

第一部分:天龙八部 1. 描述类经典句 用法:

...很重要,...很必要 句型:

_______ plays an extremely important role. ____ is of utmost importance.

Nothing is more important than _______. 替换词:

important可以替换词汇:significant(意义深远的)essential(关键的) indispensable(不可替代的) pivotal(中枢作用的)key(关键的)等等。 注意:indispensable 不可替代,本身就代表了非常重要,所以千万不要写extremely indispensable. 变通:

我们也可以换成其他意思,比如 it is of great necessity to do sth. 表示做...非常必要

比如play a role/part也可以表示扮演着重要的角色。 结合经典开头:

There is little doubt that … It cannot be denied that … It is beyond doubts that … It is generally accepted that …

There is a growing recognition that … It has been widely noted that … It goes without saying that … 综合版:

(1) 阅读经典书籍非常重要

It is generally accepted that nothing can play a more indispensable role than reading classic books.

(2) 从网络中获取信息很重要,但是阅读传统书籍也很必要。

It is very important to acquire useful information online, but it is still of great necessity to read traditional books.

(3) 众所周知,大学在人的培养中扮演者基础的作用,并为高等教育提供了平台(大学排名My View on University Ranking)。

It has been widely noted that university plays a fundamental role in one’s cultivation and provides a platform for higher education.

(4) 机器人可以展示出人工智能,慢慢进入到我们的视野,并扮演着越来越重要的角色。

Robots, which are capable of exhibiting artificial intelligence, have emerged into our vision, and tend to play an increasingly important role in our life. (5) 创新对于一个国家发展经济至关重要。如果中国想要在世界舞台扮演其地位,那么我们必须提倡独创性,激发创造力,鼓励创新。

It goes without saying that innovation plays a key role in developing national economy. If our country would like to play its role in the world arena, we should promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage innovation.

(还记得吗,后面这句就是我微博上#写作素材日积月累# #优格课堂#中的句子!)

2. 重视类经典句 用法: 重视... 句型:

pay attention to … attach importance to … lay emphasis/stress on … 综合版:

(1) 我们应该重视教育。

We should pay special attention to education. (2) 我们应该重视好习惯的培养。

We should attach great importance to developing good habits. (3) 我们应该重视环境保护。

One should lay great emphasis on environmental protection.

(4) 中国正在面临严重的环境问题。作为一个大学生,我们应该重视保护我们的地球。

Currently, China is facing a serious environmental issue. As university students, we should attach importance to protecting our planet. (5) 作文一个90后,我们应该重视保持健康。

As the post-90’s generation, we should pay special attention to maintaining good health. 衍生:

套句 ... capture/draw one's attention

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