人教版英语八年级下册试题期中考试试卷 (3)

………… 姓班考


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A) 选择填空。 (20分)

( ) 1 What's the _____ with you ?

A. matter B. wrong C. up But now he is used to _________ his homework after supper.

A. playing , do B. playing , doing C. play, doing ( ) 14. Gina eats ________ junk food so she is __________fat.

A . too many, too much B. too much, too many

C. too much, much too

: I. 知识运用。 :

______________…………( ) 2. Thank you for _____me.

A. help B. to help C. helping ……… ( ) 3. Why don't you ____ to your parents?

A. talk B. talking C. to talk

( ) 4. I hate _____chores.

密……… A. do B. to do C. to doing ( ) 5. ---Could you please fold the clothes, Mary? ---__________. 封………… A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn’t C. Yes, sure 线…………( ) 6.While the woman ,the accident happened.

A.shopped B.is shopping C.was shopping

内…………( ) 7.What were you doing the rainstorm?

A.at that time B.in time C.at the time of

不…………( ) 8. His father doesn’t allow him swimming alone.

准………A.goes B.to go C.going

( ) 9. You should spend more time _____ English. 答……… A. in B. on C. at 题…………( ) 10. Tom is going to make___bed after he eats breakfast. A.the B. / C. a


( ) 11. It's your duty(职责) to ____ the old and the young. A. take care B. care for C. look well ( ) 12. Kids_____ their parents too much these days . A. depend on B. depend to C. depend with ( ) 13.My brother used to _______ computer games at home after supper .


( ) 15. The old woman lives_________, but she doesn’t feel__________. A . alone, alone B. lonely, alone C. alone, lonely ( ) 16.Bob wants to fix up the bikes and _________ to the poor children.

A.give away them B. give them away C. give out them ( ) 17.- Would you like the red shirt or the black one?

-__________. I’d like the white one.

A. Either B. Neither C. None ( ) 18. The ____ you work at your lessons, the ____ grades you will get.

A .hard, good B. hard, better C. harder, better ( ) 19.The work is_____.You can finish it by yourself.

A. easy enough B. enough easy C. enough difficult ( ) 20. What ____ you ______ at eight yesterday evening?

A. have, done B. did, do C. were, doing B) 完形填空:20’

(A) 从A、B、C中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(10’)

Yesterday I 1 very tired when I came home from work. I 2 while my one-year-old son 3 his toy. After a while,a loud lock at the door 4 . Ah,my little son 5 open the door. 6 the window he saw a kite flying in the air. Oh,it's 7 kite! I got up and looked out of the window. Two boys 8 the kite. I took my son out to the yard.“Excuse me,”I asked one boy. “Would you please 9 me where you bought the kite? My son likes it very much.” “We made it ourselves. 10 he likes,he can take it.” he said. ( ) 1. A. was B. am C. were ( ) 2. A. fall asleep B. get to sleep C. was sleeping ( ) 3. A. played B. was playing with C. played with

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( ) 4. A. woke me up B. woke up me C. woke up I Dear Dr Alice Green,

.I can’t get ( ) 5. A. try to B. tried to C. was tried to I have a big problem, and I need your help. These days I feel too upset(沮丧的) ( ) 6. A. In B. From C. On to sleep every night. ( ) 7. A. such nice a B.so nice a C. a quite nice This morning I got to school on time. I walked up and down(来回) at the school gate for

( ) 8. A. was flying B. flying C. were flying

( ) 9. A. to tell B. tell. C. telling ( ) 10.A. If B. When C. Whether (B) 请根据文章前后句的联系把字母所代表的句子还原到课文当中(只需把字母填入文章下面的题号后面)。(10’) Dear Sad and Thirteen,

It's not easy being your age, and 11. . Why don't you talk about these










problems, 12. .Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that 13. . Secondly, 14. ? You should explain that you don't mind him watching TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. 15. . Robert Hunt A. Why don't you sit down and communicate with your brother B. it's normal to have these feelings. C. I hope things will be better for you soon D. you should offer to help.

