



专业: 学号: 1334095854 姓名: 指导教师: 雨辰


摘 要









The object of this design just before our graduation is a initiative pillar gear for the car

bed---rock lying in the decelerating device of the automobile bed---rocks, which are manufactured by the First Car---Manufacturer of Changchun. It is primarily used to transmit the torsion and torques of the bed---rock inside heavy automobile and also can decelerate.

The main researching work of this designing is to study the particular fixture among it which including : drawing the part diagram (A3),designing a stock for transmitting the materials of work piece (A0),design a stock to tight the total diagram (A0),designing controlling part of this machine (mainly using OMRON serious C size PLC to control).

When designing the stock for transmitting, adopting liquid, press to realize gear and rack, wheel track and rack’s removing, then work piece can remove one to another.

When designing the pressure stock, adopting liquid press to realize gear and rack’s removing, then the stock can tight the work piece by the two sides at the same time.

When designing the controlling part, using C60P size PLC, to achieve the commanding function, and noticing urgent stopping, protect part,

Finally, designing sending machine, pressure machine, controlling part, and the orientation diagram of machine tool. The diagram of whole part putting, the pressure part which is designed by my classmate in the same hard, forming a whole machine for up and down the materials, then the first process of initiative pillar gear can be auto processed.

KEY WORD: pressure machine, a material for transmitting, gear and rack’

Wheel rack and rack, PLC controlling.

前 言


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