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课题:Module7 Unit3 Project(1)(第13课时)

学习目标 学习重点 学习难点 课堂类型 1. Learn about two search services and what should be taken into consideration while researching on the Internet. 2. Use the Internet to do research on a topic by using the information and instructions in the text. Learn to use some language points, and improve their overall ability. Make a poster explaining how they have searched and what they have found. Project新授课 总课时数 2 periods 学习过程 一、自主复习project部分的词汇知识,试读project课文并弄懂其大意。 二、认真阅读P46-47的课文后完成下表。 The Internet has enjoyed increased popularity among people all over the world. Therefore, doing online is common among net users. There are some tips you can follow to get satisfactory results. First of all, before you get down to searching information, you should . a search service between search engines and subject directories. Search engines can show you the pages that contain the word(s) you have typed in. Subject directories are by subjects and provide information that has been . by people. Secondly, when searching online you must take the following into . Is the up to date? Is it correct? Usually you have to other web pages to it. How to type the key words? Try to use some , such as “+”and “-” to make your search more accurate. Thirdly, after finding the information, do not copy the words just as you found them. This is cheating and is . The right thing you should do is to write an of the information in your own words and never forget to a list of the websites you have referred to when your report is finished. 【语言点学习】 三、短语翻译。 1. 在….方面做研究____________ 2. 牢记,记_________________ 3. 坐在电脑前________________ 4. 根据…..被分类______________ 【问题导引】 用案人个案补充 5. 搜索引擎______________ 6.输入_________________________ 7. 与….有关_________________ 8. 做决定_____________________ 9. 被分成___________________ 10.大量标题___________________ 11. 更新__________________ 12. 考虑_______________________ 13.作为一般的规则__________ 14.对….有把握_________________ 14.起作用,重要_______________15.为了…搜索_________________ 16.特定的主题范围______________ 17.一串,大量______________ 18.经常________________________ 19. 一般来说________________ 20..不但…..而且_________________ 21. 根据关键词___________ 22.属于某人___________________23.遵循这些建议_______________ 24. 一系列_____________________ 四、【目标检测】从所给短语以及括号内汉语提示选择短语及正确形式填空。 【keep in mind at the bottom of as a general rule attach to recommend for take .into consideration make a difference do research on on the basis of be divided into】 1.Is there anything you can ___________(为...推荐) me for Christmas gifts? 2._______(作为普通规则), always show respect to people older than you. 3.Moving to the city and working as a teacher have___________(有影响)to my later life. 4.I can type the additional figures in _____________(在...底端)the page. 5.The aliens took me away so that they could________对...做研究)me 6.You must ______________(牢记于心)that there is no secret of success but hard work. 7. The college is _____________________(附属于)that university. 8. We drew this conclusion__________________在...基础之上)the experiments. 9.Have you__________________(将...考虑在内)all the possible delays on the way before leaving for his office? 10.At the end of the lecture, all the students__________(被分成)small discussion groups. 【反思悟学】 高流中学高二英语导学案 谨 勤 善 诱

Keys: No.13

一、para.1: research; para.2: choose; key; classified; evaluated; para.3: things;

consideration; information; consult; confirm; symbols; para4: illegal;outline;attach;

二、1-5:do research on; keep…in mind; sit down at a computer terminal; be classified by; search engine;

6-10: type in; be linked to; make a decision; be divided into; a bunch of titles; up to date; 11-15: take into consideration; as a general rule; be sure about; make a difference; search for; 16-20: special special subject category; a branch of; most often; generally speaking; not only...but also...; 21-24:. according to the key words; belong to sb.; follow these tips; a list of


1-5:recommend for; As a general rule; made a difference; at the bottom of; do research on;

6-10: keep in mind; attached to; on the basis of; taken into consideration; were divided into;

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