


导读:回首Modules1-5重难点 Word power 词语点将台 Modules 1-5 短语大集合

make mistakes 犯错;出错 later on 以后;随后

it doesn’t matter 没关系 be afraid to 害怕去做;不敢去做 take notes 做笔记;做记录 look up 查阅;查找 make up 编造;组成;拼凑成 deal with 处理;应付 be angry with 生……的气 try one’s best 尽力做 break off 突然中止;中断 used to 过去常常 be terrified of 非常害怕的;极度恐惧的 go to sleep 入睡

in the end 最后,终于 make a decision 做决定,下决心 head teacher 班主任 to one’s surprised 令人惊奇的是 even though 即使;纵然;尽管 no longer 不再;已不

take pride in 对……感到自豪 pay attention to 对……注意;留心 give up 放弃 instead of 代替;而不是

stay up 不睡觉;熬夜 concentrage on 全神贯注,专心于 at present 目前;现在 old people’s home 养老院

in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的 what if 如果……将会怎么样 not…in the slightest 一点也不,根本不 plenty of 很多的;足够的 get along with 与……相处 let…down 使……失望或沮丧 come up with 提出;想出(主意,回答等) come out 出版,发表 belong to 属于 hair band 发带

make up 形成;组成;构成 used up 用完;用光;耗尽 turn off 关掉 【边学边练】


1. Please remember to _________(关上)the light when you leave the room. 2. ____ ____ ____(最后).he decided to send the sick child to hospital. 3. .Some of the stickers ____ _____(属于) me, while the rest are his and hers. 4. —What a hard problem!

—Ask Mary. Maybe she has _____ ___ ____(想出) a good idea about it. 5. No problem. I have ____ _____(充足的) time to answer your questions. 6. How shall we____ ____(处理) these problems?

7. My mother ___ ____ ____(对……生气) me because I didn't finish the homework. 8. Mike ____ ____ (过去常常)get up later, but now he often gets up early.

9. I will never forget that terrible accident _____ ____ (即使) it happened so long ago. 10. Students should ____ ____ _____ (留心)listening to the teacher in class. 11. I’d like to listen to music ____ ____(而不是) surfing online. 12. —Don’t ____ ____(放弃) our hope. Things will be fine soon.

13. He is a kind-hearted man, so we can ____ ____ _____(与……相处) him easily. 14. Don’t ____ ____ (熬夜)too late, or you’ll feel tired in tomorrow’s classes.

15. You always spend only a little time on you study. You really ___ me ____. (让……失望) 16. She ____ ____ _____(以……为自豪) in the success of her three children. 17. I live alone by myself for most time ___ ____(目前). Grammar in use 语法运用 正误急诊室——虚拟语气在条件句中的应用

1.如果我是你,我就早一点到那儿。 【误】If I am you, I will get there earlier. 【正】If I were you , I'd get there earlier

【析】此句表达的是与现在事实相反的情形,应当用虑拟语气。而在虚拟条件句中,动词应当用过去时,而be则一律用were。主句应当用should或would+动词原形。 2. 如果你用功,你就不至于考试不及格了。

【误】If I worked hard, you wouldn’t have failed the exam.

【正】If you had worked hard, you wouldn't have failed the exam .

【析】此句表达的是与过去事实相反的情形,也应当用虑拟语气。在表示与过去事实相反的情况中,主句应当用过去完成时,而从句则用should或would+have+动词过去分词。 3. 如果明天放假,你会干什么?

【误】If you have a day off tormorrow, what would you do? 【正】If you had a day off tomorrow, what wuold you do?

【析】此句表达的是与将来事实相反的情形。这种情况下,从句通常用过去时/were to+动词原形/should+动词原形,而主句则用should/would/could/might+动词原形。 Sentence structures句子结构 Modules 7-12 重点句型 so+谓语+主语 ……也 特殊疑问词+do you think 你认为…… There be+主语+v-ing What about+doing ……怎么样 It+be+adj+for sb to do sth. 特殊疑问词+to do spend…dong 花费……做某事 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 [实战演练]

从上面选择合适的句型,完成下列句子,使句子完整、通顺。 1. 我妈妈不允许我晚上看电视。

I am not ________ _______ _______ TV by my mum at night. 2. 他经常利用业余时间帮助穷人。

He often ____ his spare time ____ the poor.

3. 我们明天要去野餐。我要给Wendy打个电话确认什么时候开始。

We are going for a picnic tomorrow. I’ll call Wendy to make sure ____ ____ ____ 4. 上网是件令我兴奋的事。

___is exciting ___ ____ ____surf the Internet. 5. 汤姆15岁,迈克也是。 Tom is fifteen. ___ ___Mike.

6. 你为什么认为那个男人很善良?

____ ___ ____ ____ the man is very kind?

Point to point 考点碰碰车 牵手中考

( )1. Would you mind speaking a little ________? I can't follow you.(2009·浙江湖州)

A. quietly B. slowly C. quickly D. politely ( )2. The teacher asked the students to ____ a story about a trip to the moon. (2009·浙江杭州)

A. get up B. turn up C. clean up D. make up ( )3.—May I surf the Internet now?(2009·浙江宁波)

—No, ______ you have finished doing the dishes. A. unless B. if C. because D, when

( )4. Mr. Zhang is mad at the children who often copy others’ homework.(2009·新疆)

A. argues with B. cares for C. is angry with D. is pleased with ( )5. I__________ a lot but I don't play very often now.(2009·江苏苏州)

A. use to play tennis B. was used to play tennis C. am used to play tennis D. used to play tennis

( )6. Bob is old enough to take care of ____.(2009·吉林) A. he B. she C. his D. himself

( )7. The workers have decided to finish the task on time, ________ it means they would have no weekends those two months. (2009·四川成都)

A. after all B. even though C. as if

( )8. —Don’t ____, my children. I’m sure you will win.(2009·湖北随州) —Thank you, Mr Wang. We’ll try our best.

A. give up B. put up C. work out D. put out

( )9.—Why do you always feel__ in math classes?(2009·福建南安)

—Because I hate math.

A. happy B. sleepy C. excited

( )10. _____ foreigners came to China in 2008. (2009·甘肃天水)

A. Millions of B. Million C. Millions D. Million of

( )11. The girl is ill, so she has to teach ____ English at home. (2009·甘肃天水) A. her B. hers C. she D. herself

( )12.—It's said that scientists have_____ a way to deal with Influenza A/HlN1 (甲型H1N1流感)(2009·江苏扬州)

—Really? That's great

A. caught up with B. come up with C. agreed with D. compared with ( )13.—Will his new novel_______in September this year?(2009·江苏连云港)

—Yes,we are all looking forward to it.

A. come over B. come back C:come out D:come from

( )14. —I never thought she would_____ my invitation to the concert.(2009·湖北宜昌)

—She would feel sorry for missing the concert someday. A. refuse B. suppose C. return D. remind

( )15. The teacher asked the students to ____ a story about a trip to the moon.(2009·浙江杭州)

A. get up B. turn up c. clean up D. make up

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