


1. We all agree that a pair of shoes a very nice present. A. are B. is C. were D. have 2. People who to the party are very excited.

A. have been invited B. has been invited C. will invite D. have invited

3. Mary ,together with her sisters, Chinese in China. A. are studying B. have studied C. studies D. study

4. Which is your favourite American cartoon--Batman or Superman? A. teacher B. artist C. character D. computer 5. Mary is 8-year-old girl. She goes to school by bike.

A. an,/,/ B. a,/,a C. an,the,/ D. a,a,/ 6. —Is here?

---No,Tom and Jack have asked for leave

A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody 7. Help!Daming an accident.

A. was having B. is having C. has had D. will have 8. The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

A. was invented B. invented C. is invented D. has been invented 9. He his bicycle when he hit a car

A. is riding B. was riding C. has ridden D. rode 10. Physics difficult for us.

A. is a;topic B. are ;subjects C. are;topics D. is a;subject

11. Betty come to the party on Saturday because she’s going to the opera. A. can’tB. might C. mustn’t D. should

12.Mountain Tai is about 1500 meters____________. A.tall B.high C.long D. wide 13. ----Can you__________ me the book? ----Of course.

----How long can I _________it? ----For two weeks.

A. lend, borrow B. borrow, lend C. keep, lend D. lend, keep 14. I didn’t see Tom. He went to the cinema on _________own. A. he B. him C. his D.he’s

15. ----__________ My baby just slept. ---- Sorry, I didn’t know.

A. Come on! B. No wonder C. Hurry up! D. Shh! No shouting! 16. Beijing won the right (权) of holding the 2008 Olympic Games in Moscow _______the night of July 13th, 2001. A. on B. in C. at D. before 17. The sign WILL THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE means“___________”. PLEASE TURN OFF THE LIGHTS A. Don’t turn the lights off B. Leave the lights on when you go C. Turn the lights off when you are in the room D. Don’t leave the lights on if there’s nobody in the room 18. It was _________ an exciting match _________I forgot to have supper. A. so, that B. enough, to C. too, to D. such, that

19. Zhou Jielun is ________overnight success after singing only one song. A. a B. the C. an D. /

20. Today, we work as hard as people did in the past. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. don’t have to 21. My grandmother a lot of changes in her life. A. sees B. can see C.will see D. has seen

22.I can hardly hear the radio .Would you please turn it ______? A. down B. off C .on D. up 23. We’re looking forward to ________ the museum.

A. visit B. being visitedC. be visited D. visiting 24. She said her father ______ their TV set at that time last night. A.would repair B.was repairingC.had repaired D.repaired 25.“do you fly to Japan to see you son?”“Once a year” A. How long B. when C. how many D. how often


as usual at last put away be good at catch up with how long used to in with until

1. He worked hard and he became famous as a pop singer. 2. Mary came to school late

3. Now it’s getting warm and we should the winter clothes. 4. Tom ran so fast that I couldn’t him.

5.His brother playing football。What about your brother? 6. The lady red is going to get married soon.

7.“ will the hot weather last?”“I hope not too long” 8. the help of our teacher,we have made great progress. 9.He be a worker,but now he is a popular actor. 10. we didn’t go shopping Mother came back. 三. 完型填空. (10分)

Mike Robinson is a 15-year-old English schoolboy. His sister Clare is 14. At the moment, Mike and Clare are at a school in Sydney, one of 1 inAustralia. They have been there __2___two years. They like the school, __3___they know that soon they will leave and return to England with their parents.

Mike and Clare have __4____been to schools in America, Germany, France and China. This is __5___their father , Peter, works for a very big international company. The company has offices in many different countries. The company has sent Peter ___6___in many different countries. Peter usually stays in one country for about two years. Then the company moves him again. His family always goes with him.

The Robinsons __7___a happy family and love seeing the world. Mike and Clare have learnt to speak French, German and ___8___Chinese. The two children have friends all over the world. But they are glad they are going to ____9____England.

Recently, the children told their parents, “We want to stay in England. We don’t want to move again.” Their father agrees and has asked his company ___10_____him in England. The company has agreed. Mike and Clare are very happy about this.

( ) 1 A big city B biggest citys C the biggest cities D the bigest cities ( ) 2 A since B until C for D in

( ) 3 A though B but C as if D even though ( ) 4 A as well B too C either D also ( ) 5 A why B that C how D because ( ) 6 A working B worked C to work D work ( ) 7 A is B are C was D were ( ) 8 A a little B a few C little D few

( ) 9 A return B return to C return back D return back to ( ) 10 A keeping B kept C to keep D to kept

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