Units 1-6综合同步听力训练(附听力录音材料,试题及答案,听力音频mp3和课件PPT)-1.d

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新目标七年级上Units 1-6综合听力训练试题



1. What’s your name?

2. Tom, this is my sister, Lucy. 3. Who is the old man in black?

4. Don’t be late for school next time.

5. How many people are there in your family? 二、

6. Girl: Excuse me. Where is Xichang? Boy: It’s in Sichuan.

Q: Is Xichang in Hebei Province?

7. W: Hi, Nick! I have a new friend. Her name is Emily. She is from the USA. M: Great. Could you introduce me to her? Q: Who is from the USA?

8. Boy: We’re going to have a picnic this Sunday. Lily, could you bring some strawberries and French fries to school? Girl: Sure.

Q: What will Lily bring to school?

9. Boy: Mom, I’m hungry. What are you cooking for dinner? Mom: An egg, some fish and vegetables. Q: Where are they?

10. W: You don’t look good. Are you ill? M: No. I’m just a little tired. Q: How is the man? 三、

Michael: Hello, Daisy. It’s my birthday today. Daisy: Oh. How old are you, Michael? Michael: Well, fifteen.

Daisy: Fifteen? But you don’t look it. I thought we were the same age. Michael: Well, I’ll have a party in the evening. Would you like to come? Daisy: Great. Who else will come?

Michael: Jim, Bob, Clark and a Chinese girl.

Daisy: A girl from China? Great! What’s her name? Michael: Wang Fei.

Daisy: Is she your Chinese friend?

Michael: Yes, my best friend. Please bring your guitar to the party and don’t be late. Daisy: Sure, see you at six. Bye.

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新世纪教育网 www.xsjjyw.com 精品资料 版权所有@新世纪教育网

Michael: Bye. 四、

I have a good friend. His name is Peter Brown. He’s a twelve-year-old student from Canada. He’s studying Chinese in Beijing. He likes traveling and playing basketball. He thinks they’re fun. But he doesn’t like reading or playing soccer. They’re difficult for him. He likes hamburgers and ice cream very much. His favorite colors are blue and white and he always wears blue or white clothes.


1-5BCBAC 6-10BCCBC 11-15BACAC 16. Brown 17. twelve / 12 18. hamburgers and ice cream 19. blue and white 20. playing soccer

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