
Anne's mother is sweeping. Ling ling's brother is sleeping. Ling ling is painting. step 3 Practice

游戏——看图猜测词意 read after me sleeping working sweeping cooking painting step 4 Consolidation 1.创设情景,自由会话.

情景:想象在周末,一家人会做什么.用学过的句型表达出来. My mother is …… My brother is…… My father is …… I am …… 要求用上学习过的单词 2.评价.

对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,提高学生学习英语的兴趣. 3.对话练习. 4.家庭作业.

1)熟读并背诵课文A部分. 2)识记本课新单词.

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Period 2



2.能熟练地运用现在进行时进行会话; 3.理解课文C,D部分; 4.培养学生的阅读理解能力。 二、教学重点与难点 重点:

复习单词和句型 难点: 情景会话 三、教学准备: 单词卡片,教学磁带等. 四、教学步骤 step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候. 2.看卡片读单词. 3.看口型读单词. step 2 Presentation and drill 游戏:Guess ,guess, guess!(猜一猜) 教师做动作,并提问;学生猜,并回答. T:What am I doing S:You are sleeping. T:Yes,I am sleeping./No, I am …… step 3 Practice

游戏——Best partner(最佳拍档)

学生两人一组自由组合,一人抽卡片做动作,另一人猜,看哪组最有默契. 阅读课文D部分,回答问题. What is Tim doing?

What is Dino doing? step 4 Consolidation



评价.对学生的描述进行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,激发学生说英语的欲望。 练习。


Period 3



2.能读出由含有字母组合OO的单词book wood food cook took firewood, 并读出有关的句子;

3,复习巩固本单元单词和句型。 二、教学重点与难点:

字母组合OO在单词中的发音.区别字母组合OO的长,短音。 三、教学准备

单词卡片,教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候

2.游戏:Act and chant (做做唱唱)

请八名学生上台来,轮流根据单词卡片做动作,其余学生有节奏地吟唱. Writing ,writing ,A is writing. Sleeping, sleeping ,B is sleeping. Working, working, C is working. step 2 Presentation and drill 1.让学生读E部分的单词;

2.板书单词 book ,标出字母组合OO,教授其读音,并与其它单词进行比较; 3.板书E部分其它单词 wood took food firewood cook , 让学生拼读; 4.听录音,跟读单词。 step 3 Practice

1.听课文E部分录音,跟读句子; 2.打节拍,读句子;

3.边读边写 reading and writing;w W w .x K b 1.c o M 4.听课文F部分录音,学唱英语歌曲。 教学反思:



Unit 6 What’s Anne doing?


Contents Part A, B Part C, D Part E, F Language Function:

Getting to know somebody is doing something. Language structure: What’s Anne doing? She is skipping. Vocabulary:

The word should be grasped: hopping, running, dancing, digging, playing basketball, skipping, swimming.

Understanding words :making the cat angry, rain, rail, train, nail, paint, tail, pail, sail, Spain. Sounds:

Know the ai-’s sound in the words. How to write: playing basketball

Period 1


Understand and say the new words “hopping, running, dancing, digging, playing basketball, skipping, swimming” Retell the Part A.

Can ask and say somebody is doing something. 二、教学重点与难点: Grasp the four-skill words.

Can ask and say somebody is doing something.


Periods One Period One Period One Period

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