

I. Use of English

Directions: In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogs. For each dialog there are 4

choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes each dialog.

1. -By the way, do you know the National Spelling Bee? -__________. A. No, it is not true. B. No, I never heard of it. C. No, I never heard from it. D. Yes, it is true.

2. -Lucy, let me help you fix your computer. -__________.

A. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. B. Not at all.

C. Perfect. That’s a good job. D. You are welcome. I can control it.

3. -- Good morning. Friendship Hotel. May I help you? --_________.

A. Thank you. I’d like to make a long distance call to the U.S. B. Yes, please. Thank you anyway. C. I don’t think so. Sorry. D. Extension 88588, please.

4.-Excuse me, sir. Would you mind answering a few questions? -_________. Are you selling insurance? A. Yes, I’d love to.

B. Well, yes, at the moment I would C. No, I’m sorry D. No, I’m in a hurry

5. —Say, I don’t think we’ve met, have we?

—_________. My name’s Donna.

— Nice to meet you. Donna. I’m Tim Clark.

A Yes, I think so B No. I don’t think so C I’ve heard so much about you D I haven’t seen you for ages

6.— May I borrow your car tomorrow morning?

—I’m sorry, but I’ll go on an outing first thing in the morning myself. —_________. A. Do as you please B. It doesn’t matter C. Thank you just the same D. Never mind

7.— All right. May I have your contact number? —_________

— I mean your telephone number. A. Sorry?

B. What do you want? C. Sure. Here you are. D. Please just forgive me.

8. — Can you do me a favor? My bike is broken. —_________.

A. No, I am in a hurry, you see.

B. Well, I don’t know how to deal with it anyway. C. I am not favoring in this, sorry.

D. Ok, I can lend mine to you if you are in a hurry. 9. — How do you think of the show? — __________.

A. Well, that is a good idea. Thank you very much!

B. If you give me some advice, I will appreciate it better. C. It is a traditional one, I like some fashionable things. D. Sorry, I don not know what you have showed to me. 10. — Don’t you think Chinese is popular nowadays?


A. Yes, I will learn it harder and harder.

B. You are right, Chinese population is really large. C. Well, neither did me. D. Really? That’s perfect.

11. — Hi. I’m your new neighbor. My name is Tom Hanks.

— A. Oh, you are my new neighbor? B. Where are you from?

C. Hi. I am glad to see you. I’m Bob Peterson. D. Do you live alone?

12. — It’s really very nice of you to bring me the books — A. Never mind.

B. I’m glad to hear that. C. Oh, it’s nothing. D. I like books.

13. — We’re going on a visit to Korea next week. —

A. Have a good journey. B. Good bye. C. Wish you happy. D. You’re right. 14. — Would you like a cup coffee? — A. Yes, I would have no more. B. No, I don’t. C. Thank you. I’ve had enough. D. No, just a little. 15. — I’ll be away for a week. Would you mind looking after my cat? — Not at all. A.I have no time. B. I’d rather not. C. I’d like it. D. I’d be happy to. 16. — What’s the weather like today? — A.I like the weather. B. It’s not very hot in summer. C. It’s raining heavily. D. The weather was very warm. 17. — Let’s go to a movie. —

A. The movie is excellent. B. What a good idea! C. I have seen it. D. Where is the cinema? 18. —Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Bus Station? — A. You can’t miss it. B.I don’t know.

C. Sure. Go straight ahead and take the second turning on your right. D. You will see it immediately. 19. —What do you do? — A. Fine, thank you. B. What do you do? C. I’m a student. D. I’m Wang Hong. 20. —Can I speak to Mary Jones, please?

—Sorry. There is no one here by that name. — A. Sorry, I may dial the wrong number. B. That’s all right. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Sorry to trouble you. 21. —What are you going to do? —

A. I’m planning to take the job. B. Yes, I know.

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