备战2016高考英语典型试题精粹 专题四 形容词与副词

15.(2014·安徽江南十校联考)Mr. Zhang once taught in a remote village in Anhui province as a volunteer, which was ________(access) only on foot.

16.(2013·山东泰安二模)—May I speak to Mr. Smith?

—I am afraid not. He is at a meeting now. It's not ________(convenience). 17.(2013·辽宁大连二十四中模拟)Good health is the basis for students to ________(effective) carry on with their studies and any other activity.

18.(2013·浙江宁波五校适应性考试)If you follow a diet expert's advice, eating more can mean losing ________(much) weight rather than less.

19.(2013·山东烟台适应性考试)A bike is simple, but it brings to you ________(nature) things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise.

20.(2013·贵州遵义四中月考)Everybody said it was an ideal marriage; no one had ever known a ________(happy) couple.


1.roughly 句意:我没法告诉你这幅珍贵的画值多少钱,但是它大致可估价1亿美元。roughly “粗略地”。

2.thoroughly 句意:尽管她把这个旧罐子彻底清洗了,但还是没有把它完全洗干净,这让她很心烦。根据句意可知应用thoroughly,表示“彻底地”,修饰动词brush。

3.better 句意:——你喜欢玛丽的新发型吗?——很棒!她一头卷曲的短发看上去好看多了。根据语境可知,玛丽现在的发型比以前好看多了,故用比较级better。

4.best 句意:说到我的爱好,我最喜欢攀岩了。此处表示在所有的爱好中进行比较,故用副词的最高级形式。

5.cautiously 句意:这个顽皮的男孩害怕老师会责备他,小心翼翼地走进教室。cautiously “小心翼翼地”。

6.better 句意:——你觉得你新买的平板电脑怎么样?——很好。我想这是我能买到的最好的平板电脑了。这里使用了否定前移;“否定词+比较级”表示“没有比??更??的”。

7.promising 句意:为了下个赛季有更好的表现,篮球教练员们抓紧时间去寻找有巨大潜力的年轻球员。promising “有前途的,有希望的”。

8.enthusiastic 句意:戴安娜读小学的时候特别想当警官,但是当她知道当了警官后就不能染发,不能戴自己最喜爱的项链和戒指的时候她就放弃了这个梦想。后面说“quit the ambition”,因此这里表示当初她对此很热衷,用enthusiastic 表示“热心的,极感兴趣的”。

9.absolutely 句意:生活是有压力的,因此埋怨被很多人看作是一种情理之中的发

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泄。absolutely 表示“绝对地,完全地”,是副词,修饰形容词normal。

10.gradually 句意:随着教学经验的不断增加,他的信心逐渐增强。gradually “逐渐地,渐渐地”。

11.best 句意:相信我们。我们确信你能花了钱买到最好的。换言之,你能得到物有所值的东西。根据题干提供的信息可推知推销员卖的东西不可能只有两个,故设空处需用形容词最高级形式。

12.too 句意:——为了提高理解能力我必须每天读些英语吗?——哦,学习外语时,你读的再多也不为过。“can't/can never...too...”为固定搭配,意为:再??也不为过。

13.reliable 句意:我们用人工翻译而不是机器翻译,因为我们相信人工更可靠。设空处应填形容词,动词rely 的形容词形式为reliable。

14.such 句意:天气如此好以至于很多人出去享受温暖的阳光。such...that... 句型中,such 后可加:①a/an+形容词+单数名词;②形容词+复数名词;③形容词+不可数名词。本句属于句型③用法。

15.accessible 句意:张先生曾在安徽省的一个偏远的村子做教师志愿者,那个地方只能步行才能到达。根据系表结构,本空填形容词accessible 易接近的,可到达的。

16.convenient 句意:——我可以和史密斯先生说话吗?——恐怕不行。他现在正在开会,不方便接电话。此处应用形容词作表语,故答案为convenient(方便的,便利的)。

17.effectively 句意:健康的身体是学生们有效地继续进行学习和其他任何一项活动的基础。修饰动词需用副词,故应该填写副词effectively (有效地)。

18.more 句意:如果你听从饮食专家的建议,多吃比少吃可能意味着减掉更多的体重。由语境可知,此处应用much 的比较级more。

19.natural 句意:虽然自行车很简单,但它给你带来的是自然的东西:新鲜的空气、阳光和运动。根据语境,设空处需要填一个形容词修饰后面的名词things,故填写natural(自然的,天生的)。

20.happier 句意:大家都说那是一桩理想的婚姻。没有人知道比他们更幸福的夫妇了。“a/an+比较级”表示“一个更??的”;根据句意,此处是用比较级在否定句中表示最高级的意思,故答案为happier。 创新预测

1.Mr. Brown goes to the supermarket ________(regular), that is, he goes there every Saturday afternoon.

2.Because he lives far away from his grandparents, he goes to visit them

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3.The beauty of the mountain was so ________(attract) that a great many tourists came to visit it.

4.My brother came late to school so ________(frequent) that his teacher got angry.

5.I ________(rare) went to the cinema because I was too busy to spare any time. 6.The trip was enjoyable. I had never had a far ________(pleasant) one. 7.Mr. Green ________(severe) punished his son for his rudeness. 8.The ________(bore) film left me ________(bore) to death.

9.The old man is ________(energy) and goes to work in his vegetable garden. 10.The little boy is always ________(curiosity) about the things around him. 11.He is much ________ (well) than before. Don't worry. 12.It couldn't be any ________ (bad). But don't lose heart.

13.My father got ________ (slight) angry, for I broke him favourite vase. 14.The weather is ________ (extreme) hot today.

15.To stay ________ (health), you should take enough exercise. 16.I ________ (strong) advise you to follow her advice.

17.________ (general) speaking, the climate in my hometown is mild all the year around.

18.This is the ________ (bad) hurricane of all time. 19.Changjiang is the first ________ (long) river in China. 20.The little girl stared at the bird ________ (curious).


1.regularly 修饰实义动词用副词。句意:布朗先生定期去超市,也就是说,每星期六下午。

2.occasionally 修饰实义动词用副词。句意:因为他住得离祖父很远,他偶尔去看望他们。

3.attractive 形容词作表语。句意:大山的美景如此吸引人以至于许多游客来参观。

4.frequently 句意:我弟弟如此经常上学迟到以至于他的老师发怒了。 5.rarely 修饰实义动词用副词。

6.more pleasant far 后跟形容词的比较级。

7.severely 句意:格林先生严厉地惩罚了儿子的无礼。

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8.boring;bored 修饰物用-ing 形式的形容词;修饰人通常用-ed形式的形容词。 9.energetic 形容词作表语。energetic 精力充沛的。 10.curious 形容词作表语。be curious about 对??好奇。 11.better much 后跟形容词的比较级。

12.worse couldn't 与形容词的比较级连用,表示最高级含义。 13.slightly 修饰形容词用程度副词。 14.extremely 修饰形容词用程度副词。 15.healthy 形容词作表语。 16.strongly 修饰实义动词用副词。

17.Generally generally speaking 一般说来。 18.worst of all time 与形容词的最高级连用。 19.longest 序数词后用形容词的最高级。 20.curiously 修饰实义动词用副词。 高考学习网-中国最大高考学习网站Gkxx.com | 我们负责传递知识!

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