牛津高中英语导学案(含答案)M8U2 Project From the blues to pop


M8U2 Project Making a web page

From the blues to pop


I.Preview of the text

What are the types of music mentioned in the passage? a. _________________ b. _________________ c. _________________ d. _________________ e. _________________

II. Task-based reading Types of music Time Early Jazz Details of development after World War I It originated from the folk songs of African-American 1.___________; Louis Armstrong contributed much, making solo performance an 2._______________ part of every jazz song. 1930s to 1950s by 1949 during 1950s Swing is a kind of jazz and was 3._______________ for dance. R&B 4.____________ as a kind of mixture of jazz and swing 5._____________ both guitar and saxophone solos. Big Joe Turner is thought to be one of the 6.____________of rock and roll. Elvis Presley earned his 7.________________ by his powerful live performances, but his musical life was cut short when he was 8.__________into the army in 1958. The Beatles brought Western pop music to audiences and continue to be 9._____________ all around the world today. Wherever they went, large 10.____________ of fans would welcome them. Swing R&B Rock and roll Pop music 1960s

III. 根据Project内容填词。

My column today takes a ____1____ look at how Western pop music evolved over the last one hundred years from jazz to rock. Jazz began in the USA and has played an important role in American culture and history. Its origins are ____2____ in the folk songs of black Americans. From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a bit of a ____3_____ and was replaced by swing. Swing music was a kind of jazz and was _____4______ for dancing. By 1949, the start of a new musical trend known as rhythm and blues, or R&B, had arisen as a kind of


____5____ of jazz and swing. During the 1950s, R&B changed modern music further and led to what we know as rock and roll. The British pop group known as the Beatles were the supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s. The Beatles brought ____6____ pop music to audiences around the world as they went out on tours and gave concerts in many different countries. Today, The Beatles’ catalogue, which is the ____7____ of all of their songs and the copyrights to them, is one of the most ____8____ music catalogues in the world.

IV. Language focus

1. Other musicians began to copy him, and later, the improvised solo performance became an

essential part of every jazz song. / Other musicians began to copy his style and the liberty… 【英英释义】…became an important/a significant/ vital part of every jazz song. 【知识点呈现】be essential to/for 对…必不可收

It is essential to do 做…最重要;

It is essential that后的句子要用虚拟语气,形式为(should)+ 动词原形 essentially (adv.)

essential (n.) 必需品;不可缺少的东西(常用复数)


a. Good food and adequate exercise are ___________ ___________ a healthy life. b. It is essential for you to get prepared ahead of time.

=It is essential that _______ ________ _________ _________ ahead of time. 【我的造句】Complete the sentence:

__________________________________________________ is / are essential for life.

2. From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a bit of a decline, and was

replaced in popularity by a new kind of music known as swing. 【英英释义】…a bit of a deterioration, and was replaced … 【知识点呈现】(n.) fall /go into decline 陷入衰退

on the decline 在消减,在衰退

(vt.)decline an offer / a proposal 谢绝援助/建议 decline to do sth. 拒绝做… 【同步练习】

a. The town _________ ___________ ___________ after the mine closed. 开始衰落 b. He ___________ __________ ____________ his plans with the journalists. 拒绝讨论 c. The financial crisis has led to a sharp _________ in profits in many fields.

A. decline B. increase C. deadline D. bankruptcy 【难点辨析】decline/refuse/reject


3. By 1949,the start of a new musical trend known as rhythm and blues, or R& B, had arisen as

a kind of mixture of jazz and swing.

【英英释义】… or R&B, had appeared as a kind of combination of jazz and swing.


【知识点呈现】arise = happen 发生 =get up 起床

= stand up 起立;起来 =appear 出现,呈现

arise out of = arise from 由…引起/产生;起源于,(烟等)从…中升起


a. Accidents can _________ ___________ carelessness. 由…而产生

b. Our failure in the physics exam arose ________ the lack of carefulness.

A. out B. from C. at D. in 【难点辨析】arise/arouse


4. Elvis’ musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in 1958. 【英英释义】Elvis’ musical life was cut short when he joined the army in 1958. 【知识点呈现】be drafted into 入伍,征募

draft (n.) 草稿, 汇票;

(v.) 起草,选拔



a. Let’s make a rough draft of the letter. ________________________________________ b. Payment must be paid by draft. _____________________________________________ c. Joe is busy drafting a speech for the conference. ______________________________ d. The hospital has drafted a doctor for the demanding task. _________________________

5. They continue to have almost universal appeal today, even though they broke up in 1970. 【英英释义】They continue to have almost universal attraction today, even though they no longer worked as a band in 1970.

【知识点呈现】(n.) 呼吁;恳求;吸引力

(vi.) 呼吁;恳求;吸引;求助于;上诉;诉诸于

(sth.) appeal to sb. (某物) 引起某人的兴趣;吸引某人,迎合某人 appeal to sb for sth. 为某是向某人呼吁 appeal to sb to do sth. 呼吁某人去做某事 make an appeal to sb 向某人提出呼吁 【同步练习】

a. The game ________________________________________________for the children.


b. The headmaster was ____________ ____________ funds to build a new school.


c. The book didn’t _________ children probably because the author employed too many

scientific terms in it.

A. apply to B. appeal to C. intend to D. lead to d. ——Did he say something in the lecture that _________ you?

——Not really. Actually I felt sleepy over his speech.


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