



Unit 3 How do you get to school Period 3(Section B 1a,1e)

1(bus stop公共汽车站 bus station汽车站(课本第16页)

stop和station两者都表示“车站”。stop指停车站,bus stop指市内或镇区内的停车点。station指能停、转车辆的站点。另外,train/railway station意为“火车站”;subway station意为“地铁站”。

2(Mary wants to know where Bob lives.玛丽想知道鲍勃住在哪里。(课本第16页)

“where Bob lives”作know的宾语,这种整句话用来作宾语的句子叫作宾语从句。此处疑问副词where作宾语从句的引导词。


3(Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip.玛丽想知道他认为这段旅程怎么样。(课本第16页)

“what he thinks of the trip”是由“what does he think of the trip”变成的宾

语从句。“What...think of/about...,”,“How...like...,”,



我们在终点站下公交车,然后走向地铁站。 We get off the bus at the and then go to the . 2(合并为一个句子

How far does she live from school? Thomas wants to know. Thomas wants to know from 1 school. 3(同义句转换

How do you like Chinese food? ____________ do you Chinese food?


1.I take a bus to school. There are only four ____________(站) from my home. 2(There are 60 ____________(分钟) in an hour.

3(He lives in his ____________(祖父母) home. 4. I want to know where Lily ____________(居住)( 5(I want to buy nine ____________(百) flowers.

6(How long does it take ____________(步行) to school? 7(Do you know what he ____________(认为) of the trip? 8.We need ____________(读) a lot of books.

9(My brother likes ____________(骑) a bike to school. 10(How does Bob ____________(到达) to the subway station? 二、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

how many how how long

how far think of

1(____________ does it take you to get to school?

2(____________ is it from here to the bus stop? 3(____________ do students around the world get to school?

4(What do you ____________ the way to Zhang?zhou? 5(____________ months are there in a year? 2

三、根据汉语意思翻译句子 1(通常你怎样去上学, 我通常骑车去上学。

,____________ ____________ you usually go to school?

,I usually go to school _____________ ____________ ____________. 2(从学校到公共汽车站不是很远。

It isn't very ____________ ____________ the school to the bus station. 3(我想要知道尼娜祖父母的家在哪里。

I want to know where Nina's ____________ ____________ ____________( 4(从学校到家你要花多长时间,

____________ ____________ does it take you to get home _____________ school?


It's about ten ____________ ____________( 四、完形填空

For many people, it's interesting to take the train. Usually it is, but __1__

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