民币

来几年这次上市,谢谢!篇三:马云在纽交所上市前夕ipo路演演讲稿 马云在纽交所上市前夕ipo路演演讲稿--语言点精析 2014-09-19谢侃kevin英语课堂 文/谢侃(公众号:kevinenglishclass) 作为一个中国企业家,英语说的比马云好的没几个。但终归不 是母语,马云的英文演讲表达相对简单,但非常高效,也是值 得大家学习的范文。今天给大家带来的是马云上市前夕做的英语路演的演讲稿语言点分析,以此纪念今天晚上(9.19)马云率领的阿里巴巴在纽交所上市,出身卑微马云即将成为中国的新首富,也使投资于他的日本软银总裁孙正义成为日本首富。上市后,阿里巴巴将创造美股史上最大融资规模。马云的经历是小人物登顶的最好案例,这是中国人的骄傲,也是杭州人的骄傲。能和马云住在一座城市,是我的幸运。我更希望自己也能沾沾他身上那股不

服输、有想法、敢于冒险的气息。 hello, im jack ma, founder(创始人) and chairman(主席) of alibaba group. 大家好,我是马云,阿里巴巴集团的创始人和董事会主席。 at alibaba, we fight for(为?奋斗) the little guy(小人物), the small businessmen and women and their customers. our role is simple, through our ecosystem(电子商务环境也是一种“生态系统”), we help merchants(商人的另一种说法) and customers find each other and conduct business(做生意,conduct是do的正规说法)on their terms(基于他们之间的关系) and in ways that best serve their unique needs. we help merchants to grow, create jobs and open new markets, in ways that were never before

possible(以一种重来没有出现过的新的方式). 在阿里巴巴,我们为一些小的生意人奋斗,和他们的客户在不懈努力。其实,我们的目标非常简单:能够帮助商家和客户找到彼此,并按照他们独特的需求方式来开展服务。我们


you will hear details from our business later. but first let me take you on a

journey around china(take?on a journey around?:带领某人游览某地), to see some of the real people, real stories that

alibaba has impact on(have an impact on:对?产生了影响) them. 稍后,您将听到我们公司商业上经营的细节。不过,首先让我带您开启一段走遍中国的

旅程,让我们透过一些真实的人们以及他们的真事,看看阿里巴巴对他们产生了什么影响。 i am proud to share with you these stories that show the heart and sprit of


我深感荣幸,能和你们分享这些故事,能为您展示阿里巴巴的精神与核心。 i’m proud that we ignite(激发、点燃,很棒的词,一定要记住哦) innovation, create jobs, benefit(动词,给?好处,造福?)customers and help entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams(实现梦想). 让我感到更加自豪的是,我们能够点燃创新、创造机会、造福客户、并且能给创业者圆

梦。 with alibaba’s platforms, people are improving their lives today, and can hope for a better tomorrow(憧憬美好的明天). from our humble beginnings(卑微的出身)

and throughout the past 15 years, alibaba has changed 通过阿里巴巴这个平台,人们能够改善他们现有的生活,并且能够憧憬一个更好的未来。从我们最初很单纯的一个小期望开始,如今15年过去了。阿里巴巴已经改变了中国电子商务的模式。我们的业务不断发展壮大,但是我们从未丢失对于客户第一的理念。我们始终专注

于帮助客户解决问题,基于这点,也成就了我们最好的业务结果。 today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.(这句话注定会成为马云最经典的名言,希望大家背出来,也是很励志的写作素

材)篇四:马云哥伦比亚大学演讲稿(英文) 篇五:(新闻)阿里路演火爆 马云纽约演讲 阿里路演火爆 马云纽约演讲 作者: | 时间: 2014-09-09 13:43 | 来源:一财网 | 浏览次数:399 ? ? ?

? 涉及企业: 阿里巴巴 涉及人物: 马云 涉及机构: 涉及行业: 电子商务 导读:


华 尔道夫酒店排队拐了18个弯,据说有1000人来看小马哥,电梯等了40分钟。每人发一个提问题用的ipad,招股书皮竟然换成橙色。马云逗趣的说:“我15年前来美国要2百

万,被30家vc拒了;我今天又来了,多要点。 【路演开局火爆】“现场十分火爆?我从来没见过这么多人,大家都排着队,再安检?马云也来了,显得非常热情。”来自加州的一家共同基金代表这样跟我说。 不论是从场外“围追堵截”阿里巴巴创始人马云的紧张场景,还是从参加路演的投资者了解到的场内情况来看,记者都切身感受到,阿里巴巴的路演和上市无疑非常让市场着迷和


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