E. they have more time for proper communication

11.( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14.( ) 15.( )

II. 阅读技能。(三个部分,共20小题,计40分)

A) 判断正误。(共5小题,计10分。阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,判断文后各题正误。选填T或 F)

(A) 阅读下面短文,判断正(T) 误(F)。


a long time. It was already 8 o’clock. The first bell(铃声) rang. My classmates all went into

the classroom expect(除了) me. I feel I am under too much pressure from school and home. When I was six, my parents began to take me to all kinds of after-school classes. I work hard at all the lessons. I am too tired; I don’t get home until 7:00 pm every day. I work hard enough, but I failed in the last exam.

Now I don’t want to go to school at all. I don’t want to see my teacher. I like playing basketball and want to be a basketball player in the future. But my parents get angry with me,

and my grandparents don’t agree, either.

I need time and freedom to relax, and I want to plan my life by myself. Is that too much to ask? Now I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?

Yours, Peter ( ) 1.Peter has a problem and feels upset these days.

( ) 2. Peter didn’t get to school on time this morning,so he was late for class. ( ) 3. Peter gets home after 8:00 pm every day.

( ) 4.Peter’s parents don’t want the writer to be a basketball player in the future. ( ) 5.Peter doesn’t need time and freedom to relax.

B) 阅读选择。 (共10小题,计20分. 阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。)


It’s important for us to be healthy. But how can we keep healthy? First,you should eat fruit and vegetables three or four times a week. Then eat some tofu every day because it’s good for people, both the young and the old. Milk is also necessary(必要的),especially for women. So you should have milk twice a day. It can help you to be strong. Next, doing more exercise is better. You can do morning exercises or evening exercises. After supper you should

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take a walk.

( ) 6. You should eat_______ three or four times a week.

A. fruit and vegetables B. vegetables and mutton C. fruit and fish

( ) 7. Tofu is good for ______.

A. young people B. old people C. young and old people

( ) 8. Why do people have milk?

A. It’s delicious. B. It can help you keep strong. C. It’s bad for you.

( ) 9. You should have milk . A. four times a day B. five times a week C. twice a day

( ) 10. The passage mainly tells us__________.

A. how to keep healthy B. what health is C. how often you can eat tofu


Do teenagers in small villages do chores at home? How about the teenagers in big cities? We made a survey(调查). Here is a diagram (图表)of the result (结果)of our survey. We can know that teenagers from small villages do more chores than those from big cities. Our advice to parents in big cities is that parents should give their children some chores to do. Doing chores teaches teenagers to take care of themselves.

Chores 2000 teenagers in small villages 2000 teenagers in big cities Take out the trash 1600 1000 Sweep the floor 1200 850 Make the bed 1400 750 Do the dishes 1100 600 Fold the clothes 900 1500

( ) 11.They surveyed ______ teenagers from small villages.

A. 1,000 B. 2,000 C. 4,000 ( ) 12.There are l,000 teenagers from the cities who______.


A. take out the trash B.do the dishes C. make the bed ( ) 13. ______teenagers from the small villages sweep the floor. A. 500 B.1,200 C.2,000

( ) 14. The number of (...的数量)teenagers______in big cities is bigger than that in small villages.

A. making the bed B.taking out the trash C. folding the clothes ( ) 15. Why did they make the survey?

A. Because they don't want teenagers in China to do chores at home.

B. Because they thought it'Il help teenagers to take good care of themselves to do chores at home.

C. Because they wanted to know if teenagers in China do chores at home. C) 回答问题.


(D) Volunteers Needed

The City of Miami (迈阿密 )needs your help on Clean-Up Day! If you like to work

outdoors, you could help clean up our city parks or streets. These places have too much rubbish. If you like to work with children, you could babysit and play games with children when their parents help clean up the parks or streets. If you like to read stories, you could read to them, too. If you are artistic(有美术才能的), you could volunteer to paint the library or the post office. If you like to talk on the telephone, please call up ten people and ask them to come with you on Clean-Up Day. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(5分)

16.Which city needs your help on clean-up day?

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