1~5 BBCBC 6~10 CCBAC 11~15 BCBBC 16~20 AACBB 单项填空
21~25 CDDCA 26~30 ABDCD 31~35 ADBAC
36~40 CABDA 41~45 BAADC 46~50 CABCD 51~55 ABDAB 阅读理解
56~40 BAABC 61~65 ACDDD 66~70 BBAAB 任务型阅读
71. Definition 72. skilled 73. education 74. Origin/Sources 75. describing 76. European 77. suffer 78. contributed 79. most 80. returning/coming/back
One Possible Version:
Since we entered Grade Three, instead of learning from textbooks and other language sources, students in my class have been guided by the teacher to practice a large amount of test papers over and over again.
Opinions are divided in our class. To those who agree, this practice can help students achieve high scroes in NMET due to its high pertinence. They also believe students can get knowledge about English by doing exercises. However, many others argue that doing test papers is not learning how to use English but leraning how to pass exams. They strongly hold teachers should teach students how to fish, not just give them fish to feed on.
To me, it is not worthwhile to do so many test papers. Firstly, nothing can be more tedious to us teenagers than the endless repetition of doing exercises of the same pattern. Secondly, these exercises contribute nothing to our language ability, even little to our passing NMET. After all, NMET is never testing the exercises we have done, but new ones we've never seen before. Only if we have developed English ability can we achieve high in NMET, and in future use of English as well.
Text 1
M:Jessica,could you type this letter for me?
W:Sorry. The computer broke down this morning. I'll do it for you as soon as I fix i