
广东省德庆县孔子中学高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第二课

时)教案 新人教版必修5

教学内容the second period of this unit. This period focuses on the reading passage, which is about John Snow and King Cholera. Have a good understanding of the text by doing the exercises. Get the students to learn different reading skills, especially gist reading and comprehending beyond lines. Knowledge Aim Have a good understanding of the text through the exercises. Ability Aims Grasp some reading skills. Develop the ability to describe some famous scientists. Emotional Aims Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons in order to devote themselves to science. For the first reading, we intend to cultivate Ss’ skimming ability and scanning ability.First ask the students to scan it and tick out what are mentioned in the passage.Then let the students read fast to find out the main idea of each paragraph. For the second reading, the students are expected to know some details about the passage.Later on, the teacher will present some questions for the students to answer and at the same time they are asked to finish filling in the chart.The third time is to read for further information. To develop Ss’ further understanding ability, the teacher can design some questions, whose answers are beyond lines. To consolidate the content of the passage, Ss are required to retell it according to the main idea.In order to arouse the Ss’ interest; the teacher can hold a competition between groups.After the students understand the whole passage, they are asked to have a topic discussion. 教学目标教学策略手段 一、Here are some definitions of some of the words from this text.Please work in pairs and match the words with their definitions. A.attend B.control C.handle D.blame E.absorb F.announce G.immediately H.be linked to I.in addition J.expose 1.have control, authority, power over 2.part of a tool, bucket, drawer, etc.by which it may be held in the hand 3.take or suck in 4.at once or without delay 5.uncover, leave uncovered or unprotected 6.as well, besides 7.be joined with, be connected with 8.wait on, serve, look after 9.fix on sb.the responsibility for sth.done or not done 10.make known 二. Fast reading Step1 1.Who was John Snow? 2.Why could he attend Queen Victoria as her personal physician? 3.Did he defeat “King Cholera”finally? Step 2 Summary(概括): Who: What: How: What result: Step3 Summary(概括): John Snow, a well- known doctor in London, found out the cause of the deadly disease called cholera in the 19th century. With his great efforts, the disease was finally defeated/under control.(30 words) Detail-reading 1.Find a problem: 2. Make a question: 3. Think of a method: 课堂练习4. Collect the results: 教学反思

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