

英 语




第Ⅰ部分 选择题(110分)

一、听力 (共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)

第一部分 听对话回答问题,本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍(计10


1. How does her father go to work?

A. B. C.

2. Where is the man’s penfriend from?

A. B. C.

3. What does Walter do after work?

A. B. C.

4. What is Jack going to be when he grows up? A. B. C.

5. When will the film begin?

A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30. 6. What will the boy do tomorrow?

A. He’ll do his homework. B. He’ll go to work. C. He’ll do his housework. 7. Where does the boy have lunch?

A. In the restaurant. B. At home. C. At school. 8. What does the man want to do?

A. Go climbing B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping. 9. What will the girldo this afternoon?

A. Have a party. B. Visit the old people. C. Go shopping. 10. When is the man’s birthday?

A. On April 30th. B. On May 1st. C. On May 2nd.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。


听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. What club is the boy in?

A. In the dancing club. B. In the drawing club. C. In the singing club. 12. How often does the boy go to the club?

A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,完成信息记录表。

A Day out When and where to go How to go What to do They will have a trip to Sunshine Park 13 They will go there by 14 They will 15 in the morning and boat in the lake in the afternoon. They will have a picnic lunch in the park. 13. A. this Sunday B. next Sunday C. next Saturday 14. A. bike B. bus C. car 15. A. go swimming B. play volleyball C. fly kites 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。 16. Where does Jim live?

A. In New York. B. In Paris. C. In London. 17. How many people are there in Jim's family?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 18. How does Jim's father go to work?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. 19. Where do Jim's parents talk with their friends?

A. In the living room. B. On the balcony. C. In the garden. 20. Which's TRUE about Jim' s flat?

A. It's in the centre of the city B. It is big with two bedrooms C. It's small with no gardens

二、单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分,计15分)

在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题中空白处的最佳答案 21. London is _______ big city and it’s _______ capital of the UK.

A. the, the B. a, a C. the, a D. a, the 22. The teacher told us to write an _______ story.

A. 800-word B. 800 words C. 800-words D. 800 word 23. Miss. Su teaches _______ English . She is a good teacher of _______.

A. us; us B. our; our C. us; ours D. our; ours 24. ---Why are you in such a hurry, John?

---There _______ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. will hold 25. Li Lei and I live in the same building .But he lives two floors _______ me.

A. on B. over C. under D. below 26. ---We must stop _______ plastic bags(塑料袋).

---You’re right. It’s good for us our environment. A. use B. to use C. used D. using

27. There are _______ students in Millie’s school. About two _______ of them are girls.

A. thousand, thousands B. thousands, thousand C. thousands of, thousands D. thousands of, thousand

28. ---_______ is it from your home to your school? ---It is about twenty minutes by bike.

A. How far B. How long C. How many D. How much 29. There are _______ students in the classroom. Can you tell me where they are?

A. a little B. many C. little D. few 30. You’d better sleep with your windows _______ in winter. Or you’ll get a cold

A. open B. opened C. close D. closed 31. ---Excuse me, I don’t think you can take photos here.

---Sorry. I _______ this is no-photo zone.(地区) A. don’t know B. have no idea C. didn’t know D. won’t know 32. Which stress is on the second syllable(音节)?

A. palace B. shower C. machine D. Double


33. ---It’s a fine day. Shall we go fishing? ---_______. But we need to get home before six.

A. Have a nice time! B. You’re right. C. Not at all. D. A good idea! 34. We see Hobo jumping into the room _______ the window.

A. across B. through C. over D. by 35. ---What do you think of eating in KFC again? ---_______. Fast food is bad for our health. A. Sounds like a good idea. B. Sounds cool! C. I think it a good idea. D. Why not make a change?




“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince(王子) and 36 like a pauper(穷人).”As the old saying tells us, breakfast is the most 37 meal of the day. It gives us much energy after a long night without 38 .

If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry easily. Breakfast helps children stay their eyes in 39 . A study shows that children who eat breakfast often get 40 marks(分数) in most subjects.

Breakfast is also important for weight loss(减肥). If you have a balanced(均衡) breakfast, you will eat 41 during the day.

A healthy and balanced breakfast should include some protein(蛋白质) like eggs, milk or a little meat, which makes you energetic all day.

Carbohydrates(碳水化合物) like rice or bread can keep you active(活泼). Vegetables and 42 have the vitamins(维生素) that we need.

