

One【2018届上海市上海实验学校高三英语10月考试题】 III. Reading Comprehension Section B ( 22%)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Zelda Fitzgerald, as is revealed by numerous personal books and letters, wore many labels in her life. She was “the original flapper” girl and “the spirit of the Jazz Age.” Married to the celebrated writer F. Scott Fitzgerald (author of The Great Gatsby), she was by turns his muse and the woman who ruined his life. In her later years she was “Crazy Zelda.”

Accurate as all these descriptions may be, they do not tell the whole story. Born in Montgomery, Alabama, she was noted for her beauty and high spirits in dancing. In July 1918, at a country club dance, Fitzgerald was hooked immediately by the beautiful and charming 18-year-old Zelda who outshined other beauties with her distinguished ballet. A light affection evolved into a lengthy long-distance pursuit of weekly letters, with Fitzgerald aware of her uncommitted dating of other men. He courted her feverishly, reading her his stories and parts of his unfinished novel. He proposed after his discharge from the Army in February 1919, but Zelda had doubts. Her fiancé wasn’t rich and there was no guarantee he’d ever be famous. His short stories didn’t sell. His attempt was a dump. Zelda gave back the ring. Hoping to fix the “no money” part of his problem, Fitzgerald quit the job and started to rewrite novels for success and money so that he could win back his girl. Finally, he made it!On March 20, 1920, his novel This Side of Paradise got published and Zelda agreed to marry him.

However, their marriage was troubled by wild drinking, fighting, infidelity(不忠) and bitter recriminations(互相指责). Earnest Hemingway, whom Zelda disliked, blamed her for Scott’s declining literary output, though she has also been portrayed as the victim of an overbearing husband. Actually, Zelda was also creative, pursuing both dancing and writing. Some scholars have portrayed Zelda as a creative talent ignored by the patriarchal(男权的)society of the day. Her inspiration was even drawn by her husband in literary creation. Scott used their relationship as material in his novels, even borrowing episodes from Zelda’s diary and applying them into his fictional writings. She detested her husband’s practice: “Mr. Fitzgerald—I believe that is how he



spells his name—seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home.” To seek an artistic identity of her own, Zelda wrote independently to declare her own value, as she put it “I wish I could write a beautiful book to break those hearts that are soon to cease to exist.”

Nevertheless her unique personality was starting to seem more unbalanced than charming. The couple —like the rest of the nation—was living on borrowed time. In October 1929 the stock market crashed, triggering the Great Depression. Six months later, Zelda suffered her first nervous breakdown. After being diagnosed with schizophrenia(精神分裂), she was increasingly confined to specialist clinics, and since then has departed with her husband. Zelda died later in a fire at her hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, putting an end to her flamboyant life.

56. Where will you most probably find this article? A. In a newspaper.

B. In a literary magazine.

C. In a prepared speech. D. In a research report.

57. Which phrase can best summarize the relationship between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda? A. Ideal partnership.

B. Unbalanced love relationship. D. Mutually-jealous relationship.

C. Love-hate relationship.

58. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

A. Fitzgerald successfully won Zelda’s heart by reading her his novels and writing her weekly letters.

B. Hemingway disliked Zelda because of her female identity and talent that outshined her husband.

C. Zelda was glad to be her husband’s muse and provided him with literary materials. D. The “Crazy Zelda” died without Fitzgerald’s companion after severe schizophrenia.

Two【2018届上海市上海实验中学高三英语下学期4月考试题】 III. Reading Comprehension Section B ( 22%)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.




I was a second-year medical student at the university, and was on my second day of rounds at a nearby hospital. My university's philosophy was to get students seeing patients early in their education. Nice idea, but it overlooked one detail: second-year students know next to nothing about medicine.

Assigned to my team that day was an attending — a senior faculty member who was there mostly to make patients feel they weren't in the hands of amateurs. Many attendings were researchers who didn't have much recent hospital experience. Mine was actually an arthritis (关节炎) specialist. Also along was a resident (the real boss, with a staggering mastery of medicine, at least to a rookie like myself). In addition there were two interns(住院实习医生). These guys were just as green as I was, but in a scarier way: they had recently graduated from the medical school, so they were technically MDs.

I began the day at 6:30 am. An intern and I did a quick check of our eight patients; later, we were to present our findings to the resident and then to the attending. I had three patients and the intern had the other five - piece of cake.

But when I arrived in the room of 71-year-old Mr. Adams, he was sitting up in bed, sweating heavily and panting (喘粗气). He'd just had a hip operation and looked terrible. I listened to his lungs with my stethoscope, but they sounded clear. Next I checked the log of his vital signs and saw that his respiration and heart rate had been climbing, but his temperature was steady. It didn't seem like heart failure, nor did it appear to be pneumonia(肺炎). So I asked Mr. Adams what he thought was going on.


So I attributed his condition to the stuffy room and told him the rest of the team would return in a few hours. He smiled and feebly waved goodbye.

At 8:40 a.m., during our team meeting, \I froze.

That was Mr. Adams's room. When we arrived, he was motionless.

The autopsy (尸体解剖) later found Mr. Adams had suffered a massive pulmonary embolism (肺部栓塞). A blood clot had formed in his leg, worked its way to his lungs, and cut his breathing capacity in half. His symptoms had been textbook: heavy perspiration and shortness of breath despite clear lungs. The only thing was: I hadn't read that chapter in the textbook yet. And I was


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