课 题 - 东莞市先进学科组评选与展示平台 首页



课 题 Unit 5 Lesson2 Places for traveling (Reading) 于淼 1、知识目标:掌握下列问句及其答语 What’s the weather like in winter in Harbin? What can you wear in winter in Harbin? What’s Harbin famous for? What can you see in winter in Harbin? 教学目标 What can you do in winter in Harbin? 2、能力目标:1)、通过精读的方式重点学习哈尔滨,让学生了解这个城市的著名景观—哈尔滨的冰雕和冰灯,以及这个地方冬天的天气、气温、所穿服装以及可进行的活动; 2)、通过泛读了解我国其它地方,如四川、苏州、三亚、昆明和拉萨及各自的著名景观; 3)、学生能够通过本节课所学来描述自己最喜欢的地方,并能够写作文 1、掌握知识目标中的五个问句及其答语; 教学重点 2、分别通过精读和泛读的方式了解哈尔滨及我国其它地方的著名景观; 3、学生能够通过本节课所学来描述自己最喜欢的地方,并能够写作文 教学难点 学生能够通过本节课所学来描述自己最喜欢的地方,并能够写作文 教学准备 CAI;some pieces of exercise paper; words and sentences cards 学 过 Step1 Warming up Daily talk Teaching Procedures How are you, today? What day is it today? What’s the weather like? Step2 Lead-in Boys and girls, in this Women’s Day, I went to Huizhou with all the teachers in our school. Huizhou is famous for Mount Luofu and the West Lake. I climbed Mount Luofu and enjoyed the scenery of the West Lake. It was great! How was your winter holiday? Where did you go in your winter holiday? We know China is a large country. There are many beautiful places that are good for traveling. Now let’s go and have a look together. First, let’s go to a place and have a look. It is called “the City of Ice”. Which city is it? Where is it? Step4 While-reading a. Listen to the tape about this passage and think about the questions: 1) Which city is it? 2) Where is it? b. Let Ss answer the questions. 2.Second reading a. Let Ss read this passage by themselves in silence. And think about “What do you know from this passage?” b. Let Ss say out the information that they know after reading. And let Ss write them on the blackboard. Then teacher numbers them in order. And explains some new words. c. Let Ss ask some questions according to the answers on the Bb that they write on it. At the same time, show these questions on the Bb. 1) What’s the weather like in winter in Harbin? 2)What can you wear in winter in Harbin? 3) What’s Harbin famous for? 4) What can you see in winter in Harbin? 5) What can you do in winter in Harbin? 教 Step3 Pre-reading 程 1. First reading 学 3. Third reading pictures with the right sentences in group of four. b. Check the answers together. c. Let Ss read this passage loudly together.(朗读) Step5 Extension reading (skimming) 2. Let Ss point out these beautiful places in China. Step6 Post-reading 1. Look at the information and guess which places they are; 2. If you want to go traveling, which place do you like best? Why? Let Ss talk about it with their neighbors; 3. Let some students share the places they want to go traveling. Step7 Homework Write a short composition “My favourite place” 教 a. Group-work: Give Ss some pictures and sentences. Let Ss number the 过 程 1. Let Ss watch the video and find out the places in the text; Write short composition 作 业 “My 设 favorite 计 place” a Unit 5 Lesson2 Places for traveling Harbin ( Heilongjiang Province) nickname -- The City of Ice 板 What’s the weather like in winter in Harbin? very cold 书 What can you wear in winter in Harbin? 设 warm clothes, cotton cap, scarf What can you see in winter in Harbin? ice sculptures, ice lanterns What can you do in winter in Harbin? make a snowman, go skiing, go skating 计 What’s Harbin famous for? “The Snow and Ice Festival”

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