高考英语 5年高考真题精选与最新模拟 专题03 冠词

“人们喜欢上海世博会给它们的快乐, 这是(一)种不错的感觉” a good feeling , 一种不错的感觉, give sb pleasure。


(2010山东﹚If we sit near _______ front of the bus, we’ll have _______ better view.

A. 不填; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. the;the

(2010江苏﹚The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_______ people from all walks of life are working hard for_____ new Jiangsu.

A.不填; a B. 不填;the C. the; a D. the; the 【答案】A.


【解析】第一空,来自社会各阶层的人. 是不特指,不用冠词. 第二空, 在Jiangsu 前有形容词new 因此,应加冠词a.表示一个全新的江苏

(2010辽宁﹚There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in ______ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _______ earth.

A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the 【答案】B


【解析】第一空in space 是固定短语, 不用冠词, 第二空名词earth属于独一无二事物的名词, 其前必须用定冠词。句意:太空中有超过58,000的岩状物体, 其中大约900有可能掉到地球上。

(2010北京﹚First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _____ second chance to make _____ first impression.

A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a


【答案】A 【考点定位】冠词

【解析】很多同学错在第二个空to make a first impression上了。在做题的时候不够细心, 因为此题的句意是:第一印象是最持久的。总之, 你永远不可能有第二个机会去再给别人留一次第一印象。本题强调的重点是第二个机会a second chance;第二次留一个第一印象, make a first impression. first为干扰因素。若句意改变为:你没有机会去改变你的第一印象You never get a second chance to change the first impression。此处再填the就合情合理了。

(2010重庆﹚Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.

A. a, a B. the, / C. the, a D. a, / 【答案】D


【解析】price意思是 “代价”, 为可数名词, 第二空前边有no,后面的名词不用冠词, 故选 D项。

(2010浙江﹚Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up weakening of the human body.

A. a; / B. /; the

C. a; the

D. /; /

(2010四川﹚In most countries, a university degree can give you flying start in life.

A. the; a B. the; 不填 C.不填; 不填 D.不填; a



(2009安徽﹚We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 【答案】A


【解析】因为sky和world原本是独一无二的, 但这里前面都有了形容词修饰, 表示会出现一个什么样的sky和world, 这里就属于泛指了。

(2009北京﹚The biggest whale is ______ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of _______ 9-story building.

A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a

(2009江西﹚Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather around the world.

A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the; a 【答案】A


【解析】Air pollution 是抽象名词这里是泛指, weather 这里是特指全球的气候, 根据the weather around the world 可知。

(2009海南﹚Let’s go to cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for while

A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a ; a




【解析】go to the cinema 表示具体的某地, for a while 固定搭配, 表示 “一会儿”。 (2009陕西﹚What ___ pity that you couldn’t be there to receive ___ prize!

A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. the; the

(2009四川﹚In order to find _______ better job, he decided to study ________ second foreign language.

A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the

(2009浙江﹚I don’t understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got ______ rough idea of _____ project plan.

A. the; a the



【解析】前空构成短语get a+adj+idea of sth, 泛指一种大体的想法, 后空指双方都知道的那个project计划。

(2009重庆﹚Washing machines made by China have won worldwide attention and Haier has become popular name.

A. a; the B. /; a C. /;


B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a;

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