


unit test答案全套】

s=txt>版4答案及单元测试答案全套 unit 1 lead in task 1 - 1 -

basic listening practice c b d a d listening intask 1keys: a c d c b task 2 causes of depression your answer

(1) families (2) chemicals (3) information (4) certain (5) self-esteen

(6) thinking patterns (7) mood (8) divorce (9) physical abuse

(10) financial difficulties (11) stress (12) anxiety

task 3 keys: b d a a c lets talk task 1 your answer

(1) shy (2) crying (3) scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak

(12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learn - 2 -

correct answer families chemicals information certain symptoms self-esteem thinking patterns mood divorce physical abuse

financial difficulties stress anxiety

correct answer shy crying scared came down fun nice two sisters argue touch bad time speak

comfortable brother adults children secondary growing up learn

further listening and speaking further listening task 1

correct answer owner running drop run local yelling lives as he was picking himself up, he saw a large man, almost seven feet tall the bartender nervously handed the big man a

beer, hands shaking i got to get out of town! didnt you hear big john is coming

task 2 reason and emotionkey : a b c c d task 3 every cloud has a silver liningkey : t f f t f further listening and speaking viewing and speaking task 1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) your answer seven 150

favorite bridge 111 fast simple trusted stupid did no way ultimate limits skywards 60 - 3 -

correct answer seven / 7 150

favourite bridge 111 fast simple trusted stupid did no way ultimate limits skywards £60 (16) cheap cheap unit test

part icdbcd part ii

what is happiness? where do you find it? if you have trouble answering those questions, you are

not alone. philosophers and scientists puzzled (1)---- them for ages.

probably you gave many of the same answers. did you say happiness comes from music or good food or (2)-----? perhaps you agreed with chopins (3)---- when she said, there is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.

those are the usual answers, but they do not constitute a complete (4)----- of happiness. happiness may also exist in

unlikely places. anne frank, a jewish girl, hid from nazi soldiers in a small attic for two years. food was (5)------ and the threat of death was never far away. yet she recorded in her (6)------ frequent moments of happiness. the (7)------ of new green leaves on tree tops brought her joy. lord nelson, the famous english admiral, found happiness when he was near death with a painful wound. after he learned he had defeated the enemy fleet, he spoke his last words with a smile: (8)------. those

stories show that people in a difficult or even painful situation may also feel happy.

conversely, happiness may lead to an unhappy situation. (9)------. on the other hand, mildly negative moods bring on the

critical and analytical skills that are essential for business prosperity. (10)------. - 4 -

part iii badcc part iv adcab cbdaa unit 2

lead in task 1

beautifying methods ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? descriptions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

(1) lipstick (2) face powder (3) eyeliner (4) hair mousse (5) manicure (6) facial mask (7) botox (8) facelift (9) liposuction ?

(a) applied to emphasize the shape of the eyes

(b) a substance injected under the skin to remove facial wrinkles temporarily (c) plastic surgery to remove facial

wrinkles and change the shape of the face (d) making ones face look smooth and less oily

(e) giving ones hair a particular style (f) used to color the lips (h) professional care for the hands and fingernails

(i) a mask containing minerals, vitamins and fruit extracts that can be applied to clean or smooth the face (j) removing fat from part of the human body

basic listening practice bacdb listening in task 1 caadb listening in task 2 your answer

(1) the end(2) discounts(3) t-shirts(4) big-name brands(5) interchangeable pieces(6) black trousers(7) several times(8) simplest(9) stylish and fashionablelistening in task 3 abacd correct answer

the end discounts t-shirts big-name brands

interchangeable pieces black trousers several times simplest

stylish and fashionable lets talk task 1 - 5 -

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