


二、请用升降调朗读下列单词。(40%) 1. stamp 2. spot 3. thunder 4.curl 5. railway 6. flade 7.bride 8. phone 9. dirty 10. worst 11. speak English 12. wash clothes 13. play the piano 14. drink some milk 15. no problem 16. in front of 17. nature park 18. over there 19. have a snake 20. bounce a ball


I Hate the Hat

A young lady walks into a hat shop. A man in the shop says, “Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?” “Good morning!” the woman answers, “There is a green hat with red flowers in your window.” The man is glad to hear that. He says to himself, “I can sell the hat now. It is here for a long time.” The man takes it out of the window. He shows it to the woman. “It’s a nice hat.” he says, “Do your want it in a box or do you want to put it on your head?” “Oh, I don’t like the hat at all. I only want you to take it out of your window. I pass your shop every day and I hate (讨厌) to see it there.”



第一大题重在字母朗读的“准确度”和语调的“正确度”。本大题满分为15分。读错一个扣1分,以此类推,语调错误扣2分。 第二大题重在词汇朗读的“准确度”,本大题满分40分。读错一个扣2分,发音不到位或升降调读错,每个单词扣一分

第三大题重在“准确度、流利程度、语音语调、情感”本大题满分20分。准确度占12分,读错一个单词扣1分;流利程度占4分,1次重读不扣分,2次以上每出现1次扣1分;语音语调和情感占4分,根据学生实际朗读情况酌情扣分。 第四大题重在“词汇、想象力、语言衔接、语言组织”。本大题满分为25分。说出1个完全符合图意的完整句子得5分(词汇准确,没有过多的停顿,句子符合英语语法表达);词汇与语言组织出现问题的,每句酌情扣分;若在教师的提示


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