
Unit 2 Poems

课时作业(三) Warming Up &



1.Have you got any ________(具体的)proposals as to what we should do? 2.Don't get upset.I was only ________(逗着玩).

3.The source of the river lies in Tibet and its ________(支流)cover much of the country.

4.We are facing two ________(引起矛盾的)suggestions so we don't know what to do next.

5.Our plan needs to be ________(灵活的)enough to meet the needs of everyone.

6.A generator ________(转变)mechanical energy into electricity. 7.We have turned this school into a________(托儿所). 8.The murders all seem to follow a similar________(模式).

9.We didn't know how they________(运送)these stones over 380 miles without modern machines.

10.________(最终),the sky cleared up and we went to the beach. Ⅱ.单项填空

1.With the children________a loud noise in the room,I had great difficulty in paying attention to my study.

A.to make C.making

B..made D.have made

2.I used to hate being ________ about my red hair when I was at school. A.dressed C.teased

B.scolded D.bothered

3.(2013·黄石高二检测)There was such a long queue for coffee that we________gave up.



C.generously D.happily

4.(2013·大连高二检测)These behavior________are typical of this age group. A.designs C.models

B.patterns D.samples

5.It's a surprise that the faraway village has been________into a famous tourist city in only ten years.

A.divided C.made

B.transformed D.broken

6.The committee________five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference.

A.was made up of C.made from

B.was made from D.made up of

7.I went along thinking of nothing________,only looking at things around me. A.in particular C.in doubt

8.—I'm still working on my project.

—Oh,you'll miss the deadline.Time is ________. A.running out C.giving out

B.going out D.losing out B.in harmony D.in brief

9.A good teacher must know how to ________ his ideas. A.convey C.consult

B.display D.adapt

10.(2011·北京高考)________ volleyball is her main focus,she's also great at basketball.

A.Since C.Unless

B.Once D.While

11.—We should adopt ________ methods to deal with some incidents.You know,anything could occur in that situation.

—I got it.Thank you for reminding me. A.flexible


C.positive D.concrete

12.We all know that,________,the situation will get worse. A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with

13.—My name is Jonathan.Shall I spell it for you? —________. A.If you don't mind C.Take it easy

B.Not at all D.Nice to meet you

14.Every child is ________,with their own needs,preferences and talents. A.contradictory C.original

B.similar D.unique

15.This company has many ________ all over the country. A.brands C.symbols Ⅲ.完形填空

Reading and writing __1__ is a very personal experience.Poets use language as a way of __2__ their feelings,whether positive ones of love, happiness and hope,or negative feelings like __3__ and fear.Poems can describe the beauty of nature, a person, a dream or a memorable event.Most __4__ have tried writing poetry at some time,for example at school.For children,it is a good way to explore language and have __5__ with words as well as to express themselves. But teachers and psychologists have found another use for poetry as a form of therapy(治疗) to help people with problems.__6__ are benefits for people of all different backgrounds and ages.Writing poetry can help people deal with __7__ in their lives—death or feelings of sadness,drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.By writing down your feelings,__8__ can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored.A poem might be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it __9__.And just because people are __10__ or having difficulties in their lives, it doesn't mean they

B.branches D.marks

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