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[摘 要] 金融工程是一门集金融、数学、工程、计算机等多学科、多专业的复合型学科,它的特点要求在金融工程课程教学中加强实验内容。本文从我国金融工程课程教学的现状出发,阐述了金融工程教学模式改革的意义及其引入实验教学的必要性,最后探讨了金融工程实验教学内容的设计,目的在于通过金融工程实验教学的引入培养学生的实际动手能力和创新实践能力。
[关键词] 金融工程;实验教学;教学模式改革
Research of Experimental Teaching Content Device and Teaching Mode Innovation about Finance Engineering Course
Li Shu-jin
Abstract: The financial engineering is one composite type subject of many subjects and many specialities gathering finance, mathematics, engineering, and calculator...etc. Experiment contents at the financial engineering course are requested to intensify by the course's characteristics. In this text, Set out from the current teaching status of financial engineering, the meaning of reforming financial engineering teaching mode and the necessity of joining experiment teaching to academic teaching at finance engineering course are elaborated, and at last experiment teaching contents are designed at finance engineering course
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
in order to train the actual operate capability and the innovation practicing capability of students by introducing experiment course. Key Words: Finance Engineering; Experiment Teaching; Teaching Mode Innovation
20世纪80年代末以来,一门新兴的工程型金融学科迅速发展并风行起来,这就是金融工程。金融工程使用类似于工程的方法,将工程学的方法、思维引入到金融领域,结合金融理论和实践,综合采用数学、工程、计算机、信息以及智能化等技术来设计、开发新型的金融工具和交易方式,因此金融工程是一门集金融、数学、工程、计算机等多学科、多专业的复合型学科。近年来,我国高等院校纷纷开设金融工程专业或相关课程,而如何培养合格的金融工程人才,使学生快速全面地掌握金融工程分析方法,是各大高校金融专业教学关注的热点问题。但是,在目前的金融工程课程教学中却存在不少问题。 一、我国金融工程教学现状及教学模 式改革的意义