听力及答案(九年级 英语试题)


一 。 听小对话,选择图片。 本题共有五个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个小对话,我们把对话念一遍。请你根据对话内容从试卷A|、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

1、M:Shall we do sports this afternoon ,Kate?

W:Good idea! Let’s play basketball ,It’s my favorite. 2、M:What bad weather! Will the rain last long? W:No, I don’t think so.

3、M:What are you going to be when you grow up ,Emma? W:A teacher of English. It’s a good job.

4、M:Are you going to Sydney for the coming holiday , Ann? W:Oh , no. It costs too much . I’m going to Beijing . 5、M:What’s your trouble ,madam ?

W:I’m not feeling well . My head hurts .

二.听小对话,回答问题。 本题共有五个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个小对话,我们把对话念一遍。请你根据对话内容从试卷A|、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 6.W: I’d like to buy these three postcards. Are they ten cents each? M: No. Each one costs twenty cents.

7.M: Excuse me, are the men’s suits on the seventh floor? W:No, they are here on the sixth floor.

8.W:I want to ask the Blacks to come to the party. Do you Know their address, Mike? M:No, but I’d like them to come. I think their friend Alan can give you their address. 9.W:How long will it take this package to get to New York? M:First-class? About two days.

10.W:I got a few things from the shop.

M:A few? It seems you bought out the supermarket.

三、听长对话,回答问题。 本题共有两段较长的对话,我们把对话念两遍。请你根据对话内容从试卷A|、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段对话,回答第11和第12两个小题。 W: That's a nice car. How long have you had it? M: Just for two weeks. W: Can I take a look at it? M: Of course .

W: Oh, it's very nice. How far have you been in it? M: Just to London.

W: Oh. Not very far. I say, let's go out for a drive next Sunday. We can take a picnic. M: Good idea.

听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。 M: Hello, 51518186.

W: Hello, this is Jenny. May I speak to Uncle Lu, please.

M: Speaking.

W: Hi, Uncle Lu. How are you? M: Fine, thanks. And you?

W: I'm fine, too. Uncle Lu, there is something wrong with my CD player. I bought it on May 1st . M: What's wrong?

W: I don't know. It can't work. The button PLAY doesn't work. Could you help me mend it? M: Don't worry. Let me have a try. W: How about this evening? M: Ok .See you then. W: See you!

四 听短文,回答 。 本题是一偏短文,短文后有五个问题,我们把短文念两遍。请根据短文内容从A|、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

Mr and Mrs Jones went to see a movie last Sunday. They couldn’t leave their two-year-old son at home alone, so they took him with them. When, they walked into the cinema, an office worker said to them, “You’ll have to get out if your little son cries, but you can go to the ticket window to get all your money back.”

Half an hour later the husband said to his wife, “What do you think of the movie?” “It was too boring!” said the wife. “I don’t like it, either.” said the husband. “Where the child up and let him cry!?


一. 听力部分

1-5 B A B C C 6-10 BACAB 11-15 C C A B B 16—20 CCBAB 二. 笔试部分

21-25 C B D D A 26-30 C B B C B 31-35 B C C C B 36-40 A D D B C 41-45 B D A D C 46-50 B A C A C 51-55 C D A B B 56-60 C D B D C 61-65 ACBCA 66--70 E B G C A 71-75 D B E A C

76.eighth 77。hardly 78.voice 79.French 80.taken 81.mine 82.mentioned 83.secrets 84.liveliest 85.helpful 书面表达范文:

At the beginning of the term, a campaign “to be a good student and a good citizen” was launched in our school, and great changes have taken place since then.

Before the campaign, we used to be late for school and failed to hand in our homework in time. Often, we forgot to greet our teachers and after class we made loud noises. Worse still, we jumped the queue when waiting for buses and scrambled for seats on board. However, the campaign have changed us a lot. We are no longer late for school and are more careful in our homework. We have learned to show respect for the elders, help others, wait in line for buses and give up seats to other passengers.

The campaign is a very good experience, from which we have learned a lot. More importantly, we have got rid of many bad habits and have become better students at school and better citizens in society.

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