

摘要 新药临床试验数据管理作为新药研发的重要组成部分,在整个新药研发的

工作中起着至关重要的作用。高质量的数据不仅是正确评价药物安全性和有效性的基础和依据,更是规范化高质量临床试验的重要标志。为了提高国内的临床数据规范化管理水平,尽快与国际的GCP(Good Clinical Practice)规范和先进的临床数据管理规范接轨,真正能够获取高质量的数据进行了本次研究。


关键字 临床试验 数据管理 临床试验数据管理 临床试验数据管理计划 临床


The research of new drug clinical trial data management

Abstract Clinical trial data management is the important component of clinical trial,

which plays crucial role in the whole process in the clinical trial. Now not only true evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of new drug, but also high qualified clinical arises from the clean and high quality data. In order to improve the domestic standardized management level of clinical data, join the international GCP standards and advanced clinical data management, can make the high quality of data.

This article discusses the background of the clinical trial data management, the contents of the clinical trial data management and the generation of clinical trial data, explains the clinical data management plan and the clinical data management standard system. Then it review s the development and current status of clinical data management home and abroad and analysis the deficiencies of domestic traditional \clinical trial data management. It discusses the current clinical trial data management system including the electronic data acquisition, electronic case reports, the application of electronic signature, etc. At last, it Analysis of the opportunities and challenges faced by the domestic new drug clinical trial data management.

Key words Clinical Trial Data Management Clinical Trial Data Management

Clinical Data Management Plan Clinical Trial Data Management Electronic System.


第一章 绪论 .............................................. 4

1.1研究背景..................................................... 4 1.2 研究现状 .................................................... 5 1.3研究主要内容................................................. 6

第二章 新药临床试验数据管理综述 .......................... 7

2.1新药临床试验数据管理......................................... 7 2.2新药临床试验概述............................................. 7 2.3新药临床试验数据管理具体内容................................. 9 2.3.1新药临床试验数据的产生..................................... 9 2.3.2 新药临床数据管理计划 ..................................... 10 2.3.3临床试验数据管理的规范化.................................. 12

第三章 新药临床试验数据现状分析 ......................... 14

3.1 新药临床数据管理现状-以A公司为例 .......................... 14 3.2 A公司新药临床试验数据存在问题.............................. 15

第四章 A公司新药临床试验数据管理的优化 .................. 17

4.1 A公司新药临床试验数据管理完善的方案........................ 17

第五章 结论 ............................................. 19 致 谢 ................................................... 20 参考文献 ................................................ 21

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