
学校代码: 11059 学 号:0905076042

Hefei University



论文题目: 小功率调幅发射机的设计 学位类别: 工 学 学 士 年级专业(班级): 09通信工程(2)班 完成时间: 2013年5月29日


中 文 摘 要




关键词:小功率调幅发射机 振荡器 功率放大器 调制器


Design Of Low Power AM Transmitter


This topic is about the low-power AM transmitter works, analyze production methods and installation.

This topic contains the primary vibration level, buffer level, amplitude modulation electrode, the power amplification stage, a microphone and voice amplification stage, in the AM transmitter, the microphone voice signals into audio signals, the audio signal is amplified and modulates the carrier generated modulated wave, amplitude modulated electromagnetic waves emitted by the antenna outwards, with the AM radio that can receive clear voice. With this graduation we deepen and consolidate the work on the principle of low-power AM transmitter and a further understanding of nonlinear electronic circuits. Mastered the general electronic product development process, learning test signal amplitude and high frequency power, master basic skills tests (including the choice of components, circuit welding) improves the ability to solve practical problems.

In this paper the design of the system oscillator, audio amplifiers, amplitude modulator and power amplifier system unit resonant circuit simulation software Multisim, simulation and optimization of the system circuit. Achieve the function of each unit circuit.

Key words: low-power AM transmitter oscillator frequency power amplifier modulator


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