

第11讲 介词与介词短语

1.Determining where we are ________ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.(2017·江苏,32) A.in contrast to C.in face of 答案 D

解析 句意为:通过对比我们周围的环境来确定我们的位臵仍然是我们生存的重要技能。结合句意可知,这里用in relation to“相对某事物而言”in contrast to与??相比;in defense of保卫,为??辩护;in face of面对 。

2.Many people who live along the coast make a living ________ fishing industry.(2017·北京,35) A.at B.in C.on D.by 答案 B

解析 句意为:很多住在海边的人们靠渔业为生。“在??行业”用介词in。此题容易忽视fishing后的名词industry,以为是靠捕鱼这种方式而错选D项。

3.When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California,you will be ________ trees that are over 1,000 years old.(2017·天津,12)

A.among B.against C.behind D.below 答案 A

解析 句意为:当你驾车穿过加利福尼亚的红杉林时,你会臵身在那些树龄超过1 000年的树木之间。among在??当中,为??所围绕,符合语境。against以??为背景,衬托;behind在??后面;below在??下面。

4.We offer an excellent education to our students.________,we expect students to work hard.(2017·天津,13) A.On average C.In return 答案 C

解析 句意为:我们向学生提供优质的教育,作为回报,我们希望学生努力学习。in return作为报酬,作为回报,符合语境。on average平均来看;at best充其量,至多;after all毕竟,终究。

B.At best D.After all B.in defense of D.in relation to

5.The study suggests that the cultures we grow up ________ influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us.(2016·浙江,7) A.on B.in C.at D.about 答案 B

解析 句意为:该项研究表明,我们成长的文化环境会影响我们看我们周围的世界的基本过程。in the cultures在??的文化中,为固定搭配,故选B。

6.The dictionary is ________:many words have been added to the language since it was published.(2016·天津,2) A.out of control C.out of sight 答案 B

解析 句意为:这部词典过时了:自从它出版以来,这门语言已增添了许多单词。out of date过时的,符合语境。out of control失控;out of sight看不见;out of reach够不着。

7.Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around ________ Thomas Edison.(2015·江苏,34) A.thanks to C.aside from 答案 D

解析 句意为:如果没有托马斯·爱迪生的话,我们现在所受益的许多东西是不会出现的。thanks to幸亏,由于;regardless of不管,不顾;aside from除了,除??以外;but for要不是,如果没有的话。故选D。

8.Most people work because it’s unavoidable.________,there are some people who actually enjoy work.(2015·浙江,10) A.As a result C.By contrast 答案 C

解析 句意为:大多数人工作是因为无法避免,________也有一些人确实喜欢工作。根据语境可知,此处表示前后对比。by contrast相比之下,符合语境。as a result结果;in addition另外,此外;in conclusion总之。

9.These comments came ________ specific questions often asked by local newsmen.


A.in memory of C.in touch with 答案 B

B.in response to D.in possession of B.In addition D.In conclusion B.regardless of D.but for B.out of date D.out of reach

解析 句意为:这些评论是对当地记者经常询问的具体问题的回应。in response to作为对??的回答,作为对??的反应,符合语境。in memory of为了纪念;in touch with与??有联系;in possession of拥有,持有。

10.Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 ℃ ________ the average.(2015·重庆,10)

A.below B.on C.at D.above 答案 D

解析 句意为:去年是有记录以来最暖和的一年,全球气温比平均温度高0.68 ℃。above 高于,在??之上,符合语境。

11.A common memory they all have ________ their school days is the school uniform.(2015·福建,22)

A.of B.on C.to D.with 答案 A

解析 句意为:他们对校园岁月的共同记忆就是校服。本句使用了have a memory of这一搭配,意为“对??的记忆”。

12.Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes ________ animals both on land and sea?


A.about B.to C.with D.over 答案 B

解析 句意为:你听说过是海陆两栖动物栖息地的树吗?be home to为固定搭配,意为“是??的栖息地,是??的家园”。

13.This meeting room is a non-smoking area.I would like to warn you ________ that if you smoked here you would be fined.(2015·湖北,30) A.in advance C.in total 答案 A

解析 句意为:这个会议室是“无烟区”。我想________提醒你,如果你在这里吸烟,你就会被罚款。根据题干中that引导的宾语从句可知,说话者是在“提前”告诉对方这一事实,所以选择in advance。in detail详细地;in total总共;in general一般来说。

14.Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to survive is to live ________ nature.(2015·福建,32) A.in view of C.in touch with 答案 D

B.in need of D.in harmony with B.in detail D.in general

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