

朗阁托福培训中心 吴瑾


我们都知道,独立写作中的主体段是以观点为单位的,每个观点的提出及其论述自成一段,纵然写作方法万万千,但在独立写作中,我们只需把握一个基本的写作原则:即段首提出观点(主题句topic sentence),随后解释观点(支持句supporting sentences),有时还会加一个句子来做个结尾(closing sentence)。


(2016.03.13) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? After completing high school, students should take at least one year off work or travel before they begin studying in university.

题目并不难懂,“高中生毕业之后是否应该先去工作或者旅行一年”,也即我们常说的gap year。在写作时不乏学生写出如下的段落开头:

E.g. 1 Firstly, the all-round development of students has been the focus of today’s education, so it is not adequate for students to grasp only academic knowledge, and an opportunity to access to the whole world is necessary. (36 words)




1. 直接明确回应关键词,杜绝迂回的背景介绍

题目问什么,我们答什么,紧扣关键词可以让我们一直在题目范围内论述,反之读者可能不明白我们的意思,考生也很有可能在写作时偏离到了另一条道路上,所以上述句子中应该包括诸如“take one year off work or travel”这样的字眼,当然也不能忘记,讨论的对象是“high school graduates”。

2. 句子结构不要冗长,S+V.+O的结构是提出观点最简单明确的方式



E.g. 2 Firstly, a gap year before university can help students know the world. (12 words)

这回紧扣关键词了吗?是的,“a gap year”;句子简单了吗?是的,主谓宾;明确提出观点了吗?是的,很明确。但是,好像还是哪里不太对?是的,确实不太对。因为:

1. 观点的提出不能太宽泛或太具体


E.g. 3 Firstly, a gap year allows students to stay away from home for a long time. (15 words)

也不行,因为“离家一年”是一个客观事实(fact), 无需展开无需论述,文章论述的重点,其



Firstly, a gap year provides students with precious opportunities to think deeper about their future. (15 words)


An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following: ?

Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications and/or details ?


Firstly, a gap year provides students with precious opportunities to think deeper about their future. (topic sentence) They have more free time to have a broad view of the society and know better about themselves by devoting themselves into work or having journeys. (explanation) As long as they experience various kinds of occupations and meet people with different personalities, they will finally have more clear ideas about what they are hoping to be and what position is suitable for them in the society. (closing sentence) (80 words)

参看一下刚刚的评分描述,三句话基本都在尝试解释自己的观点,但很明显这个段落中缺乏了一个重要的部分:examples and details。笔者尝试将上述段落进行了一下修改,对比如下:

Firstly, a gap year provides students with precious opportunities to think deeper about their future. (topic sentence) It is obvious that they can try things they like and get access to knowledge that cannot be taught in a senior high school.

Displays unity, progression and coherence

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