

培 养 方 案







硕士研究生的学习期限为二年半 三、主要研究方向 1.聚合物分子设计与合成 2. 高性能先进高分子材料 3.功能高分子材料

4. 生物医用高分子材料 5. 环境友好高分子材料 四、课程设置(见表) 五、论文工作








类 别 政治 学 理论课 第一 课程编号 001000701 001000702 001000704 101000701 101201701 101201702 101201704 101201901 101201902 文献 阅读 研讨课 必 课 校公共 平台课 学术 修 研讨课 101201903 101201908 101201907 101201906 001000708 001000709 001000710 001000711 001000712 001000713 001000714 001000715 001000716 补 修 课 本科 主干课

课程名称 科学社会主义理论与实践 自然辩证法 公共英语 专业英语 聚合物结构与性能 高分子分析和表征 高等高分子化学 高分子纳米复合材料进展 高性能工程塑料及复合材料 导电性高分子及其复合材料 反应性高分子导论 生物医用及环境友好高分子 聚合反应工程 应用随机过程 数值分析 数学物理方程 应用统计分析 现代数学基础 有限元法及其应用 高性能计算导论 数据库理论与实践 近代力学基础 高分子化学 高分子物理 学时 30 45 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 学分 2 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 开课 学期 1 2 1,2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 同等学历或跨专业学生需补修 选修 0-2门 0-8学分 备注 位 外国语 专业 专业课 课 基础课 Training Program for Master Candidates in

PolymerChemistry & Physics

1. Cultivation Aims

1. First, candidates are required to study hard in Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. They should adhere to the party’s basic lines, be patriotic and abide by law and disciplines. Based on a sound moral integrity, a rigorous and scientific attitude towards academic work, and a strong sense of dedication, they should endeavor to contribute to the ongoing socialist modernization drive.

2. Candidates must have a firm theoretical foundation in their special fields and broad background in related areas. They should be competent in undertaking independent research and development, and capable of making original contributions to their scientific and technological discipline. They should be proficient in a foreign language.

3. Candidates must take an active part in physical exercises and keep fit..

4. The specialty focuses on the research of polymer design and synthesis, advanced polymer materials and composite materials, biomedical polymer materials, functional polymer materials with optical, electrical and magnetic properties, as well as environmentally friendly polymer materials, exploring new theory, new skill as well as new technology. The research subjects cover most focus in present polymer field and enjoy a broad prospect of application. The graduates in the specialty are competent in researching polymer basic theory and designing new high polymer materials, They will be qualified for research, teaching, new production developing and manufacturing technology management in polymer field.

2.Duration for the program

The program for master’s degree lasts two and a half years.

3. Subjects for Research

1. Polymer design and synthesis 2. Advanced materials

3. Functional Polymer Materials 4. Biomedical Polymer Materials

5. Environmentally Friendly Polymer Materials

4. Thesis

1. Having finished school course , academic subject course and other necessary courses , the candidates are eligible for undertaking research towards a Master thesis , but they are required to submit, prior to the preliminary conference, 3 comprehensive reports related to thesis topic.

2. The topic is to evolve around the fundamental research or major technical issues of this specialty in the national economy. The report of the preliminary conference should be with a minimum of 5000 words, covering the situation of development, the significance of the topic, research content, the specific schedule and anticipated results, ect.

3. The preliminary conference is to be assessed by at least 3 lecturers with senior titles, who will offer specific assessment and advice for revision. Those who don' t pass the evaluation will rewrite the report within a set time , and those who fail again will lose the education opportunity.

4. Phase-by-phase examinations are to be conducted on the thesis. The candidates should make reports on its process and achievement and discuss with their tutors such problems as research process and research methods. Given the great discrepancy between the actual headway and the criteria, a warning will be given.

5. After the thesis is completed, the tutor should strictly examine the thesis and offer his advice. Thesis under standard can ' t be allowed to submit for preliminary defence, which normally takes place two months earlier than the formal one. Thesis will be evaluated by preliminary defence panel, including at least 3 lecturers with senior titles. Those who fail the preliminary defence should, after its revision, have his thesis rejudged within six months. Formal thesis defence is held according to “Shanghai University Academic Degree-conferring Detailed Codes”.

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