But in China, breakfast is 43 from area to area. Porridge(稀饭) with pickles(咸菜), baozi, noodles, soybean milk and youtiao are usual around the whole 44 . Most people still enjoy traditional Chinese breakfast. They think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested(消化), but also can give enough energy in the 45 .

36. A. breakfast B. vegetables C. dinner D. meat 37. A. important B. easy C. hard D. Interesting 38. A. sleep B. dream C. food D. breakfast 39. A. home B. water C. sleep D. class 40. A. lower B. less C. higher D. most 41. A. less B. fewer C. more D. much 42. A. meat B. beef C. eggs D. fruit 43. A. different B. same C. difficult D. far 44. A. class B. school C. family D. country 45. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night


Mary’s school is a few kilometers from her house. Both her parents are busy and 46 drive her to school. Every day at 7:30 she takes a school bus there. The bus goes around to pick up students every morning and bring them back 47 every afternoon.

Mary’s parents always set their alarm clock(调闹钟) every evening, but one morning it didn’t 48 When Mary’s mother opened her eyes, it was already 8 o’clock. She ran into Mary’s room. “I’m sorry, dear,” she said, “but you’ll have to wash and dress very quickly, 49 a quick breakfast and then I’ll 50 you to school.”

“But do you know the way to my school, Mum?” “No, but you can 51 my guide, can’t you?”

“Oh, yes.” Mary washed, dressed and had a quick breakfast. Then they went to school. Mary told her mother to turn right here and turn left there. In this way, she made her mother drive 52 most of the town before they got to her school. At last, her mother found out that it was not really very far 53 their house.

“Why did you let me go such a long way round, Mary?”

“Because I didn’t know 54 else to get here, Mum. That’s the way our bus always goes to pick up other children on the 55 to school.” 46. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 47. A. school B. home C. town D. city

48. A. set B. go C. start D. work 49. A. order B. have C. cook D. finish 50. A. ride B. bring C. drive D. follow 51. A. be B. do C. as D. make 52. A. round B. back C. away D. fast 53. A. for B. in C. with D. from 54. A. what B. which C. how D. where 55. A. bus B. way C. road D. path 四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分)


A Visit Forest Zoo Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tiger from Northeast China. The beautiful birds from England are singing songs, and the monkeys from Mount Emei are happy to talk to you. Sichuan pandas can play balls. The koala bears from Australia are very cute. The giraffes from Africa are waiting for you. Tickets Opening Time Grown-ups(成人): $3 9:00a.m.---4:30p.m.(on weekdays) Children: Over 1.4m: $2 Under 1.4m: Free 10:00a.m.---3:00p.m. ( at weekends) Keep the zoo clean! Don’t touch or give food to the animals! 56. Which of the following is the visiting time? A. 8:30 a.m. Monday B. 9:30 a.m. Saturday C. 2:00 p.m. Sunday D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday

57. Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one is 1.5m and the other is 1.3m. How

much are their tickets together? A. $5 B. $7 C. $4 D. $3 58. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. To throw things everywhere B. To touch the monkey on the head C. To give some food to the animals D. To take a few photos


There was a pilot(飞行员) and four people in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the machine while it was flying in the air. The plane began to fall down. The pilot told the people there were only four parachutes(降落伞). They all became worried and started to make excuses.

“I must go,” said the pilot, taking one of the parachutes and jumped out. The first person stood up, “I’m a doctor,” he said. “I help people live longer and I save lives.” He took a parachute and jumped out.

The next person said, “I must have a parachute. I am a very clever person. I have to attend an important match. I know I will win the game because I’ll be the cleverest person there.” He picked up a pack and jumped out.

Two men were left---an old businessman and a young mountain climber. At this time the plane was going down fast. The businessman said, “Young man, I am old but you are still young. You take the last parachute.” The young mountain climber smiled. “Don’t worry,” He said. “We can both jump out because there are still two parachutes. Just now the clever man jumped out with my backpack. mokee. 59. All the people became worried because _______.

A. there were not enough parachutes B. they saw the pilot jump out first C. they couldn’t find the parachutes D. they couldn’t jump out from the plane. 60. The clever man jumped out with _______.

A. a parachute B. nothing C. the backpack of the climber’s D. two parachute 61. Who do you think was the most kind-hearted man?

A. the pilot B. the mountain climber C. the doctor D. the businessman